Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 86: Reappearance of the dream (Part 2)

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Carrying a huge power, the Qinglian sword in Ma Yuan's hands, with a whisper, locked the black shadow and chopped off.


The sound of cracking.

The sound of countless meridians.

Dahe Jianyi is a sword of nothingness. In the true sense, it can cross time and matter, and directly hit the locked target.

In addition, it is nothingness itself, so it cannot be resisted. Dahe Jianyi is a veritable sword that can only be chosen to bear.

Blood flowed down the body of the shadow, dripping down on the ground, and it was extremely harsh in this silence.

Sun Shangxiang slowly stood up and looked at the dark shadow in front of him, he opened his eyes again.

"Good sword, but lacks too much heat."

The mysterious man said, as if commenting. Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling sound, and the broken bones and meridians re-healed and grew to perfection again.


Black Shadow yawned and stretched, just like getting up, Ma Yuan's Dahe Jianyi made him successfully move his muscles and bones.

"really not bad."

He said freely.

At this time, Ma Yuan fell down.

The use of Dahe Jianyi not only lost all the vitality accumulated in the original body of the horse, but the force of anti-bite continued to attack, destroying his spirit and will.

"fair enough……"

Ma Yuan comforted in his heart that he could use Li Bai's sword. Even though he painted the gourd like this, he was proud enough.

He chose to close his eyes slowly, his will fell, and soon, real darkness would come.

A voice rang in his heart.

"Death is something everyone has to experience, and it was originally without feet."

"However, the cause and time of death is the key. People can't choose what kind of thoughts to come to the world, but they can choose what kind of thoughts to say goodbye to their lives."

"Is it okay to die like this?"

In a word, familiar and strange, Ma Yuan's severe pain in his head began to recall.

It was in Changan City, that night.

Wu Zetian's Shengwei descended from the sky, and Juyoujing grabbed himself who wanted to die, and said something to himself.

"Think carefully, you still don't want to die."

Ma Yuan opened his eyes again.

What catches my eyes is that I don’t know when the white coat appears

The man in blue trousers, holding his love knife in his right hand, made himself innocent, and the black shadow on the opposite side was staring at the visitor mixed in the war.

"Juyou Youjing!" Ma Yuan wept with joy.

The man pulled out the love knife in half, and the fierce gust of wind swept out of the room, leaving three openings in the other person's body immediately, and then quickly recovered as usual.


Ju Youjing said slowly that he had learned the information of this race to a certain extent.

"Cough, there is a simple guy."

The attitude of the mysterious man finally became serious.

For security reasons, he cut a gap in the void with his fingers, and then threw in the stuff from the center of the seal array, and the gap disappeared.

This seems to be some kind of space secret.

"How are you going to deal with me, Mr. Swordsman?" The dark shadow approached Ju Youjing gracefully, with a pair of huge wings spread behind him, to the point of supporting the entire cave.

The principle of Ma was to take advantage of this opportunity to drag Sun Shangxiang, who had not yet recovered, and left Liu Bei, retreating along the entrance where Ju Youjing came in.

After a glance in the backward direction, Ma Yuan's eyes were complicated, and at this time he could only trust all his hopes to the other party.

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