Titan Tour of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 658: : Worry of the Kingdom

On the other hand, Dalaran City, the magic pearl of mankind, after ending the war in Northrend, has now drifted back from the Northrend continent back to the Eastern Kingdom continent, staying in the original deep deep Over the pit, I was not about to land.

Under the rule of Archmage Luo Ning, Dalaran has now become an absolutely neutral faction. Dalaran welcomes alliances and tribes, or any neutral force to come to Dalaran for magical exchanges.

Dalaran ’s Master Training Course is also open to the world. As long as you pay enough tuition, anyone can come to study, regardless of identity and camp.

Of course, because it is located in the interior of Lordaeron, Dalaran is inevitably very close to the Northern Alliance. Lordaeron and Dalaran soon signed a series of friendly diplomatic treaties, only because they pursued The principle of absolute neutrality, so Dalaran could not join the Northern Alliance.

But I really want to talk about the camp tendencies of Dalaran. Everyone knows it clearly.

The Southern Alliance headed by the Storm Kingdom is naturally well aware of what is happening in the northern part of the mainland. Although the old opponents once stood up again, at least they will not be as tense and stiff as before. Queen Kalia is not Terena. The old king of Sri Lanka, Ronin is not the stubborn old thing of Antonidas.

As for the mainland hegemony, King Varian wanted to do the same, but he was definitely not stupid. Before there was no giant in the north of the mainland, it was better to say that if he is still thinking about what hegemony is on the mainland, then it is really on Terena Si's old path is gone, and he will perish.

Therefore, the Southern League also let go of this hegemony mentality and began to go back and concentrate on clearing up all kinds of miscellaneous internal problems, and no longer stared at the north.

After all, so many coastal areas have been affected by tsunamis and earthquakes, and disaster relief work in various places is enough to keep the storm kingdom busy for a long time.

The dwarven buddies of Ironforge are also not bad. Their boulder dam in Loch Modan has just been repaired and not long after. They are distressed about their shriveled wallet, but now they are being affected by a local earthquake. Half of it collapsed, and the emergency repair teams of dwarves and gnome were desperately repairing at the moment.

King Magni was going to scold her for this. It was our own death wings that destroyed the Boulder Dam. . . Well, he made a special trip to participate in the Jihad of Mount Hyjal for the sake of world justice. We recognized it and repaired it ourselves.

Now that the two timelines are merging, the wings of death from the established timeline of fate set off a tsunami, and then triggered the restlessness of the elements, further leading to continuous earthquakes everywhere.

So the Boulder Dam collapsed again!

In the final analysis, catching the culprit, but also stepping on the horse is the death wing!

Endless! what! Make trouble! Play it!

The dwarf buddies spur the wings of death in the international community, regardless of whether it is their own timeline or another timeline, anyway, it is you!

Your grandma has a spicy spicy chicken drumstick. Don't come to the Eastern Kingdoms in the future! We do not welcome you!

Oh, you have to count on Wing King to make a relevant answer. It is unrealistic. As a world-renowned biologist, hybridist, and mother dragon researcher in Azeroth, he now devours another of his own in the parallel world. Yijun ran back to the outer world again, and the dead house was in his ecological ship's nest, and continued to engage in his evil experiments that were not visible.

So for all the big news that happened recently, the dwarf brothers who originally liked gossip have no mood to pay attention.

The eternal dragon joins the Temple of Longmian and officially becomes the sixth giant dragon species to sit in?

Who loves who! It has something to do with us! Do you pay for our boulder dam!

As for the continent of Pandaria disperse the fog and rejoin the world?

Okay, I have n’t even seen one of the pandaren ’s shadows yet, and they ’re busy enough for a while on their own mainland.

There is also a group of Gilneas who have a very low sense of existence. I heard that they were traumatized by the werewolf plague, and finally they ca n’t hold it anymore, so they ran out to find help.

Uncle, my bird, you are so strange!

Again, whoever loves! Do you pay for our boulder dam!

Oh, when it comes to Gilneas, just like the attitude of the dwarf buddies, the messengers sent by them now also feel the bitterness of the long-term closed country.

The new nobles of Lordaeron, with their expressions of caring mental retardation, simply perverted a few words, and then sent away the two angels of the Gilneas civil war. They repeatedly tried to ask to see Queen Carlia.

This group of old antiques, still holding the political communication methods of the previous era, first attracted the nobility, and then organized the nobility to jointly report to influence the king.

And most importantly, Lordaeron has great resentment against Gilneas.

Oh, when you saw that the undead had been killed by the natural disaster, you didn't need to say that you withdrew from the Northern Alliance, closed the door, and ignored it, eating melons and watching the show.

Now that you have encountered something, you can't hold it, and you lick your face and ask for us?

It is true that Queen Kalia is kind and wise, but this does not mean that Her Majesty is a big fool!

You withdrew when the old Northern Alliance needed it most. Now why should we fight for your life?

Want arms support? Yes, buy it with money, we are not allies.

So Gilneas, the messenger group of both sides of the civil war, returned to the country in embarrassment.

King Jean and Lord Godfrey were both the initiators and promoters of the closed country. Now they have received the official reply from Lordaeron, and finally have to pay for their own mistakes.

And most importantly, the current rules of the game in this world have made Gilneas's seniors a little strange and confused.

Did the old routines work?

Have all those unspoken rules been abolished?

But now they don't have the time to think about it. After all, the full civil war and the war against the wild werewolves are enough for them to worry about.

But what worries Gilneas most is ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Now the world's largest imperialist army is already on its way to their territory.

"Border guards, listen!" Officers on the large ship of the Dark Empire were training.

"Encounter a wild werewolf, kill on the spot!"

"Meet the active attacker, shoot first, then ask questions!"

"Meet any target that is suspected of being hostile, shoot first, then ask questions!"

"Even if I dig the ground three feet and blow up the entire Gilneas to me, I still have to find the Moon Scythe and bring it back to Lord Elune!"

"For the glory of the empire!"

The deep purple ocean-going fleet has now entered the near-continental waters of the Eastern Kingdom continent and will soon reach the Kingdom of Gilneas.

This group of long-eared imperialists was murderous and armed to their teeth, preparing to launch a war of arrest on a foreign continent.

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