Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Memories about swordsmanship

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Hearing that Ma Yuan said he bullied the Night Sword God Goulang, the statue of Li Shi immediately laughed.

"Oh really? So you are planning to help him out?"

To help him get ahead, this remark does not look like what a Wang Hui who symbolizes order and imperialism can say, but rather something like Zhou Fangzun, a violent and **** Wang Hui.

I don’t know if it’s because Zhou Fangzun was locked, so the statue ritual was a little bit assimilated. Anyway, it’s not like what he would say.

"Obviously, if you lose your memory, you don't want to be brave. How do you become a king and the ability to become a king, don't you know?"

Zong Xiangli said.

He was not wrong, Ma Yuan was just using his own understanding and muscle memory to use the ability, that is to say, he did not know what his ability was.

But the black cat told him it was "constructed".

But Ma Yuan has not yet figured out what the structure is all about.

The only certainty is that what Zong Xiangli said afterwards, as he said before, is not unreasonable.

"How? In the final analysis, you are just someone who only thinks of yourself, isn't it? Helping them just wants to get their own answer. Just start out for him and serve as a meeting gift for you to join them. Not bad, is it?"

"If I'm right, your sword technique is actually the same as your illusion technique, it is quite strong."

Ma Zongxiang's words made Ma Yuan feel worried.

How did he know his sword skills?

Ma Yuan has not fought other people with swords or knives before, except Yushen Shenzi.

At this time, Ma Yuan only reacted to what happened. When he got the news of the fire, Ma Yuan left Scepter4 directly in front of the statue of the prince.

Under normal circumstances, Scepter4 did not take so long to reach the residential area, but they did not arrive until after fighting with Yushen Shenzi for a while.

Then there is only one possibility.

The prince of the statue did not rush people to deal with the situation of the residential area, but first let people track themselves. As the eighth king and the seven kings, the situation was settled, and decades later. The eighth king who appeared before, Ma Yuan made Zongxiang Lisi feel some threats.

He must know what the person in front of him has besides being king.

"You follow me!"

Ma Yuan frowned at Zong Xiang Lisi, and Zong Xiang Lisi didn't panic because of Ma Yuan's doubts, but looked straight at Ma Yuan's eyes.

That kind of courage made Ma Yuan feel uncomfortable. This is the ability of a person who is a king.

But as a king, you will never lose.

Ma Yuan went straight up and attacked without impulse. As a sword-drawing demon, when facing the night knife **** Gourang, the statue of Li Zong first noticed his sword "reason". Similarly, he also hinted Let Ma Yuan fight him with swordsmanship.

So Ma Yuan knew that this person had confidence in his swordsmanship, at least he was so confident that he could face Ma Yuan.

However, this is also normal. It is not the sword technique that Yushao Shenzi loses to Ma Yuan, but the ability of Ma Yuanshen to be king and the illusion ability. Although Ma Yuan did not fully use his own abilities at that time, but for Yushen Shenzi It is enough.

That is a level that the members of the clan cannot reach.

The cyan power and the blue power collide.

Only one of the first shots, the other will attack, this is the situation between Ma Yuan and Zong Xiang Lisi.

What broke the stalemate was not Zongxiang Lisi or Ma Yuan, but Night Sword God Dog Lang.

Night knife **** dog Lang had already got up from the ground at this time, he looked at the scene in front of him, he knew what was happening immediately, so he rushed directly to the statue prince.

Ordinary people cannot be inserted into the battle of the kings, even members of the clan.

So the members of Scepter4 are just looking at their king at this time, waiting for the next command.

Night knife God Dog Lang forcibly broke in. It was too late to make a decent attack. He could only use his body to hit the statue ritual.

This also gave Ma a chance to take advantage of, because the statue priest moved first.

The first move will have existing flaws, and this movement is not a movement in combat, but a reaction after being attacked.

Of course, this attacker is not even Ma Yuan.

"Catch this!"

Night knife **** dog Lang threw his sword "Li" to Ma Yuan. After Ma Yuan caught the "Li", he suddenly felt a general current and directly uploaded it from this knife to Ma Yuan.

That is the love knife left to Yedao Shengulang by Sanyanyi round. As the brain remnant of Sanyanyilang, Yedaolang Golang will not give his knife to another person when he is not forced.

When the night knife **** dog Lang gave Ma Yuan the reason, it meant that he chose to believe this man and chose to believe Ma Yuan.

this is……

Real knife...

And it’s a familiar touch...

Ma Yuan froze at the moment he caught the knife. He felt familiar with the knife, as if he had fought it once.

This is completely different from the feeling when fighting with Yushen Shenzi at the time. Ma Yuan knew that the battle at that time was just a knife he used to simulate, and it was just an illusory product that could create a real attack.

That kind of illusory product will not feel like a real sword.

And when you feel the touch of a real knife...

Can be used!

There was only such a voice in Ma Yuan's mind, he knew he was once a swordsman, or swordsman. So according to his instinct, he rushed towards the statue priest.

Ma Yuan's speed is very fast, even with the pace of his own attack, he rushed straight towards the statue of Li Shi.

The statuette priest who had just thrown the night knife **** dog Lang to the side saw Ma Yuan rushed straight forward, stunned, and had no time to pull the knife, only to raise his knife and scabbard, barely blocked the attack.

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