Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 18 Chapter 3: Dare not ignore

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Duan Muqing looked at the messengers of the other three houses with a bad complexion.

"Jaja, Duanmuqing, I know Luyao, your Baihuyuan Mu Lin is married, but the girl Luyao does not necessarily choose Baihuyuan. They belong to the Xuanyuanjian school. The choice of other hospitals is different, it is just not suitable."

Tie of Qinglong College laughed.

"Hey, I look at you at this time, aiming to glance," Duan Muqing snorted.

The elders next to them were more excited. The Lu family has not started yet. Four universities have the urge to **** Lu Yao, which makes him full of red lights.

At this time, a fen wind came, and an elegant figure entered, immediately attracting all eyes.

"Mu Tangzhu, I didn't expect you to come, please come to the seat."

The old people are very welcome.

The person who came was Lingyaotang, the boss of Moulin.

Behind Lingyao Hall is Xuanyuanjian School. The elderly dare not ignore it.

"Uncle Mu Shi, you are here."

Liu Qian of Zhuqueyuan quickly attended the ceremony, which surprised many people. They speculate that Moulin is in Suzaku, and his identity is very unusual. Liu Qian is in his thirties and his name is Moran.

"Okay, let me look at the emotions." Moulin smiled and walked to Liu Qian to sit down.

"How did she come?" The faces of the other three houses changed.

At this time, Ma Yuan and Li Ping, Qiuyue also came to the crowd.

At this time, a 40-year-old middle-aged man took a refined and elegant appearance onto the platform in the middle of the battlefield.

He is the second vein of the Lu family, and he is Lu Yunfeng, the eldest son of the Lu family.

"The Lu family's meeting today is a great honor for Lu Jiatian to Xuanyuanjian."

When Lu Yunfeng opened, this was a slogan. At that time he turned around and said. "So, today, the youngest Lu family child must have a good performance and develop all skills, maybe you can see the recommendation directly into the Xuanyuan Sword School through the best players."

When Lu Yunfeng's voice fell, a young family's family Lu took a quick breath, and one was proud of the war. Normally, Xuanyuanjian sent gates to recruit disciples, two months later, but at that time, geniuses in nearly 2000 cities in the eastern part of Liege's empire competed with each other, and the probability of success was very small.

However, if you see several messengers by Xuanyuanjian today, it is recommended to enter the Xuanyuanjian School. This is really an increase in speed.

In the main seat, several messengers smiled and did not refute, this is the default, which makes the eyes of the younger generation Lu family more beautiful.

Lu Yunfeng's purpose has been achieved, his face is bright, and began to advertise. "Then the family will now officially start this time. The series will be divided into three steps. The first test will force the strength and the second test. The third."

"Everyone knows martial arts, roads, one step at a time, full of hardships and difficulties, so without strong will, it is impossible to go far. You must now join the tribe, ascend, give the first step, Deng flame ladder" .

The sound disappeared. In the surrounding environment, some young Lu men and women climbed onto the platform.

These are the children behind the Lu family. There are men and women, but they are not over 18 years old.

At this time, on the main stage, the characters of Lu Yao stood up. In a flash, the public's eyes focused on her.

Lu Yao, a long white dress, graceful, curvy, skin like white jade, has a beautiful face, like a fairy tale.

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