Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 93: Emperor's Seal of Heaven

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"Have seen the elder."

Ma Yuan and Ju Youjing entered the Luosheng Hall, they bowed their heads and said respectfully.

When they raised their heads, they found that although the other party claimed to be the elder, they still had a childish face, like a child, secretly surprised inwardly.

The elder said:

"I have heard about Lulu. If the change was caused by the blood race, our village of God Race would have to lend a helping hand. But, we need to have a definite reason."

Nako Lulu looked at Juyou Youjing, who immediately realized that she took out a piece of red crystal stone.

The elder elder stepped forward and placed it in the palm of his hand. The index finger of his left hand made a few strokes in the void and read a short and quick spell, and the stone lit up.

This stone was exactly what was left behind when the mysterious people of the blood race were killed in Xiangyang City.

"Yes, it is the origin stone of the blood clan. Moreover, the above sealing technique has been erased."

After returning the stone to Juyou Jing, the elder said, with a little seriousness in his tone.

Ju Youjing came forward and asked, "Now that the blood race has been born, can there be any countermeasures?"

The elder stood up from his seat and asked, "Do you know the origin of the blood?"

Juyou Jing answered: "I don't know."

As a result, the elder opened his hands to perform illusion, and the entire hall turned into a black curtain, first to tell everyone the history of the blood race:

In the ancient creation period, a huge stone was not melted by the light of creation and remained chaotic in the new universe.

Over time, the stone gradually developed spiritual wisdom, and a **** was born, which was called the "ancestor god" of the blood race.

The ancestor god's body is a mysterious stone derived from chaos, which is indestructible. Therefore, the ancestor **** is also in an immortal state, and it is invincible among the gods for a period of time.

However, the ancestor **** is a different kind of world, unlike other natural deities, no creature will belong to it or believe it.

Perhaps it is lonely, the ancestor **** broke the fragments on the stone of his own body, and created creatures that were not bound by this cosmic law. More and more such creatures began to gather together to build camps, and the blood race was born.

Every blood tribe, no matter how weak, can be immortal, because their body is derived from that stone. Unless it is a separation of self-consciousness, no force can destroy it.

Today, the ancestors of the blood tribe do not know how many pieces are divided into many blood tribes.

This is the root of the immortality of the blood clan, and it is also a myth widely circulated by the blood clan.

The library managed by Nicole Lu did not record this information, which made her feel incredible and asked:

"Then how do our **** clan villages deal with these powerful blood clan?"

According to the knowledge of Naco Lulu, thousands of years ago, when the blood race was in chaos, his village once played a key role that could not be ignored.

The elder continued to explain:

"The blood stone held by Ju Youjing is absorbing the energy of heaven and earth every night, and when enough is enough, the blood race inhabiting it will be reborn and come to the world.

The speed of blood absorption is fast, and it is rare to see the whole world. Judging from the current speed, this blood race will wake up again in 20 days.

However, the mystical magic method of the mythic village can separate the external energy from the blood of the blood clan, so that the speed of recovery can be infinitely slowed down, and finally achieve the purpose of sleeping forever. "

Ma Yuan Dawu: "As long as the blood clan is defeated and handed over to the village of the **** clan, there will be no problem."

"In short, that's it."

The elder affirmed each other's ideas.

Ju Youjing said, "I'm willing to give my best for this great disaster."

The Great Elder glanced at each other, unmoved, and said:

"Thousands of years ago, the chaos of the blood race, the world's spirits were painted, and the real-name strongmen were reduced to ants. Even the sanctuary level is going to death. How much do you think you can contribute."

Ju Youjing respectfully said:

"Now the blood race has not fully recovered, and the time is urgent. It is just when manpower is needed. I also invite the elders to let me join."

The elder nodded and applauded, admiring the man in front of him.

She continued:

"I see that your blood and blood are losing, and your life is not long. Do you want to exchange with me for medicines that prolong your life?"

If the other party wants it, the elder will not be stingy to him after the matter is completed.

Ju Youjing smiled:

"I don't need these things. It's just that the mother of my loved one has been eroded by the plague of the blood race, and the essence has been greatly damaged. Please ask the elder to think of a way."

"Oh?" The elder elder was somewhat unexpected. "Then you can seal her four heart gates and the right and left veins?"

Ju Youjing replied: "These were done by doctors six months ago."

The elder said: "This is no problem, there is more than time, you can rest assured. I have my own way."

Juyou Jing could not help but smile when he heard the promise from the other party.

"Let's rush to the King's Palace immediately."

The elder suggested.

"Where is this and why have I never heard of it?"

Nicole Lulu said in surprise.

"The king's palace is on the bottom of the sea, you naturally don't know that it was the place where the blood clan was sealed thousands of years ago. If the blood clan is born, there must be something wrong with that place."

The elder elder said patiently that although her tone was a little quick, the blood race had already made her very concerned.

"No, wait a minute."

Juyou Jing stopped the elder who was about to release the power of the spell. The other party was a little angry and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ju Youjing respectfully said: "Before that, I asked the elder elder to take the child to the Emperor's Palace."

As soon as this remark came out, Nakolulu and the Protoss elders changed their looks.

How could he know?

The elder looked at Nakolulu with suspicion, and the other side quickly shook his head and denied it.

They did not know that all this was told by Li Bai to Ju Youjing, including the resurgence of the blood race. As for why Li Bai knows so clearly, Ju Youjing is also difficult to understand.

"The key to the whole thing is Ma Yuan,"

Li Bai instructed,

"As long as you take him to the Shenzu village to seek refuge and let him get the seal of Emperor Shitian, he will naturally know how to save Oda's mother without having to find the misty magical flower."

The elder exhaled a breath, she knew more than Naco Lulu, so the other party's words shocked her more.

"you sure?"

She asked Ju Youjing's opinion.

Ju Youjing had to say politely: "In short, please let him try."

"That's fine."

The elder's unexpected tone was very gentle, even a little nervous and excited, because this involved another prediction about the future of the Protoss Village.

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