Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 129: Spear

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There is no predictable future in the world. If there is, it is just a large probability event accumulated by a large number of facts, which is summed up by the brain as a certain law.

When there is a little fluctuation, there is a possibility of changing the results. We know this, but we still choose to believe that we may lag behind the intuitive judgment, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Directly speaking, this is not harmful. This is the simple and rough way of life most of the time. At the same time, this is also the cause of most dramatic turns.

How much sorrow and joy comes from the misplacement of knowledge?

Rain City, the last position held by Zhou Yu, led the battle between 6,000 soldiers and 30,000 old kings. The name Rain City is not to say that the city often rains. On the contrary, the city often has only one rain a year. It is very rare in the fertile soil of Wudi. It is said that it was cursed by a powerful person.

But today, there was a crackling heavy rain, connected day and night, and continuous precipitation.

"Child Zhou Yu, God doesn't help you, such a heavy rain, see how you can use the fire method."

The person who spoke was one of the princes, the realm was repaired to the real consummation level, and there was a breakthrough in the sanctuary level. The other one, who was always extremely cautious, was despised by other princes, but has reached the sanctuary level, ranking among the eight kings.

"Lord Lord Shadow, Lord Silver Face, the two of them look down on me Zhou Zhou too."

After finishing talking, Zhou Yu got up and waved his right hand. The ground in front of him was all over the sea of ​​fire. Due to the influence of the rain, he lost 40% of his power than usual, but it was also endless, and the momentum was amazing.

The Shadow Lord said repeatedly, humming, imagining the first genius of the Zhou family in a century, even though he was at this disadvantage, he did not show weakness.

"Then start the battle of generals!"

Shadow Lord Ye's hands are twined with black shadows, emanating from the palm of his hand and condensing on his fingertips.

Zhou Yu's face is calm, and there are few enemies. Choosing a general battle is a good buffer.

The silver-faced prince wondered why his colleagues were so anxious, that the cautious master, even without hesitation, invited the other party to the general battle. However, the silver-faced prince did not raise any objections, and he also wanted to play against Zhou Yu to see what the rumored "Fire Emperor" really was, and then he transformed into the wings behind him.

"With one enemy and two, I am afraid it is not the rule of such a general battle."

Zhou Yu smiled bitterly.

Under the fierce attack of 30,000 soldiers, the 6,000 soldiers held on to their strongholds. There was no crisis in the battle.

"If you still have generals, go straight."

The silver-faced prince sarcastically said that he knew that Zhou Yu had sent his powerful assistants to various places in order to stabilize his defense. At present, this is the empty period for Zhou Yu to fight alone.

They got the news and rushed nonstop. As everyone knows, all this is in the heart of Zhou Yu.

"Vineless vines!"

The right hand palm of Lord Shadow has gathered the power of shadow that has been cultivated for decades. Once released, it grows like a magic species quickly and stretches out hundreds of tentacles.

On the surface, this trick looks painless and itchy, but it is annoying. It can contain all actions of the opponent in all directions without dead ends, so that the opponent gradually loses all advantages.

Zhou Yu wrapped a deep red flame with gold in it, and turned it into a fireball. As long as he touched it, he would be violently ablated.

Although the Infernal Vine is not a mortal thing, and has the sanctuary-level deep skill bonus, toughness and solidity are abnormally high, but it can’t help Zhou Yu’s fireball and dare not touch it directly.

"This flame has the law of destruction."

The Lord Shadow had noticed the peculiarity of the golden part of the flame, and he couldn't help but be surprised. At a young age, he grew so terrible. If it were not to surrender to Sun Quan, but to become the men of the remaining eight kings, their regime would be very strong.

"Unfortunately, it is no longer the same way!"

Seeing his companions, the silver-faced prince could not help Zhou Yu for the time being, although only the realm of the real name-level consummation, he also joined the battle.

"Nine Spirit Wind Feathers."

"Baihai flute."

"Breaking the curse of the forbidden air."

All of a sudden, the silver-faced prince throws out three treasures and uses their powerful power to climb to the level of the sanctuary.

Behind him, the wings became extremely large, like eating Juli Pills, with a width of dozens of feet, so part of the battlefield below was not exposed to rain.

The wings flapped together, and a powerful airflow burst out, which was mixed with mysterious forces that could tear apart all. Zhou Yu's originally airtight fireball was forced to blow apart a few cracks.

Through those few cracks, the Infinite Vine finds the right time to insert it, trying to imprison his blood and capture Zhou Yu alive.

"Just right."

Zhou Yu secretly rejoiced in his heart, ignoring the vines behind him, and madly chased upwards, comparable to a firework. The two princes followed.

"Where can you escape?"

The silver-faced prince with giant wings was in his body, and his speed was extremely fast. A gentle tap disturbed the airflow above and caused a strong whirlwind.

After being chased to a sufficient height, Zhou Yu gave up the struggle and allowed the vines to bind his limbs and absorb his energy.

Just as Shadow Lord stolen joy, Zhou Yu smiled calmly:

"Run away, did I say you want to run away?"

Under the high altitude, a jade was placed on the chair where Zhou Yu had originally been sitting. That was the handed down treasure of the Qiao clan. That was the bargaining chip of Sun Ce in exchange for his life at the sacrifice of his life. Dazzling white light.

In the electric light and flint, the white light quickly flooded the battlefield, and the soldiers of the old king suddenly lost their strength, as if they had been stripped of bones and bones, and fell to the ground one after another. Even if there are still some people who hold on without falling down, they have no strength to fight again.

"what happened?"

The two princes looked down and found that the collapse of the 30,000 troops was shocking. I have never heard such things happen to the interracial people, and it feels bad now. The silver-faced prince fanned the giant wings and wanted to return to the battlefield.

"Humph, do you want to go!"

Zhou Yu carried his hands on his back. Even if he was bound by the Infinite Vine, he was not in a hurry, because everything was going according to the original plan.

"Fire law world."

At this moment, Zhou Yu’s sanctuary-level strength was fully revealed. Innocent vines were completely burned by the pure golden flame erupted on Zhou Yu. I saw those invisible flames quickly transformed into a cage that traversed the whole world, trapping the silver prince and the shadow prince. The two's faces became very pale.

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