Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 112: Go to New World Tutoring)

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"Why are they both!"

The prison temple, which has always claimed to be the right hand of Shidaimu, was not happy to hear this. He thought Shidaimu would tell himself everything.

But he did not tell.

"If it were me, I wouldn't tell you. The less people know this, the better. The lark is not in the Penglie family. As for me... I belong to an outside consultant and I am also a promoter so I can know it. "

Ma Yuan gave the Prison Temple a blank look.

Although the prison temple is the IQ of the entire guardian, but after encountering things related to Gangji, he can't calm down.


When Ma Yuan said so, the prison temple shut up immediately. He didn't know how to refute Ma Yuan, and what Ma Yuan said was indeed reasonable.

After Jiangzhen Zheng waited for the temple to be quiet, he continued to speak.

In fact, the situation on Penglie's side was not clear after entering Jiang Zhengyi, but he also knew that Bailan's plan could only be prevented by this plan.

The Penglie rings lost because of Tsunae's reasons. Without them, they would not be able to defeat the white sea ring of Bailan, although these rings are necessary for Bailan and also necessary for Penglie.

And after Gangji came here, Zheng Jiang Zhengyi began to control without giving others a sense of strangeness, and constantly gave people their heads to give them exercise so that they could get exercise.

Even after entering the headquarters, he also controlled each space to give them one by one opponents to exercise them.

As for why I didn’t say it before, it’s because even if Jiang Jiangyi was one of the six hanging flowers, he was still under surveillance. He was waiting for this moment, when Ma Yuan they messed up everything here. At that time, he can avoid Bailan's surveillance and tell them everything.

Rui Jiang Zhengyi returned the ring that he dared to accept. The others were still in doubt, but the ring was still accepted.

"By the way, even Xiaochun and Kyoko still have them, and they were sent by your orders."

As Jiang Jiangyi said, he added a sentence.

"Why! Why should I involve the innocent?"

Gang Ji froze for a moment.

If it’s just the guardian, it’s okay, why should I involve Kiko and Xiaochun, two unrelated girls? This seems too much.

"Because that's you."

Ma Yuan added with a smile, the answer to this question is very obvious, but Gang Ji did not notice.

"You know what it takes for your own abilities to break out, so let them come over, don't you?"

Ma Yuan's words made Gang Ji froze for a moment, and immediately knew what Ma Yuan was expressing.

Ten years later, the situation is very precarious, and these Tsunayoshi are all aware. The real danger, perhaps after ten years of self-knowledge, knew that it was such a dangerous situation, and we must bring Kyoko and Xiaochun together.

They were not brought by innocent people, but by the powerful backing of Tsunaji.

Although they have nothing to do with the Mafia, they have a crucial position in Tsuna’s life. If they are there, they will make further progress ten years ago.

It was at this time that Yamamoto Wu also woke up from a coma, as did Brother Ping.

Brother Ping has been out of the situation for ten years. At this time, it was also in the smoke, and it became what it was ten years ago.

It seems that in this era, it is essential to collect seven rings.

Since the arrival of Ping, Penglie rings have all come from ten years ago to ten years later.

"The limit is here!"

After finally calming down the big brother Ping who had been yelling and yelling all the time. Enter Jiang Zhengyi opened the circular device.

The round device is a device to save their bodies. When a rocket launcher ten years later hits them ten years ago, the device will start to work and save them in this era.

Therefore, Ma Yuan of this era is also in this installation.

Of course, there is no body that can be used for conversion, which is why the setting that they should have returned to ten years ago after five minutes did not come true, but let them stay in this world.

Ma Yuan stepped forward slowly, and in this device, he heard another voice.

That is his own voice.

Although he could not distinguish the specific details, Ma Yuan knew that it was his own voice.

But it's not entirely my own voice, because that voice is very gentle and full of love for the Penglie family, but this is not what I have.

"Thank you very much for being here."

Slowly his voice became clear, Ma Yuan only felt a flash of light before his eyes, and then saw himself standing in front of himself ten years later.

"How is this going?"

"I am Amanohara in this world, which is you in this world."

The other party said so.

Ma Yuan thought about it carefully, probably the other person was the one who took over his body and occupied his body. There is nothing wrong with being called parallel world.

"After being accepted by Sawada Kako as an outside consultant, I knew my lack of abilities, but you have a stronger perseverance and combat strength than me. I hope you can come over to help me, and this idea has made you cross to In this world."

"Only in this world, I have just written about your existence, so that I can have this situation, but this world is not the world you should stay for long."

Ma Yuan said ten years later.

"What, do you mean when you come over and train your body to be stronger, will you drive me away?"

Ma Yuan was a little annoyed, even the parallel world cannot do this.

"No, you come to this world with a time limit. That time limit is coming. I can’t take the risk to keep you here again. The world you belong to is not here. Maybe the next world is yours. Destination."

After Ma Yuan finished ten years later, Ma Yuan only felt a glare in front of him.

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