Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 40: Slight advantage

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Zongxiang Lisi touched his cheek, the damp feeling, and the **** smell. Zongxiang Lisi could not remember how long he had not smelled it.

That was when I had not become king...

At that time, the statue priest was still an unknown teenager in the blue king's clan. After slowly gaining a place in the clan, he was never injured to such a degree.

Then the sword of blue king Damocles fell and tragedy was born.

Just a few years later, the priest priests used their abilities to form Scepter4, re-cleaned the blue clan, and used his ability as king.

It has been years since I remembered, and no one can hurt myself like this.

Even the battle with Zhou Fangzun is nothing more than fur, and the relationship between the two of them is not as bad as it seems.

"Boy, you really can."

A strange smile appeared on the blue king's face.


Ma Yuan was stunned. With the character of the prince, he shouldn't call himself that.

Scepter4 is such a serious organization. Ma Yuan could not stay there for a while without knowing, even if he controlled the lifeline of the whole world, as long as he did anything to give a letter, no one would dare to stop them.

But once they really want to do something, they will still send people to the authorities to make it clear that they are procedures and rules.

If you change to someone else, you probably won’t follow this rule.

And even when they are arresting people they think are extremely dangerous, they will still have an arrest declaration. This order is even stricter than the police.

The boss of this kind of organization, the boss of Scepter4 like a ceremonial secretary, all the words now said are more biased towards personal interests and hobbies, rather than imperialism and order.

This person is dangerous!

Ma Yuan's instinct shouted to Ma Yuan.

This is not to say that the danger is too powerful and will harm Ma Yuan but that this person's thinking is very dangerous.

Regardless of whether he voluntarily stays in a highly ordered and rigorous environment for a long time, Ma Yuan knows that once this environment is destroyed, or if he stays in it for a long time, there will always be a day of collapse.

The statue ritual will become more uninhibited than Zhou Fangzun and will not restrict the existence of his own abilities.

"Do you know, I just had an idea."

Ma Yuan looked at Zongxiang Lisi seriously and said.

"After Zhou Fangzun's sword of will be next."

"Oh? Do you think that Zhou Fangzun's sword of Damocles will fall under our control?"

Zongxiang Lisi didn't care about Ma Yuan's statement that "the next one is himself", but rather under his jurisdiction, he still felt that Zhou Fangzun's sword of Damocles would fall.

This is even more so than the suspicion that he will embark on the path of destruction.

However, the statue priest who became the king should probably also know that there is always a possibility in the end of the king, that is, the fall of the sword of Damocles.

When the sword screamed overhead, the statue priest should be prepared to disappear with it.

"Why not? Zhou Fangzun is not a person who will suppress his energy. Even under your jurisdiction, probably his sword fell just longer than when he was outside."

"Even if this is the case, our Scepter4 thing will not be your turn."

Zong Xiang Liji said with a smile, and then began to attack Ma Yuan directly with his knife.

Ma Yuan also really admires the statue ritual secretary, under such adversity, he can still have the strength to attack.

But if you don't have this ability, how can you say that it is a man who has become a king?

Ma Yuan didn't release himself from this place, but used his knife to directly block the attack of the statue ritual division, and then he used force to return the attack of the statue ritual division.

Then Zongxiang Lisi crossed into the air and wanted to go to Ma Yuan again. In principle, Ma used his ability to pull the vines hard and threw himself into the air, avoiding the attack of Zongxiang Lisi.

Who knows that the statue of the prince actually launched the power of blue at this time, directly letting himself in the air, stepping on his own color and continuing to attack toward Ma Yuan.

And at this time, Ma Yuan's right hand holding "Li" left and right turned into a knife exactly like "Li".

Erdao Liu? !

Seeing this scene, the statue of Li Shi suddenly froze.

When Ma Yuan attacked his chin with a scabbard before, it should have been thought of by the statue priest, Ma Yuan is definitely not as simple as a swordsman who can simply perform swordsmanship.

He has the habit of using a left-handed knife.

And it is not just a left-handed knife, Ma Yuan can even use the left-handed knife and the right-handed knife at the same time.

This is the so-called second-hand flow.

Zongxiang Lisi blocked Ma Yuan's right hand, but let go of the knife that Ma Yuan attacked with his left hand.

But this judgment is correct.

Zongxiang Lisi has always known in his heart that the knife is only an illusory existence and possesses the ability to strike, but there is absolutely no way to admit that he is real.

That is, the strong partiality of judging the truth and falseness saved the life of the statue priest.

Zongxiang Lisi stopped the real knife, and let the fake knife hit his stomach directly.

But because the knife is false, even if it is really offensive, it is not as powerful as the real knife. Zongxiang Lisi just feels that he has been hit hard and fell directly to the ground without any cuts on his body.

It seems that this is the limit of Ma Yuan's illusion.

Even if it can attack the other party, if the other party does not admit that the attack he received was the attack of the object he saw, then he will not be hurt as it should.

But it doesn't matter if there are limitations.

Ma Yuan looked at the Zongxiang Lisi who fell on the ground and barely climbed up. He knew that this battle had an advantage regardless of whether Zongxiang Licheng accepted or not.

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