Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 104: Worst encounter

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The most commendable first encounter is often not as bright as the impression. Under certain circumstances, it is so bad that it cannot be imagined.

Miss Zhang Family and Ayu in Caotou Village, the story of the two of them can be told a long time ago, but this is too much trouble, so I will talk about it for about ten years.

At that time, A Yu hadn't found his difference, and it would be a year before the Devil Hunting Team visited this carefree village, and then set off an uproar.

Prior to this, Ayu, like the children of ordinary people, liked to wander around and not go home.

The mother was just pregnant and added a little joy to the family.

According to his father, this time it must be a daughter. Ayu also hopes to be an older brother. He leans on his mother's stomach and listens to the voice of his future sister, telling him that he is an older brother.

The mother would jokingly say: "You haven't even been born yet, you always miss your sister, what if you are a kid?"

I thought that after a while, the mother's actions would be inconvenient, and when the father was going out to work, Ayu would stay at home almost every day to take care of his mother. During this time, he always ran out.

The villagers do not allow children at home to go out of the village, so they like to stand in front of the village and occasionally see idle teams passing by.

Among those teams, there are strange top hats, big-bellied businessmen, or dartsmen with swords. Ayu will work with her friends to guess the origin of the people.

"Look, the man with the bow and arrow must be the kind of hunter who specializes in searching for exotic animals. The burden on the right side of his horse is still moving!"

"No, no, no! He looks so clean, and he is also very casual in holding a bow and arrow. Unlike a trained one, how can he survive in the wild? I think it is a son of a certain family."

"What's wrong with his posture of holding bows and arrows?"

"You look at his elbow first, people who shoot arrows will have a habit..."

When the population began to talk, the people all cast their envious eyes.

As to whether the child's words are credible, they will not be discussed.

Those times were light and easy for Ayu, and now, in retrospect, there is only the impression of scales.

Of course, he will not remember that Miss Zhang's family, Zhang Mo, met him for the first time.

Zhang Mo was four years old that year. Although she was four years old, she already knew a lot of words and rituals. She was humble and easy-going for everyone, and was loved by people in the government.

He stopped in front of the entrance of Caotou Village because of Zhangjia's coach, experienced. He suddenly found that the sound of Che Lun was a little strange, so he immediately came down and checked.

Sure enough, there was a problem of damage to the shaft, which may be a hidden danger from the accident yesterday. Other vehicles may also have this problem. The terrain near Caotou Village is steep and has many landslides. This situation is very dangerous.

It took some effort to repair the carriage, so Zhang's team stopped. Zhang Mo felt bored and walked around at the request of his father.

The scenery in the wild is different from the prosperous streets in the city.

While Zhang Mo was enjoying this natural gift, he found a sneaky figure, leaning against an unmanned carriage, constantly sending something in his arms.

What is he doing?

Zhang Mo leaned over and looked closely, a little curious.

The man noticed that there was someone behind him, turned around in shock, and found that it was a young girl, who couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at his reaction.

He asked, "Who are you?"

Zhang Mo naturally salutes the other party and explains his identity.

But the mandarin in the little girl's mouth was a bit confusing for him, and there was no response for a while.

Seeing that the other party did not return the gift, Zhang Mo thought that he was inarticulate, so he said it again.

But how can a child from Caotou Village understand the complicated etiquette, and not know the complicated names.

"I know, you are the lady like this one."

The boy finally affirmed this way.

"Well," Zhang Mo nodded. The other party's statement made her feel a little surprised, and asked, "What about you? Who are you?"

The boy replied: "I am a child in this village, just call me Ayu."

Zhang Mo tilted his head so that she had heard the plain name only among the servants.

"So Ayu, what are you doing?"

During the speech, Ayu had removed the wheels of the carriage very cleanly, and picked some useful ones to hide.

"Aren't your carriages broken? I take away the useless things you don't need."

Zhang Mo felt something was wrong and asked:

"Why can you take it away, shouldn't the carriage master come to collect it?"

Ayu's eyes were a little panicked, and she justified: "If anyone doesn't want anything, anyone can take it away."

"Eh?" Zhang Mo showed a puzzled expression, and said, "Why can't anyone take what he wants if he doesn't want it?"

This way of thinking did not seem to be accepted by Miss Zhang Jia at that time.

Ayu worried that someone would come over and explained to Zhang Mo:

"You see useless things, abandoned by the owner, naturally need a new owner."

Zhang Mo nodded.

"No matter who will be its owner at this time, it is a good thing."

Zhang Mo shook his head and said, "The next master should also be decided by the former master, otherwise it cannot be called orthodox, and the master cannot be casual."

"Then Miss, can you reward me with these things?"

Ayu asked sincerely.

"This..." Zhang Mo was a little embarrassed, "I'm not its former owner."

Ayu asked: "You are the eldest lady of this team, why don't you have this power?"

Zhang Mo said: "Although this is the case, I don't remember I ever had such a thing."

Ayu suddenly stood up and scolded: "Why are you such a troublesome kid?"

Zhang Mo's eyes showed a slight fear and stepped back a few steps.

"I don't mean that." Ayu's tone became soft, fearing that the other party would misunderstand, it would be bad to attract adults.

Zhang Mo froze for a moment, and he could not help laughing when he saw Ma Yuan's worried expression.

She took out a jade pendant from her pocket, emerald green, very beautiful.

"Although I don't know what you are doing, it is probably stealing things. But stealing things is not good. My jade pendant is more valuable than these parts. I'll give it to you."

"I didn't steal anything!"

Ayu was a little angry and said, "You guy is a little stupid and ignores you."

After talking, he didn't get the wheel, and walked away alone.

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