Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 22: Brother and brother

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Seeing Yushen Shenzi look like this, Ma Yuan sighed instead.

In this case, let alone knowing each other, it seems that the relationship is not normal.

"I've seen one side, because of something, I think your swordsmanship seems similar, thinking about whether to know."

Ma Yuan said.

"Oh, of course, I certainly know him. We were originally owned by San Yan Yi Round, he is my brother."

Yushao Shenzi said with a smile.

Brother and brother?

This relationship was expected by Ma Yuan. But what Yu Shao Shen Zi said next was beyond Ma Yuan's expectations.

"Moreover, the Night Sword God Dog Lang can only be killed by me. I am the one who will kill him."

"It's the most beautiful thing to fight with the same sword technique between the same door and then be killed by another person, isn't it beautiful if Golang was killed by someone else."

Yushao Shenzi smiled a little distortedly.

With such a smile, Ma Yuan always thought of reminding himself of Fushimi facing Hatta as if it were the same.

But Fushimi was more distorted, as if he were an idiot.

Ma Yuan sighed. Was Wang's clan all such inexplicable people? Because of being abandoned by society and unable to integrate into the society, he will become the king's clan and get superhuman ability.

However, the black cat does not seem to be a normal person.

"Forget it, I don't have as much interest in your family."

For a long time, Ma Yuan finally gave up thinking about these contents, but instead began to control the swords on the ground.

That's right, those swords hit on the ground by Yushao Shenzi did not disappear as before.

The previous sword disappeared only because Ma Yuan felt that it was too troublesome to pick it up. After all, he could make as many as he wanted to do with this kind of knife, so there was no need to worry about one or two.

But this also seems to give Yushen Shenzi a wrong feeling, thinking that it will disappear as soon as it is hit on the ground.

So much so that he had not discovered that the swords he had hit on the ground did not disappear completely.

It's just that what Yushen Shenzi can see in front of him disappears, and there are still many still behind him.

After all, if a sword mountain is piled up on the ground, anyone will find that there is a sword at their feet.

And that is the neglect of Yushao Shenzi, so that Ma Yuan got a gap, he controlled the sword behind Yushao Shenzi and directly attacked Yushao Shenzi.

Yushao Shenzi only discovered something behind him when the sword began to act.

Ma Yuan did not know whether the wind caused by his action through the sword was due to the sound generated during the action, or was discovered only by intuition.

Yushao Shenzi was discovered.

He recalled that he wanted to "over" with his love knife to resist this attack, but it was obviously a step behind.

Dozens of swords clearly attacked Yushen Shenzi directly, which directly caused Yushen Shenzi to be attacked by two or three swords, cutting off his arms and beautiful face Take a breath.


Yushao Shenzi touched her face with a cut, and scolded.

It seems that he really said to himself that he is not only pursuing beautiful things, but also that he is also included in beautiful things, so Ma Yuan cut his face, but instead let Yushen God Zi is furious.

But that was just anger.

When Yushen Shenzi turned to let Ma Yuan pay for his actions, Ma Yuan was already in front of him.

Yushao Shenzi didn't have time to reflect something at this time, but conditioned reflex to stab the knife in front of himself and Ma Yuan as a defense.

The only thing the sword can defend is the sword.

Ma Yuan's top-down attack, although the knife was cut on Yu Shao Shen Zi's knife, not his body, but also gave Ma Yuan a chance, he almost supported himself with Yu Shao Shen Zi's knife body of.

Immediately after Ma Yuan turned down, the whole person turned under the knife of Yushao Shenzi. When Yushao Shenzi hadn't responded yet, he hit his beautiful face again.

Ma Yuan saw that Yushao Shenzi was very concerned about his face, so if he wanted to take revenge for the arson case, then there was only one way.


Then, all of Ma Yuan's attacks, whether it was a sword, a sword, or a punch or kick, only aimed at one place, that is, the face.

Of course, because of the relationship between the sword and the sword itself as a sharp object, with the conditioned reflex ability of Yushao Shenzi through a hundred battles, it will basically be resisted by Yushao Shenzi.

But this is not the case with punching and kicking.

After Ma Yuan kicked Yushao Shenzi's face this time, he threw it again, punching a few more punches on Yushao Shenzi's face.

It was at this moment when Yushao Shenzi planned to open Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan pulled him away and fought him with his own sword. Also looking for opportunities to continue beating him.

At this time, the beautiful face of Yushen God Ziyuan had been swollen by Ma Yuan.

Although it is not very swollen, it is also swollen. This slightly floating swelling is enough to make Yushen Shenzi's beautiful face become a twisted shape.

Seeing here, Ma Yuan couldn't help laughing.

There was another person who also laughed.

It was a child who had just seen the situation of Yushen Shenzi on one side, that is, the child Ma Yuan gave to the black cat-Wujo Suko.

Although Ma Yuan's fighting space can block most of the people outside, ordinary people will not notice what is happening inside.

However, Gojo Suku is the clan of the Green King, and it seems to be a relatively high-level personnel, so the power of the Green King is also relatively large, so he can see the battle space created by Ma Yuan.

And Wujo Kusuna, when he saw what Yushao Shenzi looked like, had no reservations, just like a boy his age, laughing wildly.

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