Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Elf King

The GM in the game refers to the meaning of the game manager. The role played by the GM is usually a problem solver, a virtual world police officer, and a person serving the players.

In addition, GM has the authority to kick people, mute, close accounts, unblock accounts, query and modify account registration information.

In other words, GM is the "daddy" of all ordinary players in the game.

Kuangsan took the GM account provided by Xiaohong and ran to the "World Tree" to play wildly. That night, there was a post on the forum that GM was looking for someone in the "World Tree" game.

"If you want me to tell, that GM is really shameless."

"That's it, how can you force pk? A tattered outfit, but the panel has twice the full level attribute, play a chicken!"

"Broken the game and eat jujube pills!"

"Complaints! I can be singled out by it in the guild today, what a hot chicken game!"

"I have a lot of krypton gold krypton, the customer service reply to me is... I did not find this GM account."

"Fuck it, isn't it, brother, the customer service dare to perfuse you like a superstar?"

"The role of the GM account is a human being, a junior straw clothes, no boots, no belts, a rusty iron sword, but the attributes of that'rusty iron sword''s desperate. "


Suzuki Satoru, who has been working all day, is also very painful. The only thing he can do when he comes home from get off work every day is to have some fun in the "World Tree", but he did not expect...a GM account to ask him to do it. Mandatory pk.

His various magic attacks on the opponent, quite a lot of it is forced-1 damage, and that GM...a iron sword completely returned his health to zero.

Isn't this a joke? What about GM's brain disease? Is it interesting to abuse these players?

Soon, this matter became more and more troublesome, because the users of the GM account were still rampant in the "World Tree", regardless of the emotions of the players.

Even the game company was very depressed. They even shut down the server to conduct a thorough investigation, but did not find any clues.

Even though the game company has given players a lot of compensation, there are still many old players who retreat because...they have been challenged too many times.

What's even more hateful is that when they attack the boss, the last blow will always be taken away by that GM account inexplicably!

"World Tree", the fire game, has gradually become scarce by relying on the power of madness.

When Kuang San used his GM account to walk through all the nine worlds of the "World Tree", he finally lost his interest in the game.

Empress Xiaohong helped her practice a lot of trumpets, such as the Holy Pope, the Elf King, the Night Killer, the Demon Hunter...

The game "World Tree" once reminded Kuang San of the poisoned milk powder in the fragments of Mo Xiao Zhenling.

After Xiaohong’s practice account is a multi-line operation, plus non-stop gold, those accounts are definitely the top accounts in the "World Tree".

Later, even Xiaohong Empress did not practice the number, she ran to other games to continue playing, because at this time, the nine worlds in the "World Tree" can be called ghost zones.

Kuang San has also observed several people who traveled with him. Some were imprisoned for theft, some became social animals at the bottom of the eight major complex enterprises, and some even starved themselves to death...

In short, if conditions permit, almost all of them have played the game "World Tree" according to the main god's prompt.

Tonight, "World Tree" officially shut down the server.

The main **** prompts again and asks the reincarnation to log in to the account and wait until the moment the game shuts down the server.

Just when the other Samsaras did not hesitate to log in to the account, Kuang San hesitated. Which account should she choose to log in?

The image of the GM account is a spoiled uncle, holding a rusty iron sword in his hand all day long... Kuangsan threw the GM account to Mo Xiao decisively.

As for other accounts, whatever happens.


At the same time, in the ninth-ranked guild "Ainz Ul Christine", Flying Squirrel has just bid farewell to his companion who is going to work tomorrow.

As a loyal fan of this game, he was a little confused. Flying Squirrel decided to wait until the game was closed.

But after the game is closed...what should he do?

Continue to commute every day, choose a new game and start over?

Flying squirrel is a little tired.

Because of the pressure in the compound company, his body is no longer young. This game... can it really continue to play?

At the last time, he watched the NPCs created by himself and his game partners again. For fun, Flying Squirrel adjusted the settings of Albedo, the master of the underground tomb of Nazarick.

Albedo is not a character created by flying squirrel. Its race is "little devil," with a level of 100, extremely evil attributes, and a justice value of -500.

She is a peerless beauty who always smiles, but her real body...

From the original creator's setting, Albedo, a peerless beauty, is a **** who can be in estrus for any race.

At this time, the flying squirrel, with Ling-like mood, changed the setting of Albedo’s "Slut Woman" to "love flying squirrel."

Then... the flying squirrel went through when it went black.


At the same time, in addition to the starving Samsara, everyone else followed.

Under Xiaohonghou's operation, when the human executives were shutting down the "World Tree" server and preparing to transfer the flying squirrel data to the "different world", an accident suddenly happened.

The data of the "other world" disappeared silently...

Kuang San knew that this was not the original world but a projection world in the main timeline of the last black universe.

For some reason, Suehei Universe also completely projected the other world, turning it into a real world.

And this world full of fantasy elements is not far from "Earth".

Humans on this "earth" are likely to be able to discover that planet suitable for human survival in the near future.

When the human army arrives in another will be very interesting.

Cannon ship or magic dragon, who is better?

Kuangsan opened his eyes, um...there is no ceiling.

"Ding~Master, I received a message from the Earth Subsystem that Suzuki Satoru is brain dead."

"So this is a real soul crossing?"

"I'm not sure." Xiao Honghou said rigorously: "It is also possible that the system read Suzuki Satoru's memory and personality, and merged him with the NPC named Flying Squirrel."

"The real Suzuki Satoru may have died the moment the service is closed."

"Is he still him?" Kuangsan asked.

"Five to five."

Kuang San sat up from the grass. At this time, she was wearing an emerald green dress, her figure was convex and concave, and she became extremely tall. Even the original double ponytails turned into silver waterfall hair, hanging straight down her waist.

Pointy ears are exposed from the hair, and the skin is white, and you can feel the rhythm of nature in every move.

There is no doubt that she is now "logging in" to the account of the "Elven King".

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