Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 18 Chapter 17: Martial artist

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Seeing Ma Yuan holding Qiuyue's hand, the sword was covered with dust and his eyes were red.

From the first time he saw the autumn moon, he kept the autumn moon as his wife. Now, Ma Yuan really dared to take Qiuyue's hand. He never even touched Qiuyue's hand. ? how is he?

The fire in your heart will burn nine heavens.


He took a step and immediately approached Ma Yuan, his palm turned to Ma Yuan.

It is just the palm of your hand, but it feels like there is no equal sword.

"The sword is dust free, what are you doing?"

Qiuyue was surprised and wanted to stop in front of Ma Yuan.

But Ma Yuan came out and crashed.

The fist hit the dusty sword palm.


A loud noise, full of vitality, Ma Yuan and the dust-free mountain under the sword, like a plow, with a deep canyon.

Slightly, the two took two steps back.

"The sword is dusty, stop!"

Qiuyue met Ma Yuan and looked at the sword without dust.

Seeing the moon in autumn, the sword stopped in silence, but his face was even uglier. He looked at Ma Yuan and said, "Small blow. He has a little skill. He can choose me to succeed three times. It seems that you are the Big Four." What about the so-called bronzes in the hospital?

Ma Yuan smiled slightly and said, "You can force me to succeed twice, you are not bad!"

"Two successes? Hahaha, the ability to open your mouth is not very small, and you are not afraid of people laughing at big teeth."

The sword was full of dust and laughter, full of ridicule.

Several other young people also showed mocking smiles.

Ma Yuan said that only two successful forces were exhibited. Who is this letter?

Ma Yuan laughed, too lazy to explain.

"Since he said that he only achieved two successes, do I have to see how strong his success is?"

The sword was mocking and mocking, a sword rang, and a strange sword appeared on his head.

This sword seems to be full of mottled years, very old, and seems to have been inherited from ancient times.

This is blood without a blood sword.

Weapon blood belongs to special blood, which is unmatched and difficult to understand.

Ma Yuan's eyes sparkled, this was the first time he saw special blood.

Sword-shaped blood is outside, the sword is clean, and the body is surrounded by a fierce sword.

Ma Yuan's eyes showed a trace of war, special blood, what was he afraid of?

He can see that the sword is dusty, and it is also the restoration of the nine peaks of the martial artist.

When Ma Yuan wanted to explode and repair, when the sword was in a dustless battle, Qiuyue said angrily: "The sword is dustless, you dare to fire today, and you and I will become deadly enemies in the future!"

There is no doubt about the phrase of autumn and winter.


The sword is angry and angry, but it is helpless. The sword-shaped blood disappeared and the breathing was weak.

"Young teacher, let's go!"

Qiuyue took Lu Luming's palm and walked while squatting down.

Ma Yuan frowned and picked it up, then let Qiuyue go forward and disappeared here.

"Well, autumn moon, is your blood sober?"

Ask Ma Yuan, some curious people.

"Wake up, master, look!"

He said that the autumn moon shone on the back of the blood, a group of white air emerged, and at the same time, a cold road was full, Ma Yuanxiu, feeling cold.

What surprised Ma Yuan was that in the snow-white air, eight blood-red chakras.

Eight chakras, eight blood, Ma Yuan was shocked.

At the next moment, the autumn months took over the blood and the temperature in the fields increased.

"Qiuyue, is this ice blood?"

Ma Yuan asked in surprise.

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