Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3040: The Golden Seal Alchemy Book is actually a carrot

 The Great Khan may be a title created by the Western Xianbei who wanted to get rid of the old imprint and become a new inheritance independently.

 From the time of Tuoba Xianbei in history, to the Northern Wei Dynasty, Shanyu became a Khan.

 Then the titles of various Khans were flying all over the place...

 It's just that the title of Khan is not accepted by everyone. If you don't accept it, you won't have much awe.

Among the crowd, the twenty or thirty guards around Qifu Hegan drew their swords one after another, and a series of people brought by Suli also took action.

One moment it seemed like they were calling each other brothers, holding kumiss to each other and saying hello, hello, me, hello, everyone, and the next moment it was you and me **** each other, holding up big and small knives, fighting in a ball!

Many people even discovered that the guy opposite also had a sharp knife hidden in his arms!

 The two sides immediately became entangled, and blood and wine flew together!

 The desert looks big, and it seems that all the people in the desert are broad-minded, but in fact they are not. As long as we are human, we have human nature, and greed and cruelty in human nature are inherent. If there are no moral and legal constraints...

And in the desert of the Han Dynasty, is there such a thing as morals and laws?

Many people rushed towards Qifu Heqian, but Qifu Heqian was still quite brave. He roared and chopped down these people one by one to the ground.

Su Li on the other side was also waving a sword, and the drunkenness on his face seemed to have disappeared long ago.

Su Li himself was a veteran in Xianbei, and he was calculated mentally and unintentionally, so he was caught off guard. In the midst of the screams, countless of Qifu Hegan's subordinates and confidants fell down due to sudden changes.

But as time goes by, when the Xianbei people directly under Qifu Hegan around the king's tent react, they will in turn besiege Su Li and others. After all, Su Li and others' troops are also on the periphery, and it is impossible to bring them with them. Bring a large number of people to the area around the king's tent.

Suli waved his sword and shouted: "Get Qifu Hegan quickly!" 』

Before Su Li finished speaking, Qifu Hegan roared and rushed over. Qi Fuheqian hated Su Li so much that at this moment, his sword was shining brightly and he was heading towards Su Li's place!

Su Li was old and did not dare to fight head-on with Qi Fu He. He just fought and retreated under the protection of the guards. Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by Qi Fu He, he grabbed the one beside him without hesitation. A barbarian guard pushed to where Qifu He was doing!

The Hu guard died immediately under the knife of Qifu Heqian, but after only blocking for a moment, Suli successfully retreated to the crowd further back.

Seeing that Qifu Hegan's pursuit of Su Li failed to achieve any results, most of the other tribal leaders also reacted and stayed here to watch what Qifu Hegan and Su Li did to each other. Be careful that they themselves would be implicated. Hurry up. Escape from this place and return to your own tribe is the right thing to do!

Immediately, these tribal leaders dispersed almost at the same time. Some shouted and headed east, while others silently pressed their hats and headed west, and some did not forget to take the sheep in their hands when they ran away. The legs were waving and smashing forward.

At this time, the Xianbei people who were directly affiliated with Qifu Heqian gradually came to their senses and began to gather towards the king's tent. The manpower left by Su Li on the outside gradually became a little unable to stop him...

Seeing this, Qifu Heqian laughed and said, "I am the Great Khan!" The Great Khan transformed from Lingfu! God bless you! You traitor wants to murder me, it's just a wishful thinking! Tell me, whoever can take the head of old ghost Suli, I will make him the commander of Wanqi! 』

Su Li in the crowd also laughed, "You self-proclaimed fool, do you really think I am the only one who opposes you?" 』

Qi Fu Heqian had some brains after all, and he immediately reacted, trembling and breaking out in cold sweat!

He grabbed the confidant beside him and shouted: "Let the people outside..."

Before Qifu Hegan finished his instructions, he had already felt the vibration on the ground. Immediately, the Hu herdsmen in the distance were running around wailing, and in the light and fire, the flag of Cao Jun was also in the night. show out!

Qifu Heqian’s pupils shrank!

 It feels like time is almost frozen at this moment!

