Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 8: Demon Hunter

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Ma Yuan woke up, he was lying on a shabby wooden bed. The pain of washing the bones has disappeared before, and Ma Yuan felt full of strength and strange comfort.

He looked around, Ju Youjing was not there.

In this small space, no sunlight penetrated, it seemed very dim. Ma Yuan had no choice but to walk a few steps, found the slightly translucent curtain and pushed it away, and went outside.

There are people coming and going outside, and there are many small houses that seem to be made of several wooden boards, like a village.

While Ma Yuan was puzzled, an old woman came and handed him a bowl of water.

"Mr. Demon Hunter, wait a moment, another adult will be back soon."

Ma Yuan took the bowl of water and drank it. It was sweet, and he couldn't help laughing to the old man, "It's delicious."

The old lady smiled embarrassedly, turned around and continued to do her own thing. Not far away, several children looked at themselves, and their eyes seemed to be afraid of themselves. Ma Yuan was puzzled.

Let's wait for Ju Youjing to come back.

Sitting down to adjust the inner breath, his realm has reached the soul pill level consummation, and has continuously crossed the two realms, and has been sanctified by the masters of the sanctuary. This is good luck that many people on this continent dare not imagine.

But Ma Yuan was very worried. Without breaking through the real name level, it was equivalent to not having the corresponding confrontation strength according to Li Bai's original plan. Facing the chasing soldiers of Saint Emperor Wu Zetian, can Ma Yuan escape?

On Dan Tian, ​​he caught the existence of three swords, and with a light touch, it seemed to be attacked and shot.

Ma Yuan understood that maybe this was the last hole reserved by Li Bai for himself.

In fact, this is the condensed image of the mysterious image, but this point, the party Ma Yuanhe has been guarding the side orange right Kyoto did not notice.

Ma Yuan took out Li Bai's sword again. The people have gone. Things still exist. The sword no longer emits light. It is like an ordinary sword created by Fan Tie. It does not attract attention.

"The owner of the sword dies, and even the sword becomes haggard."

Ma Yuan sighed.

He self-studied and observed the three swords dancing in Dantian. He carefully realized that if he inherited the Qinglian sword immortal, he wouldn't even play the same way with the sword of the Yellow River.

"One day, I will ask you to admit that I am your disciple."

Ma Yuan vowed in his heart that one day sooner or later, he would let himself be heard through the world under the name of Li Baizhi.

Soon, he entered into a fixed state, leaving only his own consciousness in his world to explore.

The rolling Yellow River made a deafening thunder sound. In the past, the sigh made by people was mixed with anger, willfulness, frankness, and many others, all of which were left to Ma Yuan to realize.

When he opened his eyes again, it was late at night and Juyou Jing was looking at him.

Ma Yuan benefited greatly from this day of training.

"I'll come back at noon, and I'm not disturbed when I see you meditating. How, you are better." Ju Youjing asked with concern.

"Thank you Mr. Orange, it's fine." Ma Yuan acted very politely.

"You don't have to be polite to me." Li Bai said that Ma Yuan might have a strong cultivation base before being abolished.

If he knew that Li Bai was not sure about this, he just tried to make him accept the language inducement of his own condition, and I wonder how Ju Youjing would react.

"Come." Juyou Jing handed Ma Yuan a leg.

The roast is just right, the meat is delicious, the elasticity and toughness are just right in the taste, the aroma is overflowing, and it is too late to bite the second bite.

Ma Yuan was delicious, and he couldn't help asking Ju Youjing.

"What meat is this sir."

Ju Youjing hesitated for a moment, Ma Yuan didn't even have common sense in this world, it seemed like a child who came to the world for the first time.

Will the memory of skill withdrawal also disappear? Ju Youjing couldn't help guessing.

"This is wild boar." Juyou Jing replied in detail. "Unlike ordinary wild boar, this is the meat of a wild boar with a blood of a magic species."

According to legend, there are thousands of birds and beasts on this continent. Naturally, they have received the shining light of the miracles of the ancient floods and wars, thus producing transformed creatures. They possess the blood of magical species and will be passed on to their descendants.

This also includes humans.

The blood of the magic species is divided into one to ten, and the creature of the magic species that reaches ten will open the spiritual knowledge of the magic species, which is no longer a lower species.

It is only at least four quarters of the blood of magical species that Warcraft will possess spiritual intelligence and communicate with people. Therefore, the Warcraft before the three-point bloodline often attacked the village uncontrollably, and the devil hunters would hunt them down.

Ju Youjing went out today as a demon hunter to help the village clear the threat of Warcraft around, in exchange for some money and shelter.

After hearing the explanation from Ju Youjing, Ma Yuan had an idea in his mind, "Mr. Ju, will you go tomorrow?"

"I also have this intention." Juyou Jing smiled slightly, he had expected Ma Yuan to say so.

After explaining some of the sports skills and the usual methods of attack to Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan soon fell asleep.

This evening, Ma Yuan slept deeply, and he was looking forward to the next day's training, so he had to prepare full energy.

Only Ju Youjing has not slept, secretly adjusting the injury. He faintly felt that his old illness was happening, and the potential threat made him feel that time was tight. Juyou Jingsheng was afraid that his mission could not be completed.

Hometown girl, is your dream sweet?

Juyou Jing took out a blue flower from her arms

The bottle, looking closely, still feels warm.

As the morning came as planned, Ma Yuan woke up from his sleep and found that the surroundings were empty. He jumped out of bed hurriedly and ran outside. Juyou Jing was standing not far away, as if waiting for him.

"Well, here you are." Juyou Jing handed him a knife more than twenty centimeters.

This is an ordinary weapon, a knife that is circulated on the mainland and used to assassinate demons and beasts. It has a well-known name, Hunting Broadblade.

Ma Yuan liked the hunting wide blade so he liked it and turned it up and down. Although it looked a bit old, he thought that it was used by Ju Youjing, but he thought it was more precious than the ordinary hunting wide blade.

Going out of the village, people from the village came to say hello. The "adult" yelled, causing Ma Yuan, a 16-year-old boy, to bow his head embarrassedly.

Can't help let Juyou Jing look at Ma Yuan a little funny, really like a child.

Twenty miles away, Di Renjie led a group of elite horses and galloped to a small hill, and stopped. The damaged trees and scattered stones, the residual sword intention reminded everyone of a genius myth.

There is a mountain road that seems to have been dug obviously, apparently as a result of someone ramming with extreme speed.

"That direction, chase." Di Renjie's army finally grasped the whereabouts of Ma Yuan's group and turned to approach them at a very fast speed.

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