Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 156: The general trend

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"you are……"

Cao Cao has just transformed into a real-name realm. The meridians in the body are twitching rapidly, a lot of vitality is rolling, and the blood and flesh and spirit are undergoing earth-shattering changes. All this makes him awake.

"Silver-haired, red-eyed, are you a blood race? But your breath is not the same as the blood race I have been in contact with before. You better explain to me."

Paying attention to the characteristics of the person in front of him, Cao Cao was vigilant and immediately stood up from the chair, shaking off his ashes.

"Don't move!"

Seeing Cao Cao's alert, the mysterious man panicked and scolded,

"You are just now dead and resurrected. If you rush to use your vitality, you will be at your own risk!"

Resurrected? When Cao Cao heard the other party's words, the organ of thought was opened at once, and the memories of the previous life spewed out:

Born in a civilian's home, he lived in various places because of the war, and was later incorporated into the army, and became a centurion with his own efforts.

Later, because of being hated, Cao Cao became the so-called "captain of the investigation blood group".

Originally a squad of 20 or 30 people, it eventually spread to more than 100 people, wandering at the border between Wu and Wei, to investigate news about the blood race action, and even did not return to Wei for one year.

It took five or six years, and this team was completely forgotten by the army and successfully transformed into a concentration camp for some unwelcome soldiers.

Cao Cao also thought about going to the higher level, requesting the disbandment of this meaningless team so that he can return to his official position or give himself more tasks, but all of them are as unremarkable as the sea.

Can't continue this way!

Cao Cao thought so. Soon, the altar tragedy happened. It was an unforgettable experience in his life, and he turned into a nightmare to wake him up at night.

Finally, a long sword penetrated Cao Cao's body, defeating his thoughts, and his heart suddenly stopped, which made the endless nightmare come to an end.

Cao Cao bent his fingers slightly and touched the palm. The touch of blood-rich skin made every nerve full of joy.

The silver-haired man stared at Cao Cao, who was quiet, and there was a smile on his face. At the next moment, the smile suddenly solidified, and Cao Cao stared at himself like a hunter lurking in the dark, terrified.

"You don't need to think about it, I can tell you as much as you can."

The silver-haired man coughed a few times and solemnly said.


Cao Cao's indifferent tone is nothing like the joy that a reborn person should have.

"First of all, please tell me, who are you? Where is this place?"

The silver-haired person said slowly:

"I am a blood family, but it is different from the blood family you know, because I used to be a human race. You can also feel that the blood of my blood is not pure.

In the history of human beings for 13,000 years, there has been a study on how to turn the human race into a blood race. Some people admire the cultivation through the use of exercises, and some people choose the medicine to swallow. The crazy idea of ​​the simultaneous fluctuation of the source stone.

And I am a type of person who succeeds by practicing exercises.

Well, I don’t know. In a remote village in the west of Wei Guonan, the room you are in is actually a tomb built by the general. "

A large amount of information poured into Cao Cao's brain, and he was hard to understand at once. In spite of this, Cao Cao did not relax his sense of vigilance towards the silver-haired person. While arranging his memory, he considered the intention of the silver-haired person to resurrect himself.

"I am willing to believe your words."

After a while, Cao Cao gave the answer.

"But I still have doubts. How many people besides you have taken off the human body and become a blood clan. In addition, are you in the same camp as the blood clan that launched the war not long ago?"

The silver-haired man slightly smiled bitterly.

I thought he was more concerned about the outcome of that war and the fate of Wu Shuwei and the Three Kingdoms. He had traveled for this purpose and had enough information.

I didn't expect that the questions raised by the other party would be harmful, making myself unable to grasp the answer. How much information should he reveal to him?

He turned his back to Cao Cao, and there was a thunderous sound outside, and there was a slight rain.

"Unfortunately, the feasible method to get rid of the person and become a blood family has not appeared in the ten thousand years of history of this continent. Those who rely on luck like me and can be transformed into a blood family have not encountered the first Two people.

My organization was destroyed long ago. A few years ago, I met a blood clan who had escaped from the Zhongshan royal family. I realized that some people wanted to provoke war and provide them with experimental materials.

That’s right, the war between Wu, Shu and Wei was precisely the work of that organization. I did not participate in it, otherwise I would not survive to see you. "

The silver-haired man looked at Cao Cao. He just said a little bit. The details depend on whether the other party wants to join himself.

After a moment of contemplation in Cao Cao, it seemed that there was a result. The silver-haired man seized the opportunity in time and threw an olive branch at him.

"Oh? You want to follow me?"

Cao Cao looked at the stranger in front of him in disbelief, and did not understand the intention of the other party's remarks just now. Is there any trick to cheat?

"You give me a reason for now."

Hearing Cao Cao's words, the silver-haired man smiled strangely and reached out his right hand.

Cao Cao looked with his eyes. The hand seemed to be coated with a layer of silver powder, with a faint white light, and the place illuminated by the moon was even colder and brighter.

"You also extended your right hand to see."

The silver-haired person saw Cao Cao's expression change and was a little excited in his heart, so he encouraged.

Cao Cao also extended his right hand, rolled up his sleeves, the two's arms lined up together, and at the same time glowed with white light, but Cao Cao's was weaker.

Yinfa Ren said:

"You have just been resurrected now, so the breath is not strong. After some time, it becomes thicker, and you can naturally feel the fact that you are also a blood family."

"Blood family? Am I also a blood family?"

Cao Cao was so surprised that he moved his eyes to his right hand and looked carefully. Under his fair skin, he could vaguely see traces of blood vessel flow.

Yinfa Renyou said:

"At that time, you were killed by the enemies of the enemy generals. Fortunately, the generals gave you a bottle of blood samples. The intention is to temporarily extend your life, but you don't want this sample to succeed in you. ."

After that, the silver-haired man sighed again. If the batch of test samples could be taken away by the organization, the war might not be provoked.

He spread his hands and unfolded the sanctity-level might with an extremely proud gesture, declaring to Cao Cao:

"How, can you discuss the future of blood and humanity with me and sweep the entire continent of kings!"


The sound of rain reached its heyday, drowning out all the subtle sounds of the night, as if to indicate that the continent had ushered in a change in its destiny at a certain moment.

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