On the other side, this topic between brothers is closed.

Xin Yun was very happy that his idol agreed to join his team.

Now in addition to the original planner, there is also a diamond-level thug in his small team. It's just not too much in line with the high expectations of your heart. They laughed all the way back to the hut.

The plot prescribed here has been staged.

Several people in the cabin were still chatting happily. Suddenly, a pair of big feet kicked the door open fiercely, and a rough and slightly lazy voice sounded.

"What about the little ladies? Hurry out. It's time to pay today's protection fee. The

slightly lazy look was slightly stunned when he came to the room.

Feng Ling was just about to start the next topic. As a result, it was broken at this juncture.

Lan was also startled, and quickly got up in a panic, and was about to go up to talk and intercede. Say nice things and ask for some grace.

It's just that this time Feng Ling didn't even give Lan a chance. He just reached out and grabbed the man's neck, and then wanted to drag a dead dog. Drag it out the door. And close the door properly.

The next day. The entire Shanshui City shook. The Raptors Gang, which is quite famous throughout Shanshui City, has disappeared. A veritable ash.

Everyone is spreading the word about it. No one knew what kind of character had been provoked, which could make that terrifying fire burn all the people of the entire Raptors gang and all the belongings.

Ride on Ying Long. Silently hugged Yan Qiangying. Yesterday's fire was also a surprise to him. Feng Ling thought so.

Now he's out of there. There can be no oppression, there can be no oppression.

"Your mood is very uncalm, and your heart is like a storm, and I feel that I cannot be peaceful." Her voice appeared in her head.

"Now, there shouldn't be any more of that kind of thing, right? Don't be oppressed again, never, never. "It's his own voice.

"How would I know? Again, I haven't checked your memory. But what is oppression? Well, are you going to talk to me about something? "

She's always been a dragon who keeps her rules. As an extremely powerful dragon, it does not have the arrogance shown from the dragon.

"The life of a mourner. Do you want to see it? For now, it seems that there is no need to cling to the past. This time his voice became very humble. It's like whispering, kowtowing and pleading.

He is a tragedy. But there are many people in the world who are more tragic than him, and this sets off him less tragically.

When he was seven years old, his parents divorced. He lost a mother who had been with him. Even if this thing is wrong, it can basically be blamed on the mother. No man can accept betrayal from his wife.

Fatherhood is not so responsible. Loved to wander around, and after only a year, he got another mother.

My father was a wanderer, but he had his own ideas and opinions. But this mother treated him very badly, really, very badly.

But that's okay, he never lived on his father. He relied on his own grandparents. Even the cost of living is taken from grandparents. His grandparents' income came from his uncle.

Uncle is a very honest man. He had hoped that his father would be his uncle. But, never.

He grew up in this deformed family. They gave him the truth of being a man of integrity. But he was telling him the price of integrity with his body and deeds.

A child born of such a family. Either have your own opinion, extreme self-improvement, or do not have the slightest assertiveness, extreme cowardice.

He is the latter.

22 years old. When everyone realized that his marriage could no longer be delayed, they finally began to worry.

24 years old. He and his wife had been married for three months, she told him. She is expecting.

25 years old. Looking at his child, he suddenly had a sense of responsibility, and suddenly had a sense of direction for the foggy future.

At the age of 28, bad news came from home. Grandma did not carry it. This has not yet brought up his own little great-grandson. Bring it to kindergarten. And left. He went back crying and fainted at the funeral.

29 years old. This time it's Grandpa. But the curse is not alone. The factory where he worked closed down. For a while there was no source of income. He wanted to find someone to talk to, and only when he took out his phone did he remember that he had no friends.

He wanted to cry with his loved ones. But when I looked back, I saw left and right, and none of them were relatives. The man who loved him the most in the world is gone. Only now did he understand. It turns out that he is like this. The last shred of his obsession with living is gone.

He did not attend his grandfather's funeral, and this one kept himself in his arms. Holding the 12-year-old, he did not see him for the last time. Everyone was scolding him for being unfilial and calling him a white-eyed wolf.

He had a fight with his wife. Quarrels between them became more and more frequent. He looked downstairs at the car and looked at the house. Suddenly there was an idea.

He continued to follow his father's ideas. I went to find another job, only this time the family's money was no longer all given to my wife. He kept a portion of it himself.

He often came back very late and late.

Two years later, he began going to the hospital every other month for medical checkups. His luck has always been bad, very bad.

But this time he was too lucky, very good.

It took him a year to get that test sheet.

When he received the test sheet from the serious doctor, his hands were too excited, excited and constantly shaking.

Like crazy, I found the roof of a building, put the test sheet on the roof, and jumped straight down.

That's how he came up with it. He did not learn to resist until the end.

On that rooftop. On the test sheet blown by the wind, there were three words that he had been looking forward to for too long.


he crossed. Came to this world of dreams.

It seems that those shackles can be freed.

He does not cherish life very much, but he meets a dragon who cherishes life very much.

He vomited from the very beginning because he was afraid of killing. Until every time I kill someone, I will laugh maniacally because of excessive excitement. Until later it was silently calm. It's only been two years.

He became more and more like the people of this world. However, he turned his head to look at the gentle smiling woman on the side. There is an affinity in her. Make him want to give it a try. Just once.

"Hello, Ming Xuan's mother. I'm actually younger than you. So, I'm just saying that is, can you be my sister? Is it okay for us to be a pair of god siblings? He

was greeted by a silence.

This is where he came here. Fourth year.

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