Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 4 Chapter 105: Fog illusion

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Seeing that the cloud needle rat was frightened and began to multiply, Ma Yuan immediately rushed towards the Magic Knight.

There is still a chance to rush to the Magic Knight.

The cloud needle rat is located between the skylark and the magic knight, and it is relatively close to the point of the skylark. This rapid proliferation method will fill the entire space in an instant, considering the strength of the cloud needle rat that Ma Yuan has seen. Soon, other spaces will be occupied.

Watching the cloud needle rat separate the skylark from the magic knight, Ma Yuan's first reaction was to move towards the magic knight, and wanted to solve the magic knight here.

Although the cloud needle rat lives on flames, unlike Xiaoyan, it is not composed of flames, but the flame of the cloud attribute acts in the cells of the needle rat to form such a powerful reproduction.

Ma Yuan has no way to directly absorb the flames in the cells into his own flames to prevent the reproduction of the cloud needle mouse, so now the most convenient way is to catch up with the Magic Knight and defeat him.

The phantom knight is not in the area where he was just now. It seems that he also knows that there is no way to prevent the breeding of the cloud needle rats and gives up the skylarks and turns to another place.

If Ma Yuan remembered correctly, Lark acted directly towards the core of Mio Fiore’s Japanese branch, and then encountered Illusion Knight and the defeated Yamamoto Takeshi and Lal in this space.

The wall pierced by the Cloud Needle is on the side of the skylark, which means that the other side is likely to be the place they are going to rush past.

There is a circular installation in that place, and the secret of them from the past to the future is inside.

Ma Yuan immediately ran to the other side. If he could be so close to the core, if he was a fantasy knight, he would probably go to the core research room immediately to ensure that this important place would not be seen by the enemy.

The road ahead was darker than Ma Yuan thought.

Ma Yuan subconsciously reached into his pocket middle-aged, wanted to take out the box, but remembered that Xiaoyan seemed to be blocked from Ma Yuan when the cloud needle rat ran away. After all, he could not be asked to react like his own. Quickly, but Homura's box is on her own neck, Ma Yuan can't summon Homura again now.

Without Xiaoyan, a human body street lamp, Ma Yuan could only burn the flame lighting of his own ring. After the flame ignited, Ma Yuan tried to draw out the more convenient Lan attribute flame. At this time, the road in front of him was somewhat clear.

I don't know how long I ran, and after a few spaces, Ma Yuan finally saw the shadow of the phantom knight.

The same Ma Yuan also felt a familiar feeling not far above his head.

Maybe it's the research room I want to go to.

"You are tenacious when you come here."

The Magic Knight said with a smile.

Immediately after that, the magic knight released his magic manatee again to construct an illusion space.

"Hehehe, I have been thinking about your illusion space before, probably you used it to prove that you have the dominance of this space."

Ma Yuan looked at the Magic Knight with a smile, the flame on his hand changed from the Lan attribute to the fog attribute.

"Oh? Do you think so?"

The Magic Knight did not answer Ma Yuan's words, but asked instead.

He waited for Ma Yuan to absorb all the mist-like flames released by himself in his swallow back. After all, Ma Yuan must have a moment of hesitation when absorbing the flames.

This moment is Ma Yuan's flaw.

However, Ma Yuan was not a fool, he would not have the magic knight's words on it again.

Absorbing flames requires Ma Yuan to concentrate on his energy. Although his own attributes can devour other attributes, it cannot be done casually.

"In the final analysis, you are not a real illusionist, just that the fog attribute has a greater fluctuation than other attributes, so the illusion is created by the fog attribute flame."

Ma Yuan said with a smile, in the ring on his hand, the fog-like flames mixed with black flames became more obvious.

"You are like an illusionist. I have read your information. Your attributes can not only consume the flames of other attributes, but even use the flames that have been devoured. Before, it was also when we confronted the illusionist on our side. , You also use the flame of the fog attribute to defeat him."

The Magic Knight was not shaken by Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan frowned as he heard the Magic Knight say this. It seems that the illusionist still passed the information of fighting him back to Mio Fiore before he died.

"The pure fog attribute flame is much stronger than yours, you don't forget."

Phantom Knight is right, Ma Yuan can only use the borrowed flame attribute flame. This is not comparable to the fog attribute flame generated by straight hair. It can't draw all the power of the fog, not to mention the limited storage, just like It's the same as the skylark's ring. Once it's used, it's useless.

But the fantasy knight's words do not represent all the truth.

Ma Yuan's burning flame attribute is only an aid. After all, he does not have a box of fog attributes. Using the fog attributes directly to perform magic spells is no match for the magic knight.

Ma Yuan will not make such a low-level mistake.

The mist began to spread from Ma Yuan's feet, and then enveloped the entire space. Finally, all the illusions created by the Magic Knight were controlled by Ma Yuan, and the space he created was also replaced by the illusion space dominated by Ma Yuan.

The use of illusion in Xiaochun's house was just an emergency for him. The failure of the illusionist was not because he was too weak to lose to the borrowed fog fire.

But when Ma Yuan planned to use the flame of the fog attribute to construct illusion, he suddenly learned a truth that he hadn't figured out before, that is, how to use illusion.

Once in the Ring War, Liu Daomu told Ma Yuan that he could be called a great illusionist, as long as he found the trick.

Now Ma Yuan has found the trick. Although he is still a novice as an illusionist, he will not lose to someone who is not an illusionist at all with the help of fire.

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