Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 123: A life is a dream

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Have you ever thought that ordinary life is just a dream, and the self in the dream is the real life.

Or make a compromise: people live their lives when they are not sleeping, but when they sleep, their will will break away from the human body and become attached to all kinds of inanimate matter in the universe.

Dreams are wonderful, and opinions about dreams are endless, and there is no conclusion yet.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that dreams are not connected to the so-called reality, and the saying in the popular proverb, "Some thoughts every day, some thoughts at night" is not too reliable.

When Xu Fu and Ma Yuan used powerful forces to break one singular point after another, creating chaos in time and space, the two people who were close to each other fell into it without a doubt.

Their physical form, whether it was sheltered by the power of the blood clan or the handprint of Emperor Shitian, was assimilated by chaos, and even the consciousness was shattered into nothingness, and its existence in this world was completely erased.

In the chaos, there is still a way to get out of it. Xu Fu loses his dignity, but he still has the spirit of the god, and the spirit of the **** can not be extinguished. Even if it is repeatedly destroyed by the power of chaos, it can be quickly rebuilt.

"This destructive power is close to the last life of the Seventh Form of Extermination."

Xu Fu couldn't help but sigh, in fact, foreseeing this consequence, Xu Fu was also a reference to the same experience of the world.

Ma Yuan has no soul, but has the seal of Emperor Shitian, helping him reshape his soul. In the process of continuous destruction and rebirth, Ma Yuan's soul is being washed more and more thoroughly. As long as there is a divine personality, he will have the opportunity to testify and seal the god.

Xu Fu said that among the group of people, only Ma Yuan really has the possibility of defeating him, but this does not mean that Ma Yuan can completely defeat him. Although this possibility is not small, it is also difficult to praise.

"I don't think there is any possibility for you now."

In the vortex of chaos, Ma Yuan's consciousness and Xu Fu's consciousness were fragmented and intersected with each other, and each other's voices could also be heard clearly.

Ma Yuan said suddenly:

"Now, blood ancestors, I just thought of a reason to come here."

The two are competing in this chaos, who can persevere until the soul of the other party is destroyed, and then dominate the chaos, return the chaos to reality, in order to create their own physical body in the human world, and "rebirth".

Therefore, after losing the physical body, there is no vitality to call. After losing all the means of attack, the two basically have no interaction except for the verbal communication with each other.

"Oh, what is it, come and listen."

Xu Fu showed great interest,

So, Ma Yuan said slowly:

"Since I came to Chang'an City, a lot of incredible things have happened. Putting them together will eventually push me here. Maybe, I came here, it was arranged by God, and I and you Meeting is already doomed."

This sentence comes from Ma Yuan's heartfelt words. He more and more feels the ingenuity of this world, just like the coincidence calculated by the manipulation of the machine, so that he can have enough ability to come here in a short time.

Although Ma Yuan seemed to be emotional, telling his true feelings, Xu Fu did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and for a long time, there was no voice.

"Xu Fu, are you still there?" Ma Yuan asked quietly. In the darkness, apart from his meager existence, he could only feel the endless nothingness.

"The coincidences in this world are coincidences. How can there be so many intentions? If there is really intentions, I swam through the wilderness, up to the blue sky, down to the Huangquan, and occasionally went to chaos, and all the gods, big and small, have seen it, why is it not? Encountered something called'day'?"

Xu Fu said slowly, a little helpless in his tone, and said:

"This is the reason why you are here? Then there is a reason why you and I are fighting, it seems that you are not in the chaos of the blood race of the accident world."

Ma Yuan paused for a moment. It seemed that he did not want to speak after hearing the other party's words, but he still said it:

"Probably, this is also destiny, like you..."

The words were not finished yet, in the chaos, suddenly a wave of turmoil, a stronger destruction force than before, came down, cracked a seal of Emperor Shi Tianzhi, and the power of destruction drilled through the crack, against the weak Ma Yuan's soul launched a devastating kill.


Ma Yuan's soul uttered a scream, surrounded by this murderous chaotic atmosphere, and even with the help of Emperor Shi Tianzhi's repeated rebirth, the intensity of his soul was rapidly declining.

Finally, with the fifth-order holy stone red moon scattered in the chaotic turbulence, no longer shining, the Emperor's Seal of Heaven is also without any power, and Ma Yuan's soul fell into chaos in chaos, and did not stay. A trace of existence.

On the other hand, Xu Fu, with rich experience in chaos, knows that the power of annihilation will come suddenly in chaos. This power of annihilation is said to be the ember of the power used by the great **** when the universe opened up. There was never material to resist it.

After evading this murderous strategy, Xu Fu suddenly found that his mastery of chaos suddenly raised a class, only to realize that Ma Yuan's soul unfortunately fell in the attack just now.

Xu Fu sighed, a little helpless, and immediately shot and began to interfere in this little chaos. Without Ma Yuan's intervention, Xu Fu's power flowed unimpeded, devouring chaos after chaos, and then spit it out again to restore it to reality.

Outside, the fragmented space gradually aggregated into an infinite singularity, and the phantoms of the facts that had been stretched in the past began to shrink back.

It was only then that Ju Youjing realized that the breath of Ma Yuan and Xu Fu had disappeared, and they were allowed to search in every corner of the Junfang Temple, and there was no trace of them. In chaos, time has no effect, so the changes just now appear to the outside world without even a moment of time.

Chaos disappears, and matter is recreated.

When those ghosts disappeared, a star-like thing floated in mid-air, and then quickly zoomed in to materialize Xu Fu's information copied in the chaos, and finally Xu Fu's flesh appeared again.

Xu Fu opened his eyes. Although things had been expected, he regretted the disappearance of Ma Yuan. He lowered his head, facing Ju Youjing and others, except for the elder Xi Yin who was still in a coma and looked at him, his eyes full of complexity.

"Ma Yuan?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Juyou Jing immediately questioned the other party.

"He is no longer in the human world, he was swallowed by chaos, almost as if he were dead."

Xu Fu didn't hide it and told the other party directly.

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