 The next moment, the shouts of Cao Jun’s cavalry shattered Qifu Hegan’s dream, “Qifu Hegan violated the covenant! Only kill Qi Fuheqian, and don’t care about others! Anyone who dares to stand in the way will be killed! 』

 At the other end, Su Li laughed, "Did you hear that?" ! All crimes were committed by one person! Kill Qifu Hegan! 』

In the middle of the king's tent, the Su Li people surrounded the people begging for Fu Heqian, and around the king's tent, the people begging for Fu Heqian surrounded the Su Li people. And a little further away, Cao Chunzheng led Cao's soldiers. Come straight to the king's tent!

Qifu Heqian wanted to plot against the Han people in the east and west, and for Cao Chun, there was no problem in plotting against Zhao Yun in the west, but trying to bite him in turn was absolutely unforgivable. If Qifu Hegan is the vanguard obediently, Cao Chun will naturally be able to say anything. He needs weapons for weapons, armor for armor. As long as Qifu Hegan works honestly and hard, these soldiers, armor and food will be a trivial matter. But now Qifu Heqian not only took the soldiers' armor and food, but also acted dishonestly. He also wanted to ride on Cao Chun's head and play with Cao Chun. How could Cao Chun endure this?

So Suli passed through Gao Ai's men and took a breather. Cao Chun immediately gave up Qifu Hegan and made an alliance with Suli without saying a word.

 For Cao Chun, he didn't care whether he was the commander of Qifu Hagan or the commander of Suli. He just wants a good hunting dog, no matter whether the hunting dog is yellow or black, whether it is called Wangcai or Laifu.

For Qifu Hegan at the moment, if only Suli was making trouble, he could still be confident that he could suppress it, but now that Cao Jun is coming, Qifu Hegan has no good solution. The current Xianbei Alliance was originally temporary, and many of the superior and subordinate relationships had not been fully clarified. Qifu Heqian wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of victory to straighten things out, but before he could use any means, Suli became old. Ghost spirit, it’s just the opposite!

Hence, Qifu Heqian couldn’t stay any longer.

At this time, the shouting and charging sounds from the outside are getting closer and closer. The galloping war horses knocking on the ground, trembling and roaring, everyone knows what it means. Even if he begs Fu He to kill Su Li in the king's tent, he will What can be done? When Cao Jun rushes in, begging Fu Heqian will also be dead!

 At the king's tent, they all fought on foot. Whether it was Qifu Hegan or Suli, both groups had no horses. This is normal. After all, who would sit around a campfire with horses and a large group of people drinking wine and eating meat? If the horse can't help but take a dip or something, will the wine and meat still taste good? This was originally Qifu Hegan's reliance, because according to convention, it was Qifu Hegan and his men who controlled the war horses. As long as people like Xuanli couldn't get the horses, Qifu Hegan would win in the end.

Now that Cao Jun has entered indiscriminately, Qifu Hegan's advantage has been wiped out. Moreover, if Qifu Hegan himself fails to mount his war horse, he will almost be dead! So Qifu Hegan could only continue to let others kill Suli, but he immediately withdrew and prepared to join his men. The most important thing was to get on the horse!

After all, only a barbarian who is mounted on a horse can be considered a complete body. A barbarian who is dismounted? Let alone a barbarian. Even a medieval knight in plate armor is nothing more than a can of meat when he falls off his horse. He can easily use a knife to cut meat. Can you pry it open...

As Qifu Hegan retreated, Suli immediately seized the opportunity and started shouting. But Qifu Hegan did not dare to delay or respond, causing the morale of Qifu Hegan's men in the king's tent to plummet.

As Qifu Hegan walked out, his men were shouting, "Great Khan, Bald Deer is dead in battle..."

   『Everyone in the Souchong tribe is courageless and unreliable! They all ran away! 』

"Mo Huba's people also ran away, so as to avoid misunderstanding..."

Qi Fu Heqian's hands and feet were a little cold and even a little weak.

 He knew something was wrong.

Su Li hooked up with the Han people, and why did he also get angry with Mo Hu and other tribes!

To Suli Mohuba and others, Qifu Hegan is like an outsider!

In the eyes of Su Li and others, Qifu Hegan is just a branch from Xianbei in the west. In the end, it got the name of Lingfu, just to be superior to Su Li and others?

