"I, I lost again."

The two had already put the dragon away. into a big word, Iroh lying in the clearing. A little unwilling to say.

Looking at this woman who has been ruined, unclean, and a little gave up the ideal state of life. Feng Ling Chao wanted to rub his forehead.

Ah, sure enough, everything in a woman's mind is the most difficult to guess.

He would rather run over and merge with the prisoner dragon and suffer a painful fight together than guess a little bit of caution similar to a mad woman here.

His experience is not destined to be as rich as Xin Yun. People have played all over a city, and he has played all over a street at most.

Use age as your umbrella.

For seeing a woman's mind clearly, in his previous life, he seemed to be no less than solving an epic problem in the field of quantum computing.

He still decisively gave up thinking.

People around saw that these two had ended their brief friendly exchange.

They all gathered around and took a good look. The results are very obvious.

A certain little Shota was used to rub his head as a venting toy.

A certain rather unlucky enthusiastic mass was kicked out. Completely lose the face that is already left.

The scene was very chaotic at one point.

In the end, both sides made all the words clear. This completely lifted all doubts.

Feng Ling was chased and killed very badly for a while. An accident led him to join this mercenary group. In this regiment, he pioneered the novelty of tombs.

Quite a contribution to the team. Even if this kind of thing is unlucky, it can appropriately enhance team cohesion.

After all, this way of dying that can make you look more complete is more acceptable than dividing the corpse wilderness and giving your own corpse to the wild dragon to eat.

At that time, because he didn't shoot to kill the genius, he was stuck in Amethyst Samsung all the time. It also made some people in the group look down on him, and the latecomers prevailed over him.

After all, when he first joined the group, this kid was too arrogant.

And then the regiment commander extinguished the ambitions of those who did good with his own hands. Afterwards, the group leader, who was covered in purple, frantically asked this guy to donate his big treasure to satisfy his own selfish desires as retaliation.

There was no objection from all. This guy's dragon is a little too weird. It's so strange that everyone actually wants to use him as a treasure.

After all, everyone hates the old sixth, and everyone wants to be the old sixth.

When the team battle first started, there was a ban. The own long-range attack stood further away and was not affected, and the own close attack was prepared for a long time, so it was not afraid.

It's not too easy to fight.

For the birth of children, everyone is very open-minded. It's a bit overdone.

Those who are born without the ability to prey, raise a little, and when they have the ability, they fend for themselves.

This is the daily life of the children of the mercenary group.

But well, there's no need to say these things now. Everyone is moving things in a hurry.

Even the mei feminine who pretended to be dignified could not escape the clutches of the mercenary group.

If you don't attend a banquet, you can, but if you don't prepare, you can't.

For mercenaries, smoke will have a special meaning. It's a way to celebrate.

You can celebrate the money you've earned, you can celebrate that you've survived again, you can celebrate that you can get some small bargain again at this banquet, you can celebrate a lot of things.

Celebration is the theme of the banquet. Eternity.

Now a few little guys who are already busy and a little dizzy, a little scratching their heads.

So what about good travel training? Why do you always have the feeling that you have been tricked into working for nothing?

Pack up and prepare for the time to fly by. When the flame was lit, when the aroma of food wafted away, everyone laughed, opened up to drink, and opened up to eat meat.

At the meeting, the group leader came to be interested. Let Feng Ling take out the few tricks he is most familiar with to everyone.

Feng Ling's flute can't blow a song. But it's okay to blow a few minor keys. Even if it's intermittent.

In a cheerful atmosphere, everyone laughed around the fire.

It was one of the few moments they let their guard down. The unlucky brothers outside stared around with a somewhat nervous expression.

They were sentinels, and they didn't have a chance to attend this banquet. The sentinels of the banquet are on a rotational basis. Those unlucky bastards are destined to have a happy night today.

Drinking and having fun, when rising, dancing a song, a heroic sound comes out of the throat. Carefree. The song is over, the dance is over. A long laugh came from the heart. Uninhibited. Bliss for the world. Laughing at the childish girl. At the end of the feast, go to the account, drink and pillow animal skins.

The starry open-air dome, this view is extremely beautiful. It is a vastness that is rare to see in future generations. Rare magnificence.

Under the stars. In the camp of this mercenary group, the campfire rested, the catering stopped, and only a mess was left.

Feng Ling just sat like this, watching all this. Inexplicably, some poetry came, so I did these casually. I realized that I couldn't get on the table, and I was even exempt from chanting.

Next to them, two little girls with red faces sat very firmly. Lan Shu and Yan Qianying, the two of them were also poured a lot of wine.

There is no rule that minors cannot drink alcohol here.

Wine is a forgetful thing, who said that young people are worry-free?

Lan Shu was blowing the wind, and he always felt a little sober. Taking advantage of the wine, he boldly asked.

"Teacher, ah, I, until now, I still don't understand, you brought, I came here, what in the end, what do you want to train?"

She is usually very well-behaved. I never ask more, just look, see it, understand it, and think about it if you don't understand it. Will always figure it out.

She had a lot of fun at this banquet. Or rather, she has been playing since she visited the teacher.

This kind of thing is unimaginable to any student of Dragon Fighting Academy.

How many people are playing the sprint of their lives when you are playing?

Lan Shi felt that he had really relaxed recently. There is even a feeling of ignoring the things behind me and only caring about the people in front of you. Of course, there is no romance.

"You told me. The reason why you are in such a hurry. You are afraid. Heaven-shattering strength makes you see despair. You are caught in deep self-doubt. But no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you try, you can't see the slightest hope of defeating him. Is that right? "

The madness of alcohol is suppressed. Lan Shi forced himself to wake up as soon as possible. to return to normal thinking.

"Yes, teacher. I don't want my future to be manipulated, held hostage, bound by others, and planned by others. I want to live by myself. Even if I carry a lot of things for this, even if it will be very tiring. But I definitely won't give up. "

On the night of the visitor. Under the excitement of the heart. Lan Shu told Feng Ling about her current situation.

She became seriously confused about the strength of breaking the void. This is very normal.

When a person holds his spine high and stands tall, the humility of the past will become a disgrace for his life. When he returns to that feeling again, he breaks down because of it.

"Of all the cultivation systems and all the cultivation methods I know, no matter which one you face the heaven-breaking winning rate, it is


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