Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 54: Siege of army

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The bear stood very tall, and the three-meter tall Suzaku only felt a little thin compared to it.

After the fog had completely dispersed, Liu Bei saw the other party more clearly:

The bear was covered in black and white, and his round cheeks were full of fat, with unusual dark circles.

Although it looks like a bear breed, Liu Bei has never seen or heard of this creature.

But if Ma Yuan is here, he can't help but exclaim, "Big! Bear! Cat!"

Liu Bei went closer and found that the bear's eyes were empty, it was revealing the confused eyes, as if thinking about life, he was focused and unintentional.

"Hush, he is sleeping."

Suzaku deliberately reminded Liu Bei and said softly.

Suzaku seemed to be a little afraid of him, but Liu Bei did not feel that the panda had any deterrent effect.

Liu Bei has been running around with the demon hunter since he was a child. He has never seen any ferocious demons, and he has developed the ability to give early warning to the dangerous breath body.

And the panda in front of him was really laid back and immobile. He didn't move at all, and he didn't show any murderousness, so Liu Bei was very relieved.

"Is the broken page of the heavenly book on him?"

Liu Bei asked the strange bird, the other party nodded quickly.

Although embarrassed to disturb this man's thought process, Liu Bei couldn't wait for the panda to come back in order to hurry.

Looking at the opponent's back five meters high, Liu Bei chose to run right in front of him to remind him.

"Hello, hello!"

Liu Bei shouted loudly that the panda was still motionless and Suzaku took the opportunity to hide and watch.

Feeling that someone was calling him, the panda opened his eyes slowly. He had already sensed the change of the nine-day Baosha just now, so his sleepiness was gone.

"Oh, isn't this human?"

What does not match with Fat Dudu's body is that the panda's voice is very majestic, and he feels the call of leadership that only the leader has, but Liu Bei is not willing to be outdone.

Liu Bei directly asked the panda about the broken book of Tianshu.

Suzaku, who was watching from the side, immediately put his head on the ground, covered his wings, and bent his legs slightly for a protective gesture.

At the same time, he quietly revealed an eye to observe the actions of both Liu Bei and Panda from outside. Of course, Liu Bei didn't notice all this.

At this point, the panda paused, his expression dull, did not continue to speak, and seemed to have no intention of answering.

"Maybe he is still thinking," Liu Bei thought, maybe the other party could not easily hand over the broken pages of the Heavenly Book.

Of course, Liu Bei wanted to understand early in the morning that the rare pages in the heavenly book are rare and rare in the world. Everyone scrambles for it, and he also plans to **** it.

"Alas," Panda came back to God all at once, and sighed a long way, "It is true that I have broken pages of the Heavenly Book."

Liu Bei's eyes lit up when he heard this. After many years of hard work, it finally came to fruition.

"So, can you trouble me?"

Liu Bei made a suggestion. His palms sweated slightly and he was nervous.

Because in Jiutianbaosha, Liu Bei's strength was suppressed so badly that the real-name level could not be used at all, and the energy he could use was extremely limited.

Seeing Suzaku bullying Liu Bei on the one hand, staying in this tower for too long naturally has a certain resistance, so the giant panda has a geographical advantage.

In addition, Liu Bei's eyes can discern the vitality of everything, and naturally know that the vitality in the belly of the panda is like Wang Yanghai, which is more than one hundred times the stock of his own Dantian.

It's just that the panda was also suppressed by the power of the seal of Jiutianbaosha very honestly, and he wasn't able to show his energy. In this way, I don't know who occupied the terrain.

All in all, Liu Bei's win rate against Panda is very low.

Unless, as in the time at Caotou Village, Liu Bei was able to summon the second real name of the previous life-Han Zhao Lie Emperor.

Under the real name of the Emperor Han Zhao, all evils cannot invade, any control effect will be like a sinking sea, and no water flower will be stimulated, which also includes the power of the formation.

The real name of the Emperor Han Zhao and the power of the seal on the third floor of Jiutian Baosha are stronger and weaker, and Liu Bei is temporarily unsure.

So Liu Bei is just preparing to take action, and does not intend to move first, carefully waiting for the other party's reply, and waiting for the opportunity to attack.

a long time.

It was only when Liu Bei couldn't help but want to start, Panda said this

"Is this time already?"

Liu Bei froze. Suzaku also moved the wings guarding his head away and couldn't help but ask, "Brother, what's wrong with you."

At this time, two lines of tears slowly flowed out of the panda's dark circles. The extremely sad face was shocking. It was obviously a magical species, but it was more real than human emotions.

After being shocked, Liu Bei thought that the deceased Master had said to himself,

"Magic species and humans are among all beings."

It turned out that there is such a kind of existence? Liu Bei sighed.

"You take it." Panda said.

Then, a fist-sized stone appeared out of nowhere and flew towards Liu Bei.

It exudes a glorious light, with distinctly visible edges and corners, and a light mass at the inner core is constantly moving.

Liu Bei lightly poked the light mass with his fingers, and the mysterious symbol flew out, and then dissipated into the air.

"It turns out, are the broken pages of the Heavenly Book a stone?" Suzaku aside surprised.

Liu Bei is also puzzled and thought it was something like a scroll.

The broken pages of Tianshu left by Liu Bei’s parents were locked in a small box and placed in Liu Bei’s machine box. Because they were told that they could not be opened, unless the three were gathered together, Liu Bei had never seen the true contents of the broken pages of Tianshu.

When the panda saw Liu Bei, he was also full of doubts and seemed to believe that the stone was what he was looking for, so he explained,

"Remnant pages of the Heavenly Book are relics of the ancient times. They preserve their knowledge and power. They exist in various forms. There are more scrolls, but there are many stones."

Obviously, this piece of Liu Bei's hand is of the stone type, but it seems that it does not take much effort to get it, which makes Liu Bei a little embarrassed.

"What can I help, Senior?"

Liu Beiwei smiled.

"Oh, that's right."

This time the panda responded very quickly, stepping on the tail of Liu Bei's speech, and then said,

"You take away that silly bird!"

Suzaku is like a thunderous thunder. He ran over to his feet, knelt down and begged each other, and he must be left.

Liu Bei's expression was messy at the moment, he just politely said a few words, and could not think that the other party would give him such a big burden.

In the land bordered by Wushu, the light of the huge magic circle rises into the sky, and the situation changes for a time, and the people nearby evacuate quickly.

Soon, the dust was flying, and the 10,000-strong army of Wu Guo rushed in, with great momentum.

Zhang Jiao stood in front of the Xuantian Temple, yelling, "Get up!"

The sound of Longming reached the sky.

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