Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 18 Chapter 19: hurt others

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"Seven days ago, Zhang Muyun personally sent you the invitation, but unfortunately you are not there, let me send you an invitation."

Hua Chi sent an invitation to Lu Ming.

Ma Yuan opened the invitation to see, the time is correct today, the address was built in the city, Jianwu.

Jiansha is a hospital, and Ma Yuan has heard of him. It is very famous in Xuanjian City. It is famous for its elegant atmosphere. Many celebrities have happiness events and will be elected to Jiansha.

"Then I will hurry up, now is the time, act quickly!"

Ma Yuan smiled.

The sun is not yet set, it is not too late.

Zhang Muyun's impression of Ma Yuan is very good. This is a friend that can be delivered. The other party and Zhuo Yirong are very expensive, personally, send invitations, Ma Yuan naturally go.

"Do you want to go together?"

Ask Lu Ming.

"Forget it, this time it's a teacher, we won't join this feeling."

Huachi Lu

Ma Yuan knew that Hua Chi was very proud of his heart, he would not say anything else, and ran to Xuanjiancheng crying.


Xuanjian City Jianwu Temple is extremely active.

The red light shines, which is a joy.

Zhang Muyun, a talented leader, when Ma Yuan did not rise, he ranked first in the bronze medal, and even Duanmu Yunyang, the newcomer king was crushed by him.

In addition, it is easy to treat, treats indulgent people, and has a king's style. The popularity of the Xuanyuanjian faction is very good.

This time he interacted with Zhuo Yirong. There were 60 people on the bronze medal and more than 50 people came.

Not only that, but there were also some silver disciples, elders, etc., and even some silver elders.

With Zhang Muyun and Zhuo Yirong's family, there are hundreds of people in Jianwu Temple.

On the small lake of Jianwu Temple, there is an open plan space with dozens of tables.

At this time, although it is not yet open, people have basically arrived.

Celebrities sit at a table and talk to each other.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a guardian's appearance stumbled around, blood still in his mouth, and his face was still swollen. "Zhang Ji, what happened?"

On the edge of Zhang Muyun, his father stood up and asked coldly.

This scene naturally falls in the eyes of others, looking at the past strangely.

"Teacher, young teacher, there is no invitation outside, don't ask, we will only ask, they will hurt others, they have entered, we can't stop it."

Save big channels.

"What invitation? Where do we need to go? Do you need an invitation?"

An arrogant and cold voice sounded, and the three young men approached.

"Who are you? Don't you know that this is Master Zhang's engagement day? Do you dare to be strong?"

Qinglongyuan's disciples got up and drank.

His name is Wu Hao and his bronze medal ranks 43rd.

"Hey, for a disciple of a **** bronze list, what good is this for you? How dare you do it?"

A young man sneered with his sword in his arms.

"Hurricane, what do I see you?"

The martial arts got angry, and this number moved. Like a goshawk, he ran towards the young man. He held a knife and a paw stuck on the young man.

"The worms are small, they dare to be an axe!"

The knife sneered away.


Holding the young man's knife, only his palm, but everyone seemed to see a sword coming out of the pair, the knife rising, a shiny swinging knife, kneeling on the monk's arm.

At the next moment, no one shouted, and the number shrank. He broke two tables in a row and stood firm, but his body continued to tremble and one of his palms was bloodied.

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