Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2955: Dangxuan cooks Qiang and cooks, and the country is beautiful in the late days

  Chapter 2955 Dangxuan Cooking and Qiang Cooking, Chi Ri Jiangshan Li

   Qiang cooking is not a problem.

  Preparing ingredients, charcoal fire, copper pot, etc. are all simple.

   Zao only is not a problem.

  The autumn harvest has come to an end, and Zaoyi has also got a rare leisure time in a year. It is not as busy as in spring, and he is always on call.

   So the question is Shandong?

  The fat black bird shook his head and smiled, "No. 』

   And Zaoyi, who was sitting by the side, nodded in agreement after hearing what Pang Tong said.

"oh? ’ Fei Zhen’s eyes widened, ‘Shandong’s plan to attack Chang’an is... not a problem? 』

  Pang Tong watched the servants bring the Qiang stew into the stone pavilion, and he laughed, "It's a long story... talking while eating, talking while eating..."

  The three of them moved to the stone pavilion in the small courtyard. The curtains were on three sides, and the Qiang cooking was steaming in the middle, but they didn't feel the autumn wind was bleak.

  『Put the meat first and moisten the pot. Pang Tong chuckled, took his chopsticks, knocked on the side of the plate, and chanted, "You stay in the dry, drink in the words." Load fat and jurisdiction, and return the car with words. Trent is as good as Wei, not flawed and harmful... Let me ask you, my son, where is the country of Wei in today's world? 』

  『Weiguo? ’ Fei Zhen froze for a moment.

   Can this still be a good meal? !

  You fat black uncle, did you intentionally create a difficult problem for me, and then take the opportunity to grab meat?

  But immediately felt that Pang Tong would not be like this.

  『The people in Guanzhong, forty-five out of ten, were not born here, but grew up here. ’ Pang Tong chuckled, then raised his chopsticks, pointed to himself, and then pointed to Zaoyi, “Where can I feel at ease, girl Wei?” How to be a hometown in another country? 』

   Fei Zhen's face became serious.

The state of Wei is a vassal state with the surname of Ji in the Zhou Dynasty. Its capital is Chaoge. The first monarch is Kang Shufeng, the ninth son of King Wen of Zhou. Among the vassal states surnamed Ji, it was the last country to perish.

It's just like…

  『Shi Yuan, let’s talk about this now…』Zao Zhi put some meat on the side and put it in the copper pot,『Is it a little early? 』

  Pang Tong smiled and said: "The world is like a furnace, and now Shandong new charcoal is coming. The meat in the cauldron is like leaping like leaping, when will it be eaten?" 』

  Zaozhi pondered slightly, then nodded, "Yes. 』

  Then Zaoyi stopped talking and concentrated on blanching the meat, then spooned some into Fei Zhen's bowl, "Thinking while eating..."

   Give some more to Pang Tong, "Come, the beauty of ointment, your favorite..."

   Finally, I spooned it into my own bowl, and there was not much left, and there were even some incomplete and broken pieces of meat.

  Pang Tong happily picked up the fat and thin slices of meat, then dipped some icing sugar, stuffed them into his mouth, and his eyes narrowed in satisfaction...

Fei Zhen looked at Pang Tong, looked at Zaozhi, looked at the boiling water vapor in the Qiang boil, and then looked at the sliced ​​meat in her bowl, suddenly seemed to think of something, but couldn't grasp the point, frowned, and couldn't help it. Not in the mood to eat meat, thinking hard.

  Pang Tong finished eating, and squinted at Fei Zhen, seeing that he hadn't figured it out yet, he was not in a hurry, but stretched out his hand towards Zaozhi, "Here, the spoon and a certain one." 』

  Zaozhi smiled slightly, without speaking, and handed the spoon to Pang Tong.

  Pang Tongtong did not distribute the second round of meat slices to others. Instead, he scooped up all of them and piled them on his own plate, as high as a hill.

   Fei Zhen was dumbfounded, and after a while, Fang thought about it.

  The jujube on the side continued to slice the meat.

  The water in the copper pot is gurgling.

  The thin slices of meat are undulating, and quickly change from bright red to pink in the soup...

  Pang Tong handed the spoon to Fei Zhen, and said in a slightly deep tone, "Now, when you are in charge of the spoon..."

  Fei Zhen took the spoon in a ignorant manner, looked down at the spoon, then at the inside of the pot, then at Pang Tong and Zaozhi, and suddenly shouted, "Hand the spoon!" The person in charge of the spoon should be responsible! 』

  Pang Tong laughed, and Zaoyi also laughed.


