Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 49: The strongest magic

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Among the three, Tyumen has the lowest level, only the early stage of the soul pill class.

The power of the first seal of Jiutian Baosha is enough to suppress him.

At this moment, he knelt down on the ground and was invaded by the strange power for the first time, making him feel difficult to breathe a few breaths.

"Tyumen, are you okay?" Liu Bei asked with concern.

At this time, the power of the real name in Liu Bei's body had begun to fight back, and the power of the seal was defeated. I am afraid that after a few breaths, it will be sent to the upper layer.

What surprised him was the fact that Ma Yuan was instantly transmitted.

Does Ma Yuan still hide strength? Liu Bei has every reason to doubt this.

That day, in the battle at Caotou Village, the power of Dahe Jianyi, which released the Qinglian sword, left a deep impression on Liu Bei, and I still remember it very well.

But Ma Yuan's cultivation base is that Liu Bei's view is not a panacea.

Liu Bei was greatly puzzled.

His eyes inherited a part of the power of the true eye, which was only found in the purest blood of the Zhongshan royal family, and he was able to see through many hidden truths under the surface. It also made him sit in the hut and perceive the strength of the outsiders.

And Tyumen adapted to the force of repression in the body and immediately told Liu Bei,

"Don't worry about me, you must first catch up with Brother Ma Yuan and find the whereabouts of the pages of the Heavenly Book."

Liu Bei still had a good time to reply in the future, and was passed away.

Leaving Tyumen alone, the flow of vitality in his meridians was blocked, which was a hundred times more severe than when the sign was first on the body.

Lie slowly on the ground and let your muscles relax, which makes you more comfortable.

Qiu Ming secretly operated the inner power mentality, making his own energy adapt to the power of this seal.

On the other side, Liu Bei was successively transmitted by the seal mechanism of Jiutian Baosha, broke through the first layer of Zhongtian, and crossed the barrier of the second layer of Xiantian, and finally stopped from the sky on the third layer.

He also encountered a situation like Tyumen. This seal applied to acupuncture points around him made it difficult for him to use his vitality. Even maintaining the vitality is not as simple and natural as normal breathing, and he needs to part his mind.

"It's a suffocating place." Liu Bei lamented that the seal of the third layer is enough to deal with the real-name level, and I don't know what the ninth layer is to deal with.

He vaguely realized that this tower may have a history of blood and blood, and the fact that it is not something belonging to the Rakshasa Sect.

Turned slightly, the third layer is very different from the first layer. The ground is foggy and cannot be pulled away. It feels a little wet and sticky on the hand.

Without finding Ma Yuan, Liu Bei had to wander around in this empty place.

This space is very large, Liu Bei walked for a long time, did not see the wall of the tower.

"Hey, man, what are you doing?"

A lazy voice came from behind, as if someone had talked.

Liu Bei had an ominous hunch and slowly turned to see a bird.

It has a long neck, small vermilion eyes, and rich feathers, mainly red, blue, and black species. The composition of the three has a mysterious taste.

The body is only two meters tall, and now it is just sitting on the ground, looking at each other with boredom, I don't know how long it has been in this place.

"Uh..." Liu Bei didn't know what to say.

There are too many strange things in the nine-day treasure temple. If Liu Bei always asks for advice, he will appear to be too short of his own knowledge, so he kept silent and crossed the strange bird all the way, pretending to ignore him.

Seeing Liu Bei ignore him, the bird was a little angry, but she still rolled her eyes and wondered what she had thought of.

With your neck tilted back and your legs spread apart, you lie down completely, a yoyo look.

Suddenly, Liu Bei couldn't help turning back and asked the strange bird,

"Have you seen the broken pages of the Heavenly Book?"

The bird's inner brain cursed Liu Bei's brain circuit a little slowly, and then he noticed himself.

"Have seen."

Liu Bei hurriedly asked, "Where?"

The bird went on to say, "There was a piece of scrapbook in this place, but a big bear liked it, and he took it home."

After yawning, the bird didn't know if Liu Bei heard clearly.

"Thank you, please take me to a trip." Liu Bei said politely.

I didn't think the bird refused directly, "If you don't go, I will sleep."

Liu Bei asked, "How long have you been sleeping."

The bird replied disapprovingly, "It has been on and off for twenty years."

Liu Bei said, "Are you sleeping so well?"

When the bird heard it, his eyes were very bright, as if in the middle of his arms,

"Yes, there is nothing more comfortable in the world than sleeping. Secretly tell you, there is no magical species in this tower that can sleep better than me."

When the bird said this sentence, it was extremely justified. Perhaps the law of the world was completely unworkable in the Jiutianbaosha.

"Magic species? Are you a magic species?"

Liu Bei captured the unusualness of this sentence.

"Yeah, the most common of these nine days is the magic species."

The latter said carelessly.

When Liu Beideng thought, can he speak like humans, isn't it the real-name magic?

It's just that as a demon hunter, Liu Bei has never seen the existence of a real name. Now, when he sees it, he feels that the other party is inconspicuous, which is very different from the fierce demons he thought he saw.

"Are these nine floors above, are they also demons..." Liu Bei muttered to himself.

When he was heard by the bird, the other party took a sip and said, "How can the existence above these nine floors be described by magical species, you humans will not think of good words, those adults can't be classified as us at all. One kind."

"What should I call it?" Liu Bei asked.

The bird thought for a while, "Well, the family hasn't done this. Our demons are not like you humans who like to make some famous flowers. Anyway, in your human eyes, they are the strongest demons. ."

The bird hasn't said so much in a long time. When discussing the matter with the predecessors above with Liu Bei, he was sleepless.

Liu Bei was shocked by the bird's words, and his head was blank. The third level is the real-name magic species. Obviously, the uppermost must be the magic species beyond the sanctuary level. I should have discovered it earlier.

Suddenly, Liu Bei stood up with sweat. People across the continent know that in the catastrophe that happened five hundred years ago, demons looted everywhere, and the population of mankind plummeted.

After the Succulent Force was successfully suppressed, it was slain by the human army. Nowadays, everyone thinks that the remaining demons are nothing more than small, and unexpectedly, its threats still exist.

Beyond the sanctuary level?

Liu Bei feels that he is so small, even if he is a real name master who can hardly be seen in the world, it is just a small wave in the changing tide of the entire continent.

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