Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 169: Overwhelming

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This day, this moment, came so quickly that he was not yet fully prepared.

Ma Yuan thought so. Standing in front of the legendary old man, waiting for the opportunity, his hands and feet shook all night.

Finally, the old Master's eyes touched himself, and Ma Yuan almost shouted with excitement.

However, before waiting for the exit of Ma Yuan, the woman beside him stood up and said, "I am Gongsun Yue, from the Western Regions, and settled in Chang'an after the destruction of the Western Regions, wishing to do my best to destroy Chang'an!"

Ma Yuan didn't listen carefully to the content of the other party's words, but was taken a step ahead by others. He couldn't help but get angry, and at the same time was extremely desperate, but still forced to endure in desperation.

"You say nothing," the Master said leisurely, at this time the sky was dawning and the sunlight was faint.

The people present were taken aback by Gongsun Yue's words. As the strongest host country to communicate things across the continent, it was undoubtedly harder to destroy Chang'an, even if the Sanctuary level was just in front of Chang'an.

For example, Li Bai, a peerless swordsman who has whined, and Ju Youjing, a mysterious swordsman from Fusang, can't resist the glory of Chang'an for a while, and both of them lost.

However, in front of the three questions raised by the Confucius, no one dared to lie, even the slightest concealment, not to make it, for fear that the Confucius would be angry.

Gongsun Yue did just that.

The Confucius did not ask the other party what the problem was, he suddenly sighed.

The teachers standing behind the newly-entered disciples showed fear.

All night, surrounded by all kinds of strange problems, basically covering all kinds of the world, the Confucius was not embarrassed, or melancholy, and only occasionally laughed.

This time, he sighed, full of vicissitudes and intriguing.

Gongsun Yuedao said: "Master..."

Master: "What do you want to ask?"

"What I want to ask the Confucius is, who are the five guards of the Great Wall? This question does not involve the past and the future, nor does it fall into the siege. At the same time, it has no relationship with the Confucius, and it must not embarrass the Confucius."

Gongsun Yueyou said that there was a sense of self-confidence in his tone.

Master: "Yes, I can indeed answer your question. In addition, I suddenly thought that if there is Master Mozi here, I wonder if he will stop me or stop you."

Gongsun Yue couldn't wait and said, "Please also ask the Master to express it immediately."

Confucius: "Don't worry, the one who should tell you will naturally tell you. I think you can actually guess who they are, or you will not be accurate to five. What you think is just borrowing my mouth Let the people of the world believe that those five are the chosen people who guard the Great Wall."

Gongsun Yue was silent, staring at the Master, waiting for his real reply.

On the side, Cai Yong's face twitched and whispered, "This woman is actually counting!"

Lian Po: "It seems so."

The Master said to Gongsun Yue:

"The Great Wall Guard Army is the great array of the Great Tang. Master Mozi made the most important core. It suppressed the dragon veins that stretched thousands of miles and gave birth to the spirit of the institution. This **** will select a new generation of Great Wall Guard every 100 years. The army, the selected five people occupy the five positions of the dragon head, dragon claw, dragon tail, dragon head, dragon scale, and dragon heart. This legend has been circulating for a long time in the world. However, the identity of the true Great Wall Guard Army is Secretly, even Holy Emperor Wu Zetian is unknown."

"However, this is the result you should have come to Jixia, I will tell you!"

"Legendary Blade, Mulan."

"Break Blade, Kay."

"Scythe of madness, a hundred miles of mystery."

"Quiet eyes, keeping promises for a hundred miles."

"Unyielding iron wall, Sulie."

When speaking, the voice of the Confucius suddenly increased several times. Whether on or off the stage, they were all thunderous. He heard it very clearly and easily remembered it.

Gongsun Yue smiled and was very satisfied. She took a few steps to salute the Master and said, "I naturally accept the Master's kindness, but I won't go away like the one before, and I will stay under Ji Ji , Please ask your colleagues for advice."

Master: "It's so good."

Under the eyes of the public, Gongsun Yue waved her right hand, and the silk scarf crossed the top of her head, and she disappeared into a whirlwind.

So arrogant?

Thinking of having just stood with a character comparable to a self-propelled bomb, Ma Yuan couldn't help but be afraid. But what everyone does not know is that Gongsun Yue's move seems natural and arbitrary, but after a lot of consideration, there are certain bets.

She left early to stabilize her panic. Continue to stay, she may be ugly because of the irrepressible fear.

When Gongsun Yue left, Ma Yuan naturally focused his attention on the Confucius. If it had not been for the woman to hinder him, he must have been taken by the Confucius, and the kind smile that the Confucius smiled at him seemed to confirm this.


The Master pointed at Ma Yuan and asked,

"You are Cai Yong's disciple?"

Cai Yong immediately paled and seemed to think of something bad, looking nervously at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan was not sure about the problems between Cai Yong and Jixia College. He didn't want to think about it and replied directly: "Yes, Ma Yuan is a new student of Master Cai Yong."

The master gently stroked the long beard, seeming to think, and then asked: "Who are you? Where are you from? What are you going to do?"

Ma Yuan: "In Xia Ma Yuan, from the secret realm of Fusang, would you like to practice a powerless exercise?"

The powerless method? As soon as this remark came out, all the people in the audience cast their eyes on concern. As far as they know, there is no powerless practice, but their effect is almost nothing. According to Ma Yuan, it should be a unique exercise.

They are all very concerned about what questions Ma Yuan will raise next, and Ma Yuan is also very solemn. When he intends to say his long-buried thoughts, he hears the Master shouting.

"No! You are wrong!"

Ma Yuan hurriedly said: "What do you mean?"

The Master said: "You are indeed Ma Yuan, but you did not come from the Fusang Secret Realm, nor did you seek a practice that does not require vitality!"

How can it be? Ma Yuan's eyes were so wide that he couldn't believe what the Master said.

The new disciples behind Ma Yuan, as well as the old students off the stage, witnessed the previous scene and couldn’t help but discuss:

"The Master said this for the first time?"

"This son, dare to deceive the Master?"

"Don't you look at whose disciples?"

"Cai Yong? Doesn't this old immortal learn a lesson?"


The teachers of Jixia College did not dare to speak out, the silence of death, this has never happened.

"Master..." Ma Yuan wanted to explain.

At this moment, the Master flew a big battle, invisible force slapped Ma Yuan, he was immediately hit by a heavy blow!

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