If Qifu Heqian really had some sophisticated strategy, then that would be fine. In the end, it was just a simple strategy to sow discord. Do you really think that the Eastern and Western Han people would be as obedient as Qifu Heqian expected? First, they let the Bald Deer and the Rilu Family hold back the Han forwards, but when they saw the advantage, they rushed forward with their direct subordinates. Although it was true that the trophies were distributed to the leaders of each tribe, those previously obtained from Cao's army What about the items that came?

How could Suli not understand this kind of fake method of taking advantage of it and giving some sporadic favors?

 Too careless!

 For a period of time, things seemed to be going smoothly, which made him careless!

He gritted his teeth and was speechless for a moment.

Qifu Heqian defeated Xiahou Shang before, so he felt that Cao's army was no more than this, so he naturally expanded and felt that he could sweep the world. However, Su Li and others had always fought against the Han people, so Su Li When others know that the Han people are not so easy to deal with...

However, Qifu Heqian was still a bit angry. Although he knew that he was careless, he still would not give in easily. He gritted his teeth and took a spear from the guard on the side, and then waved it, "What are you afraid of?" When we first started, there were only a few people? How many people are there now? These **** traitors have disgraced the people of Shiwei! God will not protect them! Follow me! Gather the people first, and then quell the chaos! This desert still belongs to us, and these traitors cannot change the world! 』

 This last sound, Qifu Hegan almost roared out, and it immediately calmed down the emotions of the surrounding guards. The guards also followed, shouting the name of Lingfu who begged Fu Heqian, and rushed out...

    Great Khan! Great Khan! 』

 A series of voices came from one side. Qifu Hegan turned his head, only to see Rilu family members waving their arms aside anxiously.

    Great Khan! The Han people are coming from over there! Go here! ” The Riku family pointed to the side far away from the bright fire in the dark night and shouted, “This is the safest place! 』

Qifu Heqian looked back at the place where the fire was rising and nodded. At the same time, he still felt a little relieved. After all, even if Su Li and others ran away, there would still be people on his side... The fire was blazing behind him. , and there was darkness in front of him.

Logically speaking, this direction was far away from the fire and should be safe. However, before Qifu Heqian could walk a few steps, he suddenly felt a little creepy and his steps were unavoidably slow. But before Qifu Heqian could notice anything, I heard a sudden sound of bowstring vibrating in the darkness!

 Arrows are coming roaring!

Qifu Heqian and the others were completely unprepared, and were immediately shot down by arrows as if they were cutting grass!

Qifu Hegan was the focus of the fire. Even if he subconsciously stopped his steps, he was inevitably hit by two arrows!

    There is an ambush! ” The Rilu family members following Qifu Hegan shouted loudly, “There is an ambush! quick! Come up! Protect the Great Khan! 』

Hearing the Rilu Family's shout, Qifu Heqian's original doubts could not help but shrink by three points. He struggled to get up and instinctively staggered towards the Rilu Family.

The Rilu family members also ran over with their backs bent, and supported Qifu Hegan, with a bit of urgency on their faces, "Great Khan... Great Khan, you... you are injured..."

Qifu Heqian was about to say a few strong words, but unexpectedly, he felt heartbreaking pain from the wound where he was hit by the arrow!

Qifu Heqian wanted to scream, but unexpectedly, his mouth became stuffy and was tightly covered by the Rilu Family!

 It’s really heart-wrenching!

The Rilu family took advantage of the fact that Qifu Hegan's guards were attracted by the archers in the darkness. They covered Qifu Hegan's mouth and nose with one hand, and with the other hand they shot Qifu Hegan's chest and abdomen. The arrow shaft on the top was stabbed in hard!

Originally, the arrow did not penetrate very deeply into the flesh, but after being stabbed so hard by the Sun and Land family members, it was immediately stabbed directly into the inner cavity!

Qifu Heqian couldn't scream, but his muffled voice was covered up by the screams around him.

At this moment, Qifu Hegan suddenly discovered that the humble and submissive expressions on the Rilu family's faces were gone. The triangular eyes were about to rise, leaving only ferocity and coldness, and the yellow and black teeth were close to the eyes. "Great Khan, I'm taking care of you...are you still comfortable..."

Feeling Qifu Hegan's tense body gradually softening, the Rilu family let go of their hands, and shouted as if in panic, "Great Khan!" What's wrong with you, Great Khan? quick! Hurry and carry the Great Khan on your back and head over there! I'll stop the pursuers for you! 』

 Ri Lu's family members grabbed a guard of Qifu Heqian and pushed Qifu Heqian against the guard.

