Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 85: Mysterious man's warning

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The screaming wind became intense, and beside the beam of light, the rune on the wall detached from the rock and appeared in midair.

The originally depressed atmosphere swept away, and Ma Yuan felt that the whole person was refreshing, like a beach in front of the sea.

The beam of light has been rushing up, reaching the overcast clouds, piercing a huge hole, and seeing the sun of Xiangyang City ushered in the long-lost light.

The marvelous movement sounded, and the wicked breath everywhere was gradually suppressed, and the murmur of whispers in his ears subsided.

Liu Bei let go of his hands. At this time, the formation does not need his vitality to maintain, and he can run very smoothly.

Sitting on the ground with an ass, Liu Bei turned to look at Ma Yuan like a prostration, revealing a relaxed smile, and the stone hanging in everyone's heart finally landed.

"Is it over so soon?"

Ma Yuan muttered to himself.

Suddenly, he immediately covered his mouth.

At this critical moment in the development of this story, isn't it equivalent to setting a flag?

At this time, a black shadow appeared above the seal formation, silently, as if appearing out of thin air.

Liu Bei turned back in amazement and stared at the opponent's crimson eyes. The cold breath instantly encroached on all of his mind, and there was only endless darkness in front of his eyes.

While Liu Bei was sluggish, the mysterious man reached out to the sunken center and tried to fumble for something.

The formation is like being stimulated by powerful effects, the light is vigorous, and the energy fluctuates violently.

The floating runes all flew to the mysterious person, but the other side just waved their hands, and those runes turned into nothingness.


The mysterious man breaks something from the core of the formation.

Above the Xiangyang city, the broken hole was automatically repaired, and the night again enveloped here.

The evil breath went crazy again, and the ears were full of heartbreaking noises.

"what happened?"

Ma Yuan and Sun Shangxiang both looked blank.

"Huh, I finally got this thing."

The mysterious man said, seeming very satisfied.

"There is no descendant of the Zhongshan royal family to reopen this formation, I am really a bit tricky about this, not bad."

Liu Bei woke up and found that the formation had stopped running, and even the patterns that made up the formation had broken into pieces and no longer glowed.

The Great Seal was destroyed!

He shouted angrily: "The soul is weak! What have you done!"

The mysterious man smiled and asked, "Yes, are you a descendant of the Zhongshan royal family?"

Liu Beidao: "Exactly."

The mysterious man went on to say: "I also made a deal with the Zhongshan royal family, but it was forcibly interrupted by someone before the deal was completed. I see you are not bad, it is better to join me and I can give you a huge the benefits of."

Liu Bei smiled and said, "What are the benefits?"

Mysterious humanity: "Eternal life."

As soon as this statement came out, Liu Bei showed a shocked look, saying:

"How can it be?"

The voice of the mysterious man is full of unbridled, saying: "I will live forever? This is true of my blood people, so it can only be sealed thousands of years ago, and cannot be killed in a real sense. How, what do you think?"

Liu Bei asked: "So how did you do it? Turn us into blood races?"

The mysterious man seemed interested in seeing the other, and said with some joy:

"Why don't you have to be a blood clan if you don't die forever? You can enjoy the same life as a blood clan by using the secret method of a blood clan.

That's right, the ancestors of the blood tribe created many blood tribes in this way.

Liu Bei joked: "Isn't that a stupid existence!"

Mysterious humanity:

"You are wrong. In my blood family, respecting family members and respecting family members is an iron rule. It is the glory passed down from the blood ancestors. You can be free from the control of your superiors and have your own freedom."

Liu Bei sucked his lips and said, "This is really good conditions."

Mysterious humane: "Oh? What do you mean?"

Liu Bei proudly said: "When a mortal, I am enough."

During the talk, the male and female swords were pulled out. At such a short distance, it was expected that the other party would be difficult to dodge.

Liu Bei just spent so much time with him just now. First, he secretly accumulated strength to fight for enough time, and second, to relax his vigilance.

Now that the time is ripe, he launched the attack without hesitation. Sure enough, both swords were inserted into each other's abdomen, a loud noise, and then a burning smell came out.

Liu Bei laughed wildly: "Give me hell."

Originally thought that the other party would howl painfully, but the black shadow did not move much, as if the male and female double-stranded sword had lost its effect, although its light had reached the most dazzling level.

Half of the power of a sword depends on the person who uses it.

"It seems that you are not going to play for me."

The mysterious man had more than enough appearance to draw these two swords away in his speech.

This terrifying force acted on Liu Bei's body along the sword's body. In an instant, he flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

"Qinglian Three Swords!"

"Thousands of gold crossbows!"

Ma Yuan and Sun Shangxiang came to the war when they saw the bad situation.

When the other party waved his hand, the powerful waves waved and flew out, hurting his internal organs.

Everyone's heart was terrified: it was terrifying!

"You just heard my conversation with him just now? How, do you mean to be a blood race?"

The mysterious man hastily asked the opinions of each person. He has a lot of time. Since he got what he wanted, he has been free. He even didn’t want to kill the three people in front of him.

Perhaps he could solve the boredom, he thought so.

The familiar expression gradually appeared on the three people's faces: panic, dazed, fear. That's it, the mysterious man shouted deep down in his heart, and the long-lost feeling made him fall intoxicated.

"Unfortunately, there are only me and his two bloodlines here, otherwise I really want to show my tricks, haha."

The mysterious man approached Liu Bei on his own. Just now he photographed Ma Yuan and Sun Shangxiang together. At this time, they leaned against the stone walls of the cave and were ready to struggle.

"You better not act rashly." He said, "This kind of behavior is unwise."

"Why to say?"

"Because you are facing the sanctuary level."

Taking the shadow as the center, the evil energy of Xiangyang City began to gather, and Liu Bei knew that the other party had been hiding in the vortex of the center of the formation.

In the shadows are the faces of various people. They scream in panic, they are all undead souls who do not want to die.

"Such a beautiful voice."

The mysterious man said that he has been enjoying this kind of life ever since he started the blood refining formation and devoured the souls of the whole city into the shadows.

Ma Yuan, they are desperate, after all, the other party is higher than their realm gap.

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