  Pang Tong nodded with a smile at first, and then used his chopsticks to pick out a piece of thin meat, and said: "This meat is too thin, I don't like it." 』

  The jujube on the other side also picked out a piece of the freshly divided meat, "This meat is too fat, I don't like it." 』

  Fei Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Let's exchange them!" 』

  Pang Tong laughed, put down the meat, and exchanged it without saying the truth, and said slowly, "Planning and fighting are the most important things, and soldiers are used to injure the enemy. Everyone knows it." However, to defeat the enemy with wealth, there was Guan Zhong in ancient times, and now there is a lord. Shandong also learns... But, ha ha... The person in charge of the spoon, the way of checks and balances is between this more and one less, one evil and one good. Three people share food, and they also have likes and dislikes. However, there are millions of creatures in the world, each with their own likes and customs. 』

  Zaozhi said on the side: "Back then, under the deer mountain, the lord questioned us based on this theory, but we couldn't answer, so we asked what the lord should do." The lord laughed loudly and said, "If one pot can stew the whole world, if you share more or less, you will not be happy. If you overeat and overeat, you will settle disputes. It is better to increase it. Cook the world and the eight wastes, and you can eliminate hundreds of years of troubles. "Looking at it now, it should be like this. 』

  『Cook the whole world, cook the eight wastes? 』Fei Zhen's eyes were shining, she was full of emotion and envy, and even had the feeling that she wished she could give birth sooner, so that it would be just the right time. It's a bit like a child looking at the beautiful photos of their parents' wedding dresses and feeling envious. How could they not have taken photos with me back then?

  Pang Tong saw that the meat in Fei Zhen's bowl was getting cold, so he picked it up, passed the hot soup in the pot again, and then served it to Fei Zhen, telling him to eat it quickly.

   Fei Zhen lowered her head, and while she was gobbling, she pricked up her ears, listening to the chat between Pang Tong and Zaoyi.

"During the time of Han Wu, the Xiongnu was also ruled by the law of salt and iron. Although there is a momentary gain, it is difficult to gain a lifetime. But it cannot be destroyed... why? Pang Tong said, "This is for the benefit of the upper and lower, and each is different." 』

In the history of China, not only the Han Dynasty banned the delivery of ironware, salt, tea and other materials to the Xiongnu, but even many subsequent farming dynasties in the Central Plains also prohibited the sale of ironware to nomadic peoples on the grassland. For example, in addition to the famous sea ban in the Ming Dynasty, The sale of ironware is also banned in the desert.

   It's just that such a ban on sales is generally useless.

   After all, Shanxi merchants in the Ming Dynasty made their fortunes by relying on the court's ban. There are also rich people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang who are also relying on the forbidden sea to make money. So it is inaccurate and incomplete to say that Houjin received funding from Shanxi merchants. The biggest and most important traitors in the Ming Dynasty are still those officials who sit on the heads of merchants and the separatist generals who are paid.

  Of course, smuggling is a felony, and one cannot be exonerated by claiming that one is the white glove.

  But those people hiding behind the merchants are the real culprits.

   You must know that ordinary water travelers will be investigated if they carry one or two more machines. Without the acquiescence of officials and the release of border troops, large-scale smuggling can really be done by anyone who wants to do it?

  What the emperor wants to do is not what the courtiers and officials want to do.

  Similarly, how many middle management people think it is necessary to do what Fei Qian and Cao Cao want to do now?

  『During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Guan Zhong's strategy could defeat other countries, but it could not control Bei Rong. Zaozhi said with a smile, "It's the difference between places." Guan Zhong lured Lu Lu with a lot of money, and Chu State bought deer, and Dai State bought foxes, all of which were controlled according to local conditions. The same is true of Shandong, the northern region. My lord travels in the Northern Territory of Shandong in business, but there is a difference... Well, this meat is not bad...』

  Separatist warlords are themselves stronger and more powerful clans, and they can easily go the old way.

Once it really becomes a separatist regime and the various families close their doors to fight, it may become the state of the Warring States Period again, and the countries hate each other. Even after the unification of Qin, the resentment accumulated over decades and hundreds of years will not be destroyed. It will not disappear immediately because of the unification of national power.

  "Students from Shandong are only called their clan," Pang Tong nodded and said, "However, there are also disputes within the clan, which are enough to separate them." 』

It's like the three brothers of Zhuge in history, each of whom was involved in one side, and then someone made it up to say that the Zhuge clan conspired to seek the world, but in fact it was because the interests of the gentry were not necessarily unified, and the choices among individuals of each gentry were also different. It may not all be consistent. The behavior of the three Zhuge brothers is more like diversification of investment. In troubled times, they can protect their own family from a wave of old and young families. Conspiring to plot the world is basically nonsense.