When the guard touched Qi Fu He Gan's body, he was startled. He knew something was wrong with Qi Fu He Gan. In addition, with the Rilu family shouting like this, he didn't care much and quickly called his companions. Qi Fuhe stood up and ran away.

Ri Lujuan led some of his men and rushed toward the darkness, shouting. After a while, the sound gradually disappeared, as if they were all killed by the pursuers.

The remaining guards of Qifu Hegan were so frightened that they did not even dare to look back and fled in a hurry...

After all these people had fled away, the Rilu family slowly got up from the ground, and then looked at Mo Huba who emerged from the darkness, and then his eyes fell on the hunting bow in Mo Huba's hand. He chuckled, "Master Mo Hu is really good at archery!" 』

Mo Huba also laughed, and then handed over the hunting bow to his men, "Oh, you are not good at archery, don't you think you didn't hit anything?" 』

Ri and Lu family members laughed along with him, and seemed to always be so humble and respectful.

The chaotic night will eventually pass. At dawn, the smell of blood has not dissipated, and the original king's tent has already changed its owner.

 Cao Chun sat at the top.

 Suli and others are located below.

If it weren't for the chaotic objects and **** mutilations around it, one might have thought that Cao Chun had hosted the banquet last night.

 Cao Chun saw the head of Qifu Hegan placed in front of him.

As for the Qifuhe cadres who came from the west, they were all dead, and they were divided. Cao Chun got some war horses, and the remaining population made every tribe eat well.

  In fact, Qifu Heqian came a little earlier.

If Tuoba Xianbei was not dead yet, then Qifu Heqian had to wait until Tuoba Xianbei went south to occupy the north, and then gradually expanded in the north. Of course, Qifu Heqian had more experience in struggle at that time. Some…

At this stage, Su Li and others are all veteran killers who have been around for many years. Seeing that Qi Fu Hegan was arrogant and stunned, they dug a hole silently.

Su Li, who had dealt with the Han people for many years, understood that it was impossible to confront the Han people head-on at this stage, so he was unambiguous when he sold Qifu Hegan, and he also reaped benefits at the same time.

 Cao Chun glanced at Su Li and forced a smile.

At that time, Su Li was the one who attacked Yuyang. Now, as the general stationed in Yuyang, he wants to reward Su Li. Sometimes I think about it, which is really ironic.

However, there was a tradition in the Han Dynasty to gather surrounding ethnic minorities and use them as leaders of Hu herdsmen.

 And Cao Chun really needs some cannon fodder and helpers right now.

Although killing a Xianbei "Great Khan" is indeed a big achievement, in comparison, what Cao Chun wants to capture more is Changshan New City!

 ‘Hehe…’ Cao Chun waved and asked the guard to take out a gold seal and a scroll, ‘Su Li Chanyu, this is the gold seal and elixir volume given by the emperor! 』

 The album is written in cinnabar, so it is called an alchemy album. There are patterns and carvings on the silk, which makes it extraordinary at first glance.

The golden seal is a Han-style seal with a ribbon, which is square. A gold-carved turtle spreads its legs, lies on the square seal, and slightly raises its head. Although the Han Bada pursues artistic conception and advocates simplicity, it is also lifelike.

Su Li was so happy that she couldn't see her teeth. She hurriedly stepped forward and kowtowed to the south. Then she thanked Cao Chun and took the Golden Seal Alchemy Book...

Mo Huba and others congratulated Su Li again.

Cao Chun smiled, his smile a little fake.

This Golden Seal Alchemy Book seems to be the same thing, but in fact it was all done by Cao Chun himself. Thinking about it, I understand that it is good to make it in such a short time. There is no time to register it with the emperor, so in fact, it looks no different from the real thing, but in fact, the effect is about the same as a carrot seal.

However, if Changshan New City is really captured, it is naturally not impossible to replace the carrot seal with a real registered one...

Cao Chun waited for these people to calm down a little, and then he ordered in a deep voice: "Immediately take the lead in clearing up the scattered tribes, and in three days we will raise troops to go south!" Under the emperor's order, destroy the rebels! If you can conquer Changshan New City by then, you will definitely be rewarded! 』

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