Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 181: betray

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Looking at the smile of the statue of Li Shi, Ma Yuan froze.

This smile is like everything is under his control. Ma Yuan knew that Zongxiang Lisi is not a messy person. He must have planned everything before he came here.

If there is no definite chance of victory, the statues and ceremonies will not rush forward.

Unless things get out of control.

But the fact is that things haven't reached an uncontrollable point. It won't take long for people to find that Wang Zhili can control, and all chaos will be ended by then.

"Sure enough, Fushimi was left by you."

Ma Yuan smiled and watched Zongxiang Lisi say so.

Zong Xiang Liji did not answer Ma Yuan’s question. He just called the members of Jungle on the other side and told Ma Yuan to wait patiently.

This reply is like telling Ma Yuan that he really put Fushimi Ape Biko into it.

After a while, just like the priest prince said, and as Ma Yuan thought, a square hole suddenly appeared on the ground.

That is a passage.

A passage that can only be opened from the inside, as if they were shouting "enter here" from Ma Yuan.

"It seems that Fushimi succeeded."

Zongxiang Liji looked at the hole and showed a smiling face.

For the first time, that kind of trusting smile, Ma Yuan saw on the face of Zong Xiang Lisi.

"Sure enough."

Ma Yuan said with a smile, while preparing to enter the channel, the members of Jungle shouted in surprise, "Why is the channel open!" and stopped in front of Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan had no choice but to settle the person in front of him before entering the passage.

At this time, Ma Yuan suddenly heard a mechanical sound.

It was a sound that something seemed to rise, which attracted everyone's attention.

I saw Panzhou Tianji standing on an elevator and emerged from somewhere.

"Sure enough, as expected, the channel was opened."

Panzhou Tianji looked at Zongxiang Lisi and said.

His goal is the statue ritual division.

Ma Yuan can see that his eyes seem to be written with such content. After all, when he was in the Pillar Tower, he was PK with Zongxiang Lisi, and he would care about his previous opponent, something anyone would do.

"Leave it to me here."

Zong Xiangli said to Ma Yuan that Panzhou Tianji may be a strong enemy for him, but the only person who could beat Bishui Liu was Ma Yuan.

This is something that both the princes and the courtesan agree with.

Bishuili now has a very powerful ability with no time limit. Only Ma Yuan is the only candidate, and Panzhou Tianji can only be left to the statue prince.

"This time I won't release water."

Panzhou Tianji said so to the statue priest.

Zongxiang Lisi didn't speak. At the time of the Royal Pillar Pagoda, Zongxiang Lisi had already struggled with Panzhou Tianji, and did not expect that Panzhou Tianji actually retained its strength.

After all, his goal was Drakeston slate, so he didn't put too much effort on the statue prince.

Zongxiang Lisi raised the dust with his own spirit pressure, which made the entire battlefield visibility very low, only he and Panzhou Tianji were facing each other.

Ma Yuan didn't know why Zongxiang Lisi did this, but what he knew was that Zongxiang Lisi must have his own reasons.

As expected, Zongxiang Lisi also had his own reason, because when the two of them confronted each other, Ma Yuan felt something was flying towards here.

The thing was getting closer and closer, and the houses on both sides were also implicated, which caused a tremendous shaking in the ground.

This made Ma Yuan flash to the side involuntarily, and the statue priest gave way to it, which made Panzhou Tianji with them.

It was an airship gliding directly from the air to this side, and it fell heavily on the ground, almost right into the battlefield.

That's the airship of Izana.

After all, flying in the sky, and having such a luxury airship, there is only the airship of Izana. As the king of silver, Adolf K. Weizman, Izona stayed too long on that airship. Time, so that the airship is like his home, his castle.

At this time, the castle was falling on the ground without any deviation, just like the determination of Izana. For this event, there will never be any emotional determination.

"Oh oh oh, you stirred up the dust, just to cover up this trail, so that I can't stop him from coming?"

Pan Zhou Tianji smiled and looked at the statue priest, and gave his thoughts out.


Zongxiang Lisi smiled and answered Panzhou Tianji.

Then a sword of Damocles appeared in the sky. It was the grey sword of Damocles, the sword of Ark. It seems that he had to spare no effort to deal with them.

The statue priest is not weak, and his sword is also standing in the sky.

What appeared next was a red sword of Damocles.

That's Anna's sword!

The appearance of this sword means that things are not like what Ma Yuan imagined. It is not just the Izana Society, even Anna, who came here.

Maybe the entire barbara member is on that one.

"In the end you still let the children join the war."

Ma Yuan was somewhat dissatisfied with this situation.

"Please, in my present situation, even the cat's hand wants to be borrowed."

Zongxiang Lisi smiled and replied Ma Yuan's words, then Panzhou Tianji began to attack Zongxiang Lisi.

Even after knowing how many kings are in this place, the only thing that Zhouzhou Tianji cares about is the presence of the statue priest, and his care about it has given the statue priest to get a help for others to drag The chance to live with a king.

Ma Yuan immediately ran towards the passage.

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