Audience, good evening! Hello friends who are waiting in front of this novel!

Today, the frontline reporter Prisoner Long will do several exclusive interviews and reports for you.

One day, the prisoner dragon had enough rest. Then I started looking for other pleasures. I had already received the memory of Feng Ling before, but I didn't look at it carefully. So she decided to flip through it carefully.

Prisoner Dragon: "Hey, I said you're a sister-control-?" It seems to mean this ha. "

Feng Ling was a little confused at that time. What do you do with this? He replied,

"Why are you asking that? And I don't recognize my sister or anything like that now.

Prisoner Dragon: "Not to say this. Didn't you share all your memories with me? I found that this guy of yours seems to have something wrong with his former sister. "

The Spirit Sealing People are a little bad. Wrong? What's wrong? He felt that he was right about his sister's state.

"Then wait a minute, wait a minute, you can make it clear first." I don't understand, why are you saying that? Brothers and sisters occasionally quarrel between each other, and most of the time brothers should care and care for their sisters, which should be quite normal. Prisoner

Dragon: "Your sister seems to be chasing stars, so you beat her and scolded her." Even if your sister usually makes you angry, you will slowly persuade and rarely lose this temper. Did your sister make you jealous because of her contact with this man? "

Feng Ling:"..."

Let's just say, is there a possibility?" It's that I hate star-chasing so much.

In addition, because my sister chasing stars and I hit my sister, does my sister have anything to do with whether I am a sister control?

Prisoner Dragon: "Ah, I found it. You seem to have a conflict with a female classmate, and then that female classmate is an avid groupie, leaving a psychological shadow on her, right? Wow, you're so weak. "

Feng Ling:"..."

Can you detect something from my attitude of not wanting to reply to you?" Can this black history be turned over or not?

He just wanted to talk back. The prisoner dragon started again.

Prisoner Dragon: "Speaking of which, Xin Yun seems to have idols." I haven't seen what you did with him? "

It's good not to mention this. At the mention of this Feng Ling's fist, it was a little hard.

(Afterwards, an unscrupulous Diamond Rank boss ran to find trouble with a Crystal-level Super Sect Master.) The reason is that the sect master should set an example, strengthen training, and have the determination and confidence to challenge the invincible opponent. While strengthening the cohesion of the team and the confidence of everyone in the sect, you can achieve the purpose of exercising yourself.

(Xin Yun wanted to cry, Xin Yun wanted to resist.) But the other party's ability is too restrained to him. Tossed him so badly, beat him up and left. Obviously, his rank is not even very afraid of many parts of the diamond steps. But there is no way to take the old pervert of Feng Ling. Back

to the present.

Feng Ling thought about it. Nodded, this kind of behavior, well, quite bad.

The prisoner dragon began to dig further into the black history of the other party. Chat with each other by the way, paralyze a bit.

Prisoner Dragon: "Speaking of which, do you have an idol?" Or the person you aspire to. Asked

here, Feng Ling was silent. How could it not be? Or that no child cannot have a hero in childhood, in his childhood.

"Yes." He always returned that he was telling the truth. There is no point in telling lies, the memories are all in the other party, so why do these excessive struggles?

He continued: "There are three. They are childhood, when they are teenagers, and when they are themselves who should be mature but have not yet matured. Let's look forward to three things. Even if it exists virtually, it feels beautiful because it can't be obtained or can't become. Speaking

of which, he also opened the chatterbox. Since this kind of thing can be said, it has been said over there.

"The first one is actually a pleasant goat. He is smart, occasionally has his own ideas, occasionally a little mischievous, but always positive. The body is also very good. Running is awesome. Very almighty, look,"

the prisoner dragon was silent for a moment. So he replied:

"So that's why you grew your hair on your forehead at that time, and you didn't let the barber cut it alive?" I heard that because of this, your grandfather also beat you up. What's the use of keeping something like a dog licked fur? "

Feng Ling now really wants to strangle the prisoner dragon. This guy never thought about what other people feel. Even if you expose people's scars, you can count them by pouring salt on them. What does it mean to take boiling water and blanch it?

He got angry and didn't want to talk back.

Black history is still being flipped.

The prisoner dragon is inflicting tons of explosive damage in an indifferent tone.

"The second idol. Oh, it turns out not an idol either. is a novel character named Xie Wendong. Sopranos. Wisdom, courage, blood coexist. Dark forces, I don't quite understand. Why do you have this urge to be his son?

"Then again, combined with your environment at the time, do you feel that the whole world has given up on you, so you have the idea of wanting to destroy the world?" You don't even have a decent assault weapon on your hands, what do you think? Also gangsters? It feels like punks can easily kill you, alas. "

Poof! This is not blood. It is self-blame and remorse for one's stupid and impulsive behavior.

"The third one, this one is a little too idealistic. Alicia, the perfect and flawless saint. People who love everyone. Because it is too perfect, it becomes your salvation in the virtual world.

While it's still raining, you run to a small park with no people. Go to the top? I feel that such words can be regarded as an oath under the nose of this heaven. Huh, it's disgusting. What you want to do for her. It's surprisingly serious. Just in front of her looking at her. After reading and optimistic about her life. What the heck? Oh, similar to believers, right? So, love the door? "

Aaaaah! Aaaah!

It was an afternoon that no one wanted to talk about again. I don't know why, the deputy sect master of Feng Ling was like crazy, and he went around to break in.

If someone stops me, I will let out a roar, saying that you are also here to laugh at me?

Later, all four major sect master-level figures appeared. He fought with him until 3 days before he gave up completely.

Later, I don't know what happened, it seems to be the deputy sect master, what important secrets have been leaked? And it's about reputation.

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