   There is no such condition.

   It takes a year for a letter to pass, and by the time the information of the mutual conspiracy reaches the other party, the day lily will be cold. Therefore, among the factors that determine their personal behavior for these gentry children of the Han Dynasty, party interests are not the biggest factor, let alone the only factor.

"In the northern region, there are a lot of animal husbandry, fishing, hunting, and picking, and they often barter. The land is vast and sparsely populated. The tribes govern independently, and there are many alliances and few subordinates," Pang Tong said again, "and the land of Shandong is prosperous and prosperous. , It has flourished since Guangwu, and it has been nearly two hundred the lord sells goods in the northern region, but uses coins in Shandong...』

   This produces a very interesting phenomenon.

  『The people in Shandong know that the harm is not limited to Cao Mengde and Xun Wenruo, but what should they do? Zaozhi sighed and said, "The upper ones are running and shouting, the lower ones are laughing at ease...the same is true for the sad ones, and the same is true for the deplorable ones!" 』

  Native place and origin do not determine a person's party affiliation, nor can they be the sole criterion for his behavior.

  Even when joining a faction, there are people who kowtow or take oaths, but more often than not, this kind of behavior is just a formality, and it does not mean that their future words and deeds will be consistent. At this time, the effectiveness of the oath will only be manifested during the investigation and arrest, but at other times...

   After all, the investigation and arrest are only short-lived, while the enjoyment and happiness are permanent.

  For example, in history, as the "Yingchuan gentry group" that was most deeply tied to the Cao regime, Xun Yu died of worry and anger because of Cao Cao's publicity. Is there a little organized form here? Even gangs are a bit out of the question. After all, when the second generation of the gang comes to power, they still have to express their remembrance of the purpose of the first generation, and only when they have kindness and revenge can they sit firmly.

   In the face of interests, even the will of the gentry leader does not affect the choice of his children.

  It is also like a reflection of the current imperial court of the Han Dynasty.

  What the emperor Liu Xie thinks and does is actually not important.

   But in turn, the children of the gentry also exerted a large degree of influence on the politics of the Han Dynasty objectively.

   Those who protect the emperor are the gentry, and those who persuade them to enter are also the gentry.

  The gentry surrounded the princes of various places, and those who lived in seclusion or fled everywhere were also the gentry.

  The dynamics of the gentry have become the current dynamics of the great Han.

  Because in the Han Dynasty, and for quite a long period of time in the subsequent feudal dynasties, the cost of education for ordinary people was still a burden that an ordinary family could not bear. The grain output is not high, there is not enough to eat and not to wear warm clothes, and it is **** for the whole people to enlighten their wisdom.

  Thus, as Zaozhi said, most of the gentry children are still doing things by instinct. If it is not the children of the gentry in Yingchuan, they must be reactionary, and it is not the children of the gentry in Guanzhong that are so progressive.

  Only Feiqian and those around Feiqian who have made progress have been influenced by Feiqian. So can it be said that the gentry in Guanzhong are more advanced than Shandong, and Guanzhong must be able to surpass Shandong?

  『The meaning of the lord lies in the world. Pang Tong nodded and said, "What the world accepts is not one city or one place. So Qiang boiled it, and the Qiang people ate it, and the Han people thought it was wonderful, so they could eat it. Is it because of the customs of the Qiang people that they reject it like stealing a spring? 』

Although there was a man who shouted when he was in love with the Song Dynasty, "A man of lofty ideals will not drink the water from a stolen spring, and a man of integrity will not be fed by a cheap one." Weaknesses were seized and eventually implicated in the rebellion.

  Zaozhi tilted his head slightly, helped Fei Zhen get some meat, and said: "The matter of stealing the spring is not the same as the quinoa soup, it is the exterior and interior of each other." Confucius didn't necessarily have to be polite to this, but to stick to it, because everyone is like this. If you know not to eat death, you will enjoy the dolphin without asking where the meat comes from; The people of Shandong and the people of Guanzhong are the same. 』

"The law of economy..." Pang Tong explained, "This word was coined by the lord, and it is quite precise... Let's put it this way, once the world is in turmoil, it will be like a mountain falling apart and the ground will be torn apart, shaking uneasy, but at this time the person on the high platform Are they more frightened, or are people living on flat ground more afraid? On the high platform, you can't go up to the blue sky, but you can't go down to the nine springs. On flat ground, climbing wood and rocks may survive. But now that Cao Mengde has lived on the high platform for a long time, there is a little turmoil, which is uneasy, but the Shandong gentry under the high platform may not be panic... As for the common people, they are so at a loss that they don't know where the shock came from. Walk. 』

  Zao only sighed when he heard the words.

