Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 68: Dilapidated home

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After Ma Yuan left the black cat, the only place he could think of was the place "Our home" Neko said vocally.

If Ma Yuan remembered correctly, it should look like a dormitory on College Island.

After meeting Izana, Neko lived with Izana, which made Ma Yuan feel a little more happy, but if the first reaction is to go there once, it feels a little simpler. .

I don't know how many people will know that place, they just attacked the past.

Ma Yuan thought while walking.

The most important thing is that Ma Yuan is still thinking about how to find the "home" of Neko. After all, he hasn't been to it. He doesn't know the specific location, and the dormitory area is not very small.

Soon when Ma Yuan arrived at the dormitory area, Ma Yuan knew that he didn't have to think about where he was.

There is a dormitory building that is very obvious in front of Ma Yuan, especially in a room on a certain floor, which makes Ma Yuan feel very obvious.

After all, that room has been bombed into ruins.

Ma Yuan can see that the windows in the entire room have been blown up, that is, Ma Yuan can clearly see the glass residue on the outside.

After seeing this room, Ma Yuan couldn't help but imagine that in this room was Izana and his lovely Alice.

But no matter how you say, Ma Yuan is going to check it out. After all, this is the worst case. Ma Yuan knows that if everything is fine, at least the worst will not happen, so it is good news.

It was too troublesome to walk through the main entrance. Ma Yuan used his ability directly, jumped into the air, and entered through the window.

After entering the room, Ma Yuan felt that it did not seem so bad.

It’s true that this room was blown up, but the power of this bomb is actually not very large. As long as someone with a little knowledge can see, the bomb exploded near the window, and the power is not very large, which causes most of the The aftermath of actually went outside the window.

It may look terrible from the window when it explodes, but in fact the whole room itself remains the same afterwards, but when it explodes, the people in this room are not so lucky, most of them are disabled.

There is no blood on the ground, which means that there were no other people at the time of the explosion.

This made Ma Yuan feel at ease, after all, this represented the fact that Alice was not in this room.

However, at this time, the door of the dormitory opened.

The one who came in from outside the door was undoubtedly Izana, and Alice was behind Izana, followed by Neko, followed by Night Sword God Dog Lang.

Seeing Izana outside the door, and seeing Ma Yuan inside the door, both Izana and Ma Yuan were stunned until Alice rushed directly to Ma Yuan and rushed to him to let Ma Yuan hug him Only then broke this lasting tranquility.

"Hey! Why do you come back!"

Ma Yuan was the first person to speak, and he was not able to understand why the Izona society came back.

He clearly said, don't go back to College Island.

When Ma Yuan went to meet the golden kingdom Changlu Dajue, he reminded the Izana Society not to take Alice to College Island. At that time, Ma Yuan felt that something was wrong in College Island, and people who were afraid of Scepter 4 knew that Izana was a student and went to check it out.

Doesn't this mean pushing Alice into danger?

"But here is my family's home!"

Neko was angry when she saw Ma Wenqi. She didn't know why Ma Yuan didn't let them go back to College Island. For Neko, this home on College Island is her unique place.

"I called them."

Alice said with a smile, she knew Neko's expressive ability, so she decided to tell Ma Yuan before Neko got angry.

"Because it looks dangerous here, Alice said, "Go back to College Island, and solve everything." Because Brother Mahara was there, he would certainly do the same."

Alice tilted her head and looked at Ma Yuan as if Ma Yuan would really do such a noble thing.

But Alice was right. If you really want to start a war here, you probably will come over. After all, he wants to ensure that the entire war will not endanger Alice.

"So what exactly is the situation?"

Ma Yuan looked at Yedao Shengoulang. The most rigorous of these people was Yedaojingoulang. Ma Yuan had a hunch that he could only find the answer he really wanted.

"When we went to the airport of Scepter4 before, we intercepted Scepter4's communication, and it seems that they have not found that they have been eavesdropped by us and are still using it. We know from the communication that Barbara has arrived at the college island."

"And Scepter4 is coming here, so we figured it out and thought that the culprit of the whole thing should also be in College Island."

Izana said seriously.

Yes, they listened to Ma Yuan's words from the beginning and left College Island to hide quietly to see if they could do anything else to resolve the incident.

But when they heard that Barbara thought they were on College Island, they were stunned.

Izana has a sense of intuition, he knew that everything would be done on College Island, because it was like the culprit at the beginning, the colorless king was here.

Originally Izana was trying to make Alice wait here. Unexpectedly, Alice heard these messages at the time. Instead, she showed a calmness different from her age.

"Go there."

Alice said at the time.

"Go to College Island, so that everything can be solved, isn't it?"

So they came to Izana.

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