Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 59: The dream

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Ever thought about the scene where people who were killed by their own hands came to claim their lives?

They kept the horrible appearance before death, which made people tremble with chills: only half of the minced flesh, or their eyes slipped out of their eyes, and so on.

And you must remember: all this is caused by you.

In addition, their resentment may be the most fearful of you.

It is self-evident how the will of those dead souls who are nostalgic to the world.

When the night is quiet and only you are walking on the path, you can clearly feel:

They are behind you at this time, figuring out how to bite you with the sharp fangs that the evil spirits have, and pierce your heart door, just as they do what they still insisted on doing in their lifetime.

Every time you think of them, you will be frightened, feeling that the dead person has not died, but the memory is left in your mind, in your dream.

This is the dream of the murderer.

When Shenmeng Daoju Youjing woke up from a nightmare, he found that his back was soaked with sweat.

I don’t know if it’s because of the serious injury, or because the weather is too hot and the old man has to cover himself with a thick quilt.

Ju Youjing sighed and sat up at once.

In recent years, Ju Youjing has discovered that his sighs are increasing.

It may be the end of the dead, and you still have things you can’t let go of, and you can’t safely say goodbye to this dreamy world.

What a cruel thing this should be for a person seeking death.

After thinking about it, he got out of bed, put on a tulle, and pushed the door out.

Starry outside the house, it was past noon.

At this time, the vast majority of humans enjoy this peaceful and sound sleep. Except for some people, they can most perceive: this running world is a moment that never stops.

There was noise everywhere around Juyoujing. The sound of frogs is loudest.

When a male frog wants a female frog, he begins an endless long summer.

The self-proclaimed Wuming, which is attached to Ju Youjing's waist, is a weapon handed down from generation to generation of the Juhe unity. Legend has it that they can quietly kill enemies in their sleep without letting the other party notice.

The self-made Wuming sword glowed with cold light, reflecting the night, as if it would be sheathed, sending this restless place into an eternal dream, and the frog's tweet stopped instantly.

Ju Youjing held down her innocent seeming to be crazy at the waist, restraining its magic, so the frog cries again, and filled every corner here.

In Fuso, very few people know that the people of the unity group are always secretive.

In this small island where many people will live together, the basic moves of the Juhei school are widely spread, but the more advanced swordsmanship in this family has gradually become uninterested, and it has faded out of the ordinary people's sight.

Naturally, they did not know that the self-made Wuming, which has been circulating for a long time, is called a "magic weapon" by people on the mainland.

Ju Youjing communicated with his own Wuming, in the meaning of co-operation, because he quickly acquired all the knowledge and experience accumulated by his predecessors and made great progress in a day.

However, he deeply realizes the danger of this magic weapon. Every time it is used, the orange right Kyoto will greatly exceed the load that the body can bear, thereby accumulating dark injuries and accelerating the arrival of the dead.

Ju Youjing is willing to trade his life for the secret of harmony, but he is reluctant to just inherit other people's moves and sit back and enjoy.

Therefore, he combined his own learning and started his own experience in order to have a sword style that can stay in the history book.

That trick was later called "Xixue" by him.

This can also be explained by creating a dream for those who stay in the world.

From then on, God dreamed of a slash, and he had another trick to cry the ghosts and gods.

Detective Di Renjie of Chang'an, led three thousand iron armoured soldiers, and set up a basalt formation to prepare for the second time to kill the sanctuary-level strongman. Juyou Jing, who was seriously injured but had not recovered, used this trick "Xuexue".

In an instant, Ju Youjing's sword shadow fell like snowflakes, falling on someone's skin caused a blood flower, and the violent momentum was buried in the moment, leaving only a tranquility, even Di Renjie's heavenly secret pupil I realized when and where this sudden reversal occurred.

After this battle, Juyou Jing, who was dragging his severely injured body, went to search for Ma Yuan. However, the use of the magic power of his own unnamed magic weapon brought a sudden attack at a moment he did not expect, causing him to fall to the side. On the road.

The next few days, he fell into a nightmare.

Born in the declining samurai family, with the wish of the Guangfu family, Juyou Jing has been occupied by swordsmanship since his childhood.

However, when the family members died one by one, leaving only one person, Juyou Jing fell into an eternally silent life.

His dream was set early in the morning: to become a peerless swordsman, and then die alone.

In a small school, he learned Juyi's sword intention, which is a sword technique that Fusang will learn as long as he has a certain strength.

No one thought that Ju Youjing quickly mastered the usage of Juhe in a short time, and everyone around was amazed.

Just when they were going to let him practice higher swordsmanship, Juyou Jing couldn't help himself to indulge in Juhe sword.

He can feel that Juhe Jianyi is a key to unlocking peerless martial arts. In fact, just as Juyou Jing thought, Juhe is an entry-level move that has broken the dream of God for many years, and it represents the beginning of everything.

People around him persuaded him to abandon Ju He's advanced study thoughts, because many people also noticed the extraordinary features of Ju He and began to study it. In the end, nothing was achieved and nothing was studied.

Ju Youjing didn't believe it. He practiced living together day and night. After three years, he learned the skill of drawing swords, another trick of the gods.

But his teachers and brothers, who have practiced ready-made high-deep swordsmanship in the past three years, are much more efficient than Juyoujing, and their strength is superior to him. Behind.

When the dissuasion was ineffective, Shimen drove out this martial art alternative.

After leaving, Ju Youjing was still addicted to Juhe's practice, and spent several years of nothing. He increasingly doubted whether he had limited talents, and once shamefully wanted to kill himself.

Until, he met the magic weapon "self-made Wuming."

"This is really a beautiful knife."

Ju Youjing looked at the knife and couldn't help but say that he made a joyous whisper after making himself Wuming.

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