Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 71: For own justice

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Looking at Zhou Fangzun in such a desperate manner, Ma Yuan was so envious.

Disregarding the people around you just uses your own power without restraint, not only does Ma Yuan feel envious, but it also feels sad.

If such a person does not die early, who else will die early?

"It's better to quit for the people around you."

Ma Yuan said.

If the war of kings broke out here, let alone the people of College Island will be involved, even Barbara and Scepter4 still outside of College Island will be affected.

Even if Zhou Fangzun doesn't care about other people, the members of his barbara should care about it. Is this kind of care about Zhou Fangzun's human nature?

If you don't care, why do you have to do this for the sake of ten good things?

"Is the ability possessed...?"

Unexpectedly, Zong Xiang Lisi is still tangled with the situation of the colorless Wang, and a very uncomfortable expression is clearly revealed on his face.

But this is also normal. Anyway, if someone is possessed, it is probably a very uncomfortable thing for anyone who comes.

"Can he possess the king?"

The statue ritual secretary asked.


Zhou Fangzun said without hesitation, at least he was not possessed.

"Hey, hello, obviously OK?"

Ma Yuan couldn't help saying, according to the situation of the silver king, Adolf K. Weizman, it looks exactly like it was after being possessed, which proves that the colorless king can really attach Body on other kings.

"Oh, which weak king will be possessed?"

Zhou Fangzun did not forget to provoke others at this time.

"Forget it."

Ma Yuan gave up talking to this simple man with well-developed limbs.

"For safety reasons, it is better to hand us over to Scepter4 here."

I don’t know what Zongxiang Lisi thought of, so I proposed it again.

The Zongxiang Lisi's proposal was not just aimed at Zhou Fangzun. He hoped that he would be able to withdraw from Academy Island to control his power and avoid the fall of the sword of Damocles.

It is even more aimed at Ma Yuan, I hope he can hand over the Izona, and then leave this college island, let Scepter4 to interrogate the Izona proposed.

Regardless of which side, did not agree with the proposal of the statue ritual secretary.

"Do you think I might call Izana?"

"You still have to hand it in." Zhou Fangzun said, "at least we have less trouble."

"Whether he is the culprit or the victim, it is better to hand it over, at least if he is the victim, we Scepter4 will protect his safety."

The statue ritual secretary did not show weakness.

"If it is safe, if you are handed over to you, but the colorless king is not him... like this... presumably you cannot know what the colorless king really wants?"

Ma Yuan did not hesitate to deny the request of the two of them.

I really felt that the statue prince who could not talk about this matter sighed, glanced at his terminal, and felt that his time seemed to be too long, and he had to leave here.

"I'm going back to Scepter4 first. If your sword of Damocles falls, I will definitely kill you first."

Zong Xiangli said to Zhou Fangzun.

"Whatever you want."

What Zhou Fangzun said in a whisper, it seems that he gave his life to Zongxiang Lisi.

Although the concept of the two swords and the things they pursue are different, Ma Yuan clearly sees that the relationship between the two of them is indeed not as incompatible as the surface.

"By the way, the cat in your house is quite capable. If it is not because of today's urgent matters, I really want to have fun with her."

Zhou Fangzun suddenly said this to Ma Yuan.


Ma Yuan froze.

The cat in Zhou Fangzun's mouth is undoubtedly the black cat of his family. Ma Yuan still remembers that the black cat is to let him find the colorless king first, and then stay to fight against the entire barbara.

If Zhou Fangzun didn't say anything, Ma Yuan would have forgotten about it.

But Zhou Fangzun said this, but it made Ma Yuan suddenly think that the current situation of the black cat may be the most dangerous, because Zhou Fangzun obviously had the subtext: "If it is not an emergency, I will play with her, but now the situation Urgent so I killed her in a second."

That fool!

Ma Yuan quickly began to sense the whereabouts of his clan members, which is also one of the privileges that the king can have after having his own clan members.

There is a special connection between Wang and the clan members, which allows Ma Yuan to quickly feel where the black cat is, and then quickly rushed over.

"Really, you must bravely fight the king, what the idiot is thinking!"

While talking, Ma Yuan hurried to the place where the black cat was.

What Ma Yuan didn't know was that this was just a way for Zhou Fangzun to drive him away.

Zhou Fangzun did not do anything to the black cat, because at that time, when the black cat was facing the entire barbara, Zhou Fangzun knew that the girl in front of her was not as powerful as she said. Contend with the king.

Zhou Fangzun just thought it was funny, so let the girl protect his own king and leave here, and then he also left here, and gave the black cat to the pheasant Izumo.

According to his own group of younger brothers, Zhou Fangzun believes that at least they won't show cat abuse after winning the black cat.


Zhou Fangzun looked at Ma Yuan who had left here quickly because of his own words, took a cigarette, and couldn't help laughing.

He seemed to see the shadow of his past on Ma Yuan. Zhou Fangzun remembered that when he was younger, he was also a person who would go directly to the battlefield for his clan members.

As for now... it seems a little bit tired.

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