Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 51: A thousand years of catastrophe

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When that energy poured from the upper taiji ball, Ma Yuan's body seemed to be thundered, and the pain was unbearable.

The power of Taiyin Nether is not restricted by Jiutian Baosha at all, and it is unfolded as much as possible.

To say why, it is because the power of the seal of Jiutian Baosha is essentially the same as Taiyin Nether.

Soon, on the ground centered on Rakshamon, some powerful will awakened.

The magical species lurking in the dark usually protruded their heads from the nest and looked up at the sky together. They seemed to be paying tribute, surrendering to a long-held myth.

Changan City, Daming Palace.

The Feng Shenbang placed in the Wu Zetian treasure house suddenly shook, and a right hand was stretched out in the void to flatten the Feng Shenbang.

A golden name disappeared from it, and was ripped off by that hand, and clasped into the palm of the hand.

Holy Emperor Wu Zetian, although she felt it, she didn't say anything, but Quan Dang didn't see it.

A pair of giant eyes began to tour every corner of the continent, from the Western Temple to the northern **** tower, all sleeping heroes buried by the giant eye master, still lying there without awakening.

There are many old immortal monsters that look at each other as they sweep their eyes.

Their eyes were so unwilling and angry, although these monsters on weekdays showed the world's uncontested, indifferent emotional face.

The land of hibiscus.

The old man next to the Dan furnace was slowly sending materials into the fire until the will looked down on the beings in the sky, his hands that could not stop solidified.

The giant eyes on that day moved away, and he continued to practice alchemy, as if he didn't care.

In a quarter of an hour, that will disappear.

During this period, the people living on the earth were doing business as usual, unaware of the huge eyes.

Only the real powerhouse knows:

She has been.

From this day on, all major forces have secretly dispatched, and many long-conspiracy plots have begun to reveal its cutting edge.

Nine days of Baosha, the eighth floor.

Several beams of light entwined Ma Yuan's body, repairing every muscle that was split due to the riot of vitality, and healed the internal injuries he had accumulated for many days.

"this is……"

Ma Yuan couldn't help mumbling.

When the pain disappeared, a wonderful feeling spread all over his body. The thrill after rebirth changed his soul, and the tai chi ball above it grew bigger and occupied a lot of space.

This is the magic path.

The most widely spread organ art on the road is mainly that the imperial power is attached to foreign objects, and the magic path of the magic species cultivation is directly applied to the flesh.

Today, Ma Yuan's Demon Road has just begun.

The Taiji ball was conceived by the two magic swords of Moxie. Once born, he was sealed by people. He was not nourished by any vitality, and was so weak that he could only maintain it in the form of surgery.

Until he met Ma Yuan, the enchantment was destroyed, so that it could be reborn again, and he was attached to Dan Tian in Ma Yuan.

The avenue contained in the Tai Chi ball is the Yin-Yang Demon Road.

Yin-Yang Demon Road, a magic kind of power created specifically for human beings.

At that time, some people created it to make the demons and humans coexist, but they did not practice it on a human, and it was quickly erased by history.

"Ah, I think of him again."

Taiyin Youming said alone that after thousands of years, she didn't know where her friends would go, or she had already died.

"You have to remember every sentence I said."

Ma Yuan's consciousness was still sober, and Taiyin Youming took the opportunity to tell him.

Ma Yuan yelled, the Tai Chi ball began to shrink in the reverse direction at this time, but the energy continued to increase, swallowing like a bottomless hole.

"Jiutian Baosha, the outside world's view is to seal the land of powerful demons that rebelled five hundred years ago... Few people know that Jiu Tian Baosha is actually a sacrificial vessel of the demons, and the establishment of the Raksha Sect was to protect it from the beginning. it."

"We are too dark and gloomy, there is no body and no unique self-will... from the beginning of the world, our consciousness has been awakened... Having the power from the original world, which makes the human sages are afraid. Endlessly, it is also coveted."

"Now, part of my power is parted, and the Tai Chi ball poured into is something left by my old friend, and it is something he left to you."

Intermittently, Taiyin Nether's words are more and more beyond Ma Yuan's understanding.

"Eternal life, destiny, red moon, beast marks." Taiyin Youming called them gently.

The latter, like the child hearing the mother's call, obediently ran out of the horse body and turned around the Tai Chi ball.

"This is the first gift I gave you. Traveler."

Taiyin Youming finished speaking, and seemed to smile slightly, although Ma Yuan couldn't see each other.

It turned out that the five holy stones came like this!

After Ma Yuan's realm climbed up in horror, the threshold of stopping at the real name level could not survive.

This was also the problem when Li Bai's skill was inherited. Ma Yuan certainly thought about this.

After so long and enough understanding of the world, Ma Yuan already had a vague answer in his mind.

To practice the real name level, you must have a real name.

And a person who does not belong to this world cannot have the real name given to him between heaven and earth.

If so, Ma Yuan could not surpass the real name level.

"So, I gave you a real name."

A hand appeared out of thin air, entered the spirit of Ma Yuan, branded a golden name on it, and Taiyin Youming immediately said,

"However, the time has not yet come and you cannot use it yet."

The golden name suddenly lost its light, was sealed up, and the memories that poured into Ma Yuan's mind all returned, leaving only a trace of fragmentation.

Ma Yuan's realm was stuck in the Soul Pill Perfection, but the Tai Chi ball continued to absorb power, which had already exceeded the first glimpse of reaching the Sanctuary level and became the size of the Ma Yuan's body.

In a trance, Ma Yuan dreamed of a blue-haired man in armor, sitting in a peculiar chair, with palms spread out for thousands of stars.

He looked at Ma Yuan expressionlessly, without saying a word, even so, Ma Yuan could feel what he wanted to tell himself.

"Go and save the destiny of this continent. A destiny destined a thousand years ago."

Ma Yuan knew what he was talking about.

But Ma Yuan couldn't understand the deeper meaning of this sentence. He questioned the man in the phantom again and again, but he didn't reply for a long time.

Taiyin Youming sighed, regardless of the past or the future, all things to happen were already doomed when the world opened up.

Before the end came, Ma Yuan was just a chess piece in the world.

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