  The Han court controlled by Cao Cao, or the political group represented by Cao Cao has no money, does it mean that the entire Shandong gentry has no money? This is as stupid as taking Confucius as the standard of measurement for the entire Confucian children. If you say that you don’t drink from the stolen spring, everyone will not drink from the stolen spring. A conclusion that attempts to simplify everything.

  Fei Zhen thought about it, after two or three rounds of feeding, he was probably full, and had more time to explore the truth behind what Pang Tong and Zaozhi said.

Qiang cooking is not the eating habit of the Han people, but because this method is very suitable for eating in the cold autumn and winter, the Han people will not hate it because of the word "Qiang", just like Confucius thought that the spring water was drunk by robbers. If you steal your name, you will pour it out and not drink. From the cheap Hubing to the expensive spices and roseberry wine, none of them came from Han. Therefore, at the moment, Qiang cooking represents that there should be tolerance, even including people from Shandong?

  The economic law that Pang Tong mentioned means...wait a minute, so...

  『Prime Minister Cao is...』 Fei Zhen widened her eyes, and her thoughts were a little confused, "No, this... Uncle Shi, didn’t you say before that Prime Minister Cao has been forced to have nowhere to go? You can only attack Guan Zhong, but now you say...』

  Pang Tong laughed, and while putting food into the pot, he reminded, "Cao Mengde is in a difficult situation now, he can't go up, he can't go down, it's true. But is Guanzhong the only one who persecutes Cao Mengde? Is it only the lord's coins that make Cao's financial distress? In fact, Cao Mengde had been planning to deal with Guan Zhong for a long time, but what he didn't expect was... there is Zijing in Guan Zhong! Come, come, this cup, Jing Zijing! 』

  Pang Tong raised his glass and toasted Zaozhi.

  Although Fei Zhen hadn't fully thought it through, she also toasted. It's just that what he drank was not really distilled and filtered wine, but simply fermented fermented glutinous rice with some wine flavor. Or call it sweet wine, a sweet drink, mostly drunk by women and children.

  Zaozhi was not modest either, so he chuckled twice, then raised his wine glass in response, drinking up the bottom of the glass to signal, and then said: "A certain ambition is entrusted by the lord, and I dare not slack off." 』

Seeing that Fei Zhen was still a little puzzled, Pang Tong said, "What Guan Zhong did in the Spring and Autumn Period is recorded in the book, and it's not just the master who read it... This Shandong, we use it for that, and for that Also use this...Shandong has already attacked Guanzhong...』

"when? Fei Zhen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zaoyi, then recalled what Zaoyi said to Guan Zhong just now, suddenly realized, "Oh, so that's how it is... Shandong's hands, but... food and grass? 』

  Pang Tong nodded, Zaozhi smiled.

  Zaozhi said: "The water conservancy in Guanzhong is no longer what it was at the beginning of the Han Dynasty." If it wasn’t for the fact that the lord had the ability to farm the fields, the advantages of tools, and the research into the four methods of rotation, quiet farming, ridges, and filling in the gaps... it would be impossible to say that at this time, he would be restricted by the grain and grass in Shandong at this time...』

  When the Eastern Han Dynasty established Luoyang as its capital, it was intended to monitor and control Shandong's tycoons nearby, but it was also damaged in the center and could not bear the difficulty of food for the people.

"The rich and powerful households in all parts of Shandong have always thought that Guanzhong relied on excessive extortion and exploitation of the people, so that there are elite hussars..." Pang Tong laughed, "There are also rumors that the lord has a green face and fangs, and he will eat people's hearts and livers every time... It's even more ridiculous Things, this rumor, haha, it’s Cao’s doing... hahaha...』

The speed of obtaining information in the Han Dynasty was very slow, and it was even more impossible for everyone to be like God, who was born looking down at forty-five degrees, so Cao's rumors to belittle Feiqian at that time have now hit them. on his own feet. These local gentry in Shandong who have been affected by the rumors feel that Guanzhong is like this, do they still need to fight? Eating heart and liver every day, isn't this the way to die? After a few days, Guanzhong will be in chaos. Lao Cao, do you want to make money again if you want to do something?

  The key is that these Shandong gentry are used to being loose, and Cao Cao’s hands are not long enough. He has tried his best to control the army. If he wants to go deeper into the place, it is really impossible for a concubine to do it...

  Fei Zhen came to a sudden, "So that's the case... In this way, Prime Minister Cao is now using his means to plot Guanzhong, and he is actually killing two birds with one stone... er, three gains?" 』

  Pang Tong shook his head and extended a slap...

  (end of this chapter)

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