Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 144: Light of hope

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Ma Yuan sat down, hugged his legs, bent down slightly, staring at the campfire in front of him couldn't help but fall in love.

The strong wind blew across the Gobi, and the sand beneath the feet did not feel the scorching heat of the day, only the coolness of the air, spreading around the air as the night steamed.

A few pieces of wood were set up, and it took only a moment to ignite, and it quickly became strong. Now it is crackling and burning, embellishing the vast night.

As a leader in business travel, the old sentence shows full care and respect to everyone, and sometimes even loses the dignity of the superior.

But that's it. No matter on the bright side or the dark side, everyone decided to obey the old sentence, so I didn't find it troublesome to pick up a child this time.

"What are you looking at? Are you still resting?"

When everyone was asleep, the old sentence found that Ma Yuan was still fascinated by the campfire and could not help but come to ask questions.

Ma Yuan looked up at the old sentence, feeling a little excited, and immediately moved out obediently to sit down next to him.

"I sit in the carriage all day, and I do all the dirty work for others. I didn't do anything. It's boring, so I'm full of energy until now."

Ma Yuan honestly said that there seemed to be some complaints in his tone.

The old sentence laughed, and the rough big hand touched Ma Yuan's small head.

"Those jobs weren't yours, you are 13 or 14 years old, and the vitality hasn't been cultivated yet. What can you do for us?"

Hearing this, Ma Yuan stopped talking.


A faint explosion sound came from the bonfire, the burning wood was disconnected from it, rolled down from the top, and fell to the ground of Mars. They took off and then quickly condensed into dull dust.

Ma Yuan now thinks about two main issues:

The first one is where to go after forced separation from Juyou Jing. On this way, how can I become stronger to help each other. Ma Yuan deeply felt that the importance of power on this continent had just been inherited by Li Bai. If he could not exert it, wouldn’t he blacken the face of that person?

Thinking of this, Ma Yuan's hands began to tremble with excitement.

The second is the two Excaliburs in the Yin-Yang Temple, the master Mo Xie, and Ma Yuan both gave a fifth-order holy stone, why they still shattered into powder and disappeared. It seems that his fifth-order sacred stone is a very precious thing, so wouldn't it be a big loss?

The skeleton seemed to be fishing for his greed, waiting for the horse to hook with a plain tone. When it finally succeeded, it flew to the ground without explaining to Ma Yuan.

At the thought of this, Ma Yuan's face turned black, and there was a little consciousness in his eyes.

Old sentence sitting next to Ma Yuan, looking at the shaking bonfire, a trace of nostalgia in his chest, he said with reluctance:

"You seem to have forgotten where you came from. Although we have taken you in, we cannot take you for a long time. In fact, I will send you away at the end of this journey."

The old sentence sighed and continued:

"Our business trips always travel in a variety of harsh environments. Isn't it troublesome for you to follow? But rest assured that we will find a place where you can settle down. There is an old saying in our industry, as long as the sun can rise Get up and continue tomorrow. Where is Tianya not living? You are still young and don’t understand the benefits of this sentence. When you are a little older, you should understand..."

Unconsciously, the old sentence suddenly found that Ma Yuan was asleep.

The night was cold, and it stirred people's hearts.

I haven’t been so happy for a long time. After saying so much, I wanted to appease the child at first. But I changed my original intention halfway through. When I thought of this, embarrassment burst into my face.

"No matter what tomorrow, children, you can always find the place where the sun appears next day, hoping to be with you all the time."

The old sentence got up and left, disappearing into the boundless darkness.

Ma Yuan opened his eyes again, the dream disappeared, and he returned to the Junfang Temple again. Now deprived of the power of the true god, Ma Yuan's flesh was scratched by the space storm without a fight, and he couldn't help making a painful moan.

That is……?

Ma Yuan looked, the whole space should have burst under the immense power of Nengtian Yin, and turned into a final chaos, so that all tangible things could not escape.

However, a giant sword that was born into the sky, plunged into the core of Ma Yuanjieyin, conquered twenty days, and resisted the power of Tianyin under Xu Fu's men.

There is a delicate balance between the two, even if Neng Tian Yin does not have the supplement of the power of the true god, once launched, it is difficult to be easily eliminated.

Ma Yuan couldn't help but swallow a spit, his heart numb with tension. In the center of the frenzy, Ma Yuan was deprived of his strength again, and his body was hit hard time after time while he was desperately falling down.

The three sacred stones escaped the repression of Emperor Shitian’s power and emerged around Ma Yuan’s body, emitting a glowing gleam to protect him.

Rao is so, Ma Yuan's body has become bruised, and I am afraid that before touching the ground, he will be torn into countless pieces of meat.

"I also find this kind of story boring."

This is what Ma Yuan said.

If the fate of the traverser is so confused that it causes a lot of trouble, and finally has to fall into chaotic disputes for some hypocritical justice, then what is the fun of such a fate.

Close your eyes, listen to the sigh before the end of the world, and feel the exploding sound of the space of the Junfangdian. Perhaps there will be no explosions, only a snorting, and then all the noise will be silent.

Just as Ma Yuan was thinking wildly at the last moment of his life, suddenly the sound in his ears disappeared and he was supported by someone behind him.

Ma Yuan opened his eyes, saw Xu Fu's figure, and found that the armor on the opponent's body only had some visible fragments after the battle, as well as wounds that bleed due to blasts.

Out of the control of the master, the giant sword stuck in the core is slowly becoming void, and the pillars supporting this space have already shown signs of collapse. On the contrary, Neng Tianyin once again returned to the home field.

Wow, something seemed to be smashed open and shattered.

Xu Fu smiled bitterly, knowing that the situation was irreversible, looking at Ma Yuan's amazed expression in his arms, he slowly said:

"I think about it carefully, and my fate is probably the same. Even if this world resists, it will not succeed. On the contrary, I want to see how your fate is. My next life will wait for your story. "

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