Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 90: Love Breeze

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She once again stimulated the vitality of her body and spread to the entire seashore. With the weak connection between heaven and earth, the appearance of the boundary began to appear.

Zhou Yu noticed that it was an enclave that was created by the Sanctuary level with painstaking effort.

"Quick stop."

Zhou Yu ordered.

Xiao Qiao only has the real name level realm, and he can exercise his ability beyond the boundary. Even if he succeeds, the force of anti-bite will make the person die on the spot.

"Quick stop."

Zhou Yu ordered again.

"Are you, Mr. Zhou Yu?"

Xiao Qiao closed his eyes and began to immerse himself in the enchantment.

"Do you know? As long as this enchantment is opened, the plague will disappear, and those who are bored, those who cry, will smile again."

Zhou Yu did not speak, he did not expect the other party to think so.

"Don't you fear even death?"

Zhou Yu asked, the fire in his left hand shook violently, which meant that his mind was shaken.

"Yes, Xiao Qiao is fearless, as long as there is love, he can move forward."

The other party said that the answer is simple and pure, and can touch the heart of an iron-blooded governor.

In the wind and rain, Xiao Qiao's hands were set up to fight tenaciously against the enemies in the distance. The already exhausted Dantian miraculously poured out a lot of vitality, which was obtained at the cost of life essence.

Half an hour.

An hour.

Two hours.

I don't know how much time has passed, the weak girl still stands, and she doesn't fall down with Zhou Yu.

"Don't it work?"

In the end, the darkness swallowed everything in Xiao Qiao's eyes, and even the noise of the storm slowly calmed down, and Zhou Yu could feel that the life breath of the **** the side was shrinking rapidly.

Suddenly, Xiao Qiao saw that a light appeared in the darkness, and its warmth made people wake up again.

Across a thousand miles of sea, a familiar breath communicated with Xiao Qiao.

"This is... sister?"

On the other side of the East China Sea, holding the Everlasting Everlasting Lamp, the artifact of Qiao's family, Da Qiao stepped on the rock, and the waves of the sea conveyed the natural words.

She knew that the sister in the distance was setting up a barrier to resist the invasion of evil atmosphere. At the same time, she also knew that a fleet was rushing here, and the wind and waves lost their direction.

"Do you want to stop me?"

That voice sounded in Da Qiao's mind.

"Yes, I will rebel against you, not only my brave sister, many people in this world will rebel against you."

Da Qiao said. The people of the Qiao family are expecting this girl to accept the inheritance of the ancient magic path.

"Haha, obviously you know the truth of history, but you still have to help those betrayer! I shouldn't trust your family!"

The origin of the resentment of that voice, Da Qiao was very clear, but she did not move, she set up the light of the guard, and guided the lost fleet.

Xiao Qiao opened his eyes again. Zhou Yu did not know that Xiao Qiao's sister Da Qiao was supporting her thousands of miles away.

"Stop it, it's impossible."

Zhou Yu said truthfully with his own judgment.

"No, hope and miracles exist."

At this time, Xiao Qiao's eyes appeared bright lights, and tears.

More than ten years ago, Joe of the famous Jiangdong gave birth to a pair of sisters.

The older sister is named Da Qiao and the younger sister is named Xiao Qiao.

The strong magical atmosphere at the time of their birth made the whole family into joy, thinking that the moment of revival had finally come.

However, for this long-established magic family, it has always been one generation, and the twins have never been different.

Therefore, among the twins, the quiet and not crying, the younger sister was sent to Jixia College, and the elder sister who can hear the mysterious voice crying in the ear and often crying, stayed in the family and carefully cultivated.

Because of the lack of the rules and regulations of the Magic Dao family, and the teachers of Jixia College are very indulgent to the students, Xiao Qiao lives in an extremely free environment and is influenced by the education of the sages.

What the family did not expect was that when Xiao Qiao became an adult, they took it back and found that the power of the magic path circulated on the other side was far stronger than the Da Qiao who cultivated it.

This made the entire Qiao family panic, what ancient curse, and the prediction of the family's decay, madly spread in private.

"Exile her to the East China Sea fishing village of Wu Guo, and cannot come out in her life.

The managers of the Qiao family finally issued such a ruthless order. In order to implement the decisions of many years ago, the desire for family revival was successfully realized, and some sacrifices were a last resort.

In this way, the sisters reunited for three days, they were immediately separated, and never met again.

"Sister, how are you?"

Xiao Qiao thought that the warmth flowing in his body was due to the contribution of Da Qiao from his affection, and he couldn't help but evoke the infinite thoughts of Da Qiao.

The blue breeze and the pink breeze meet across the sea across a distance of thousands of miles. Due to the coexistence of one body, the two forces adapt to each other and fuse together.

Soon, the long-awaited Great Enchantment rose from the ground, and the golden barriers erected one by one on the sea, and the whole heaven and earth were swayed with a sacred and inviolable breath, and the claws of evil breath were completely blocked out. It is difficult to go one step further.

"Da Qiao!! Qiao's family!!!"

With unwillingness, the angry voice on the sea finally fell into the bottomless abyss, and there was no echo.


Feeling what happened, Zhou Yu was shocked, which exceeded his expectations.

Where genius is desperate, love and courage can go unimpeded.

The young girl explained the meaning of this sentence perfectly with her actions.

The storm over the sea subsided and the sun shone down.

Sun Ce was standing on the bow of the ship, looking into the distance, experiencing a stormy battle. Instead of being a little tired, he struggled vigorously.

The fellow traveller asked him what he was looking at.

"You, have you seen a girl with a lantern?" Sun Ce said, others were inexplicable.

At the end of the mission, Xiao Qiao finally closed his heavy eyes, his body fell off, fell down, and fell asleep in Zhou Yu's arm.

She seems to have entered a sweet dream and is smiling slightly.

"Lock her up, don't let her go without me."

Zhou Yu ordered.

By putting Xiao Qiao into prison, and the interference of Zhou Fu's forces, it is difficult for the Qiao family to recall Xiao Qiao again. This is Zhou Yu's real idea, and then this unpredictable and troublesome autumn will protect her.

Reminiscent of Xiao Qiao's face and the tenderness of caring for the plague patients, Zhou Yu's iron-blooded heart was touched.

I thought that I would give everything to the better Wu Guo for this life, but inevitably experienced the love of my children. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to determine for the time being.

After a long night, Zhou Yu sighed.

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