Titan Tour of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 166: : Expansion and Big Order

Heisuo has become very popular recently, and his hessian chaebol is rapidly expanding his influence towards all parts of the world, becoming the largest arms dealer.

Kalimson, the goblin city of Kalimdor, now owns nearly one-third of the company ’s shares and industrial investment.

And in the Goblin City's Goblin Bay in the Eastern Kingdom's mainland Stranglethorn Vale, he also recently began to extend his tentacles into this coastal trading center.

Originally, the rust water chaebol and the hot sand consortium were extremely ignorant of the upstart Heisuo, and believed that the black clansman's siblings were a group of radical murderous lunatics.

Inside the goblins, everyone knows that the black cable chaebol is a descendant of the same group of goblins who created the source armor for the wings of death. Their veins are very different from other goblins' thinking. They prefer war to gold coins. And killing, and the way to earn gold coins will always be extremely violent and bloody.

Look down, look down on you, but you ca n’t look down on them. Now the power of the Hesso chaebol is getting bigger and bigger, and it is beginning to buy and buy shares and industries in Goblin City. This poses a great threat to the original vested interests. After all, A chunk of their cake was divided.

But Hesso is very smart, he understands that all this is brought to him by his own Titan master, and if he wants to go further, he will never be able to do without the support of his master.

Therefore, Hesso desperately develops various arms weapons and engineering devices, constantly proving his value, so he is also increasingly valued by the Titan master, and even promises that as long as Hesso develops a cross-age war machine, he will Give him eternal life.

Eternal life!

Heisuo is really crazy, immortality means endless gold coins, means more explosions, means Heisuo chaebol will always be controlled by himself!

As for saying that eternal life is also a curse? Ha, Hasso said he was very willing to bear this curse.

At this moment, Hesso is located in Lordaeron, the first kingdom in the north of the mainland. He was invited by secret this time. It seems that Lordaeron wants to kick off the southern alliance and buy various arms and materials directly from the Hesso chaebol.

Of course, for this matter, Hesso immediately reported to his Titan master. Although he has a crazy personality, he is definitely not stupid.

If you do n’t have loyalty, then even if there are more gold coins, there is no chance to earn.

He saw with his own eyes a goblin employee trying to privately sell the elf's own internal weapons to the Northern Kingdom. The dark green evil flame suddenly spewed from the five senses, slowly burning the poor insect into a hard coke, and the soul It was drawn out and made into a soul stone in the hands of the warlocks in Stormwind City.

This Titan master is more terrible than the death wings of that year, no one can betray him, and no one dares to betray him.

The master gave him a list, which clearly wrote all the things that he could sell to foreign countries, but he added a bracket in the back, which wrote a foreign trade castration version.

Hesso carefully adjusted his luxurious and extremely vulgar clothes, and looked at the portrait of himself hanging on the carriage wall. It was he who spent 5,000 gold coins to invite the most famous painter of the storm kingdom Painted specifically for him.

The self in the painting is holding his head high and his eyes are very majestic. One hand is supported on the white ivory table, and the other hand is gathered in the abdomen position, which is completely a state leader's expression.

Slowly stepping off the carriage, the goblin bodyguards of the black cable chaebols were all wearing black sunglasses, wearing a black suit with Azeroth characteristics, holding a goblin musket, and were vigilantly surrounding the big boss of black cable, staring The wind around the grass moved.

The diplomat Lordaeron who came to greet was a baron with no fiefs and real power. At this moment, he smiled and looked at Heisuo who was walking slowly towards himself.

Vulgar! shallow! No connotation!

Look at your vulgar wear, black clothes are studded with gems, and ten fingers also carry ten diamond rings. The entire short body looks colorful, colorful, and dare to be more vulgar!

A treacherous black-hearted goblin was just lucky, and developed several useful arms weapons, which immediately turned into an upstart-like existence, these **** arms dealers.

But again thinking that Lordaeron was about to set aside the alliance and deal directly with this black-hearted arms dealer, the baron had to put on a smiling smile.

If Lordaeron lost this big list because of his own reasons, then his ending would be no better than those lowly kobolds. King Terenas could not tear himself alive.

"His Excellency Hesso, welcome to our Lordaeron. The banquet for you to pick up the wind and dust is ready. You will love our local customs and the enthusiasm of the people."

The goblins are all dwarfs, so the human baron had to keep his body as low as possible to be in line with Hesso's line of sight. After all, no one likes to be overlooked. Now he is asking for this uncle, so he should be respected more.

Hei Suo shook his head proudly, and all his stinky shelves were learned from the group of upper elves.

He lived in Stormwind City for a while, and he always wanted to improve his connotation and literacy. He also signed up with the human nobles to participate in the ancient noble training course organized by the group of upper-level elves, swindlers, and burned thousands. Gold coins.

Was originally a group of **** gadgets made out of black masters, and they didn't care if they came to learn whether they were humans or goblins.

Even if you are a kobold who lives in the Elwynn Forest, as long as you pay the tuition fee, we will guarantee to teach you a qualified "elder noble"

It is estimated that if Queen Azshara knew this, she would have to rush ashore with the army of Naga to find this group of elf elders desperately.

"The banquet is not necessary, just go to the topic, time is money." Hesso shook his head proudly, his eyes and nose facing the sky as if the road were in the sky.

The baron accompanied his smiling face ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ while cursing this despising person in his heart, thinking that he was a nouveau riche goblin.

Hesso will talk directly to King Terenas of Lordaeron and discuss the sale of arms by Lord Hesso to Lordaeron.

Don't look at the old king, but he has made the dream of reunification of the great powers of his life for a lifetime. Without experiencing the style of the former Thoradin emperor, Terenas is not reconciled to death.

Suddenly disturbed by the Southern League, it was a mess. The old king could n’t swallow this breath, so he attached great importance to this arms trade, as long as he got rid of the weakness that was tightly stuck by the League, Lordin Lun can get angry again.

Previously let your middlemen of this group of dog days earn a difference to make a difference, and now kick you directly, we directly look for wholesalers!

As for the final conclusion, Terenas is not worried about it at all.

After all, aren't goblins all the kind of snobbish creatures willing to do anything for gold coins?

With Lordaeron ’s immense financial resources, it is not a problem to let these goblins cooperate with themselves for a long time.

r /> So money is not a problem! As long as Heisuo chaebol is willing to put aside the alliance, the price is easy to say.

Compared to gold coins, the old King Terenas cares more about the face of his great power and the legitimacy of the first place. He ca n’t be caught by the southern country gangsters and loses his momentum.

After all, I have Lordaeron ’s own national conditions here.

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