Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 2: Supreme empress

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Di Renjie sacrificed three tokens of red, yellow and blue and issued an offensive. Di Renjie is famous in Chang'an, in addition to his amazing ingenuity and means, it is his three tokens.

The red token can break people's hearts and souls, and the blue token can break people's airflow, and the yellow token is the fastest, just like a meteor, and its destructive power is also the strongest.

Under these three tokens, I do not know how many corrupt officials have died and how many thieves have tried to invade Chang'an.

But it was this way that three tokens were issued at once, and the white man took off the yellow token, and then chopped off the remaining two tokens.

The man in white was slightly sluggish, and the child behind him quickly approached, carrying a huge dart.

"Yuan Fang, hold him back."

Di Renjie was not surprised that his offensive was completely resolved, because he had achieved his intended purpose.

In this battle, the two of them working together will not have much impact on the man in white, but as long as the rear Zhong Kui arrives, he will borrow the land of Chang'an City to spread the eternal power and arrange the ghost ghost formation. Suppress white men.

Then, when the Holy Emperor shot, the white man would have no escape. As long as he could catch him, Chang'an could be eliminated.

The white man fights with Li Yuanfang. Four seconds later, Li Yuanfang flew out and was injured.

Zhong Kui's array method was set up, together with hundreds of soldiers in Chang'an, surrounded by Ma Yuan and the men in white.

Then, the position of his body's abdominal cavity retracted, and then began to swell tremendously. A strong gravitation was directed at Ma Yuan and the white man, tearing them apart from the body and the soul.

While feeling that Ma Yuan was about to separate his soul, the five stones radiated a strong light and protected Ma Yuan.

The man in white put his sword in front of him, and his form turned into nothingness, as did Ma Yuan, but this time, he felt that his consciousness was also nothingness.

Ma Yuan felt the stillness of this world. It wasn’t long before the silence. Suddenly, as if three thousand thunders were moving, a horrible loud noise filled the entire space.

Chang'an City. The amazing momentum is gathering, as long as it is a strong person who must be able to cultivate, he can feel a familiar palpitations.

In the uppermost palace, Emperor Wu Zetian's eyes opened, and she no longer fell asleep, got up and left, and walked out of the palace.

Beside the white man, there are countless swords and shadows, like white wings dancing in a round dance. With a white dress, everyone seems to see the gesture of the phoenix.

"The sword of the river comes to heaven."

The sword shadow flew out, although it was an intangible thing, but it changed the tangible quality. Zhong Kui's armor turned into powder, and a blaze of flames was blown away by the sword wind. Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang both knelt down and almost fell to the ground, no longer fighting. Not to mention the officers and soldiers, it is already dust.

Ma Yuan witnessed all this and said nothing.

He couldn't understand the mysterious power of this world's powerful.

Di Renjie smiled, not self-deprecating, but contentedly fulfilling his goal.

A pair of eyes looked here, the owner of this eye was still in the palace, but the spirit had arrived here, locking the white man and Ma Yuan.

"Qinglian sword fairy, Li Bai."

Wu Zetian slowly pronounced the name. At this moment, the strong players of the four sides of Chang'an City could not hold back any more, and they were convinced that it was the man who came back.

The man who disturbed Chang'an three times. There are no such bold people in the world, except Li Bai, who is invincible with the sword of the Yellow River.

This third time, can he evacuate safely? Everyone waited for this answer. They secretly watched this battle. The outcome of this battle will change a lot.

"Have you thought about it?"

Emperor Wu Zetian asked Li Bai.

"I came here this time and wanted to enter that door, but no one had advanced."

Li Bai pointed to Ma Yuan and continued.

"Look, when you enter that door, you can't become an immortal or gain power. He may have been a strong man before, but after that door, he is already nothing."

Emperor Wu Zetian looked at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan is just an ordinary person, and even has no vitality fluctuations. But beside him, the power of the five stones is unusual.

"Eternal life, destiny, red moon, beast marks, the source of disaster. This is what he took from the door." Wu Zetian pointed out this, and the strong players in the Quartet were all appalled.

The fifth-order sacred stone, which is a sacred thing passed down through the earth, contains immensely powerful power, and getting one piece is enough to be a strong man of the real name, not to mention five pieces.

This continent has five rough level divisions, vigor level, soul pill level, real name level, holy domain level, and immortal level.

Zhong Kui, Li Yuanfang, and Di Renjie are the rare powerhouses at the real name level. And Li Bai is already a sanctuary level. As for the emperor Wu Zetian, her strength is unfathomable and not known at all.

"So I give him to you." Li Bai said.

"No, I want you to kill him now." Emperor Wu Zetian glanced at Li Bai, she saw through Li Bai's strategy.

Ma Yuan almost passed out, and his heart couldn't withstand such a great stimulation. What's more, he is now weak and weak. Before a group of powerful men, like an ant sandwiched between two elephants, he dared not act rashly. No matter who is killed, he can only follow suit.

Li Bai pointed his sword at Wu Zetian in the distance. Although he was a little nervous, he had to go all out to fight for a first-line killing after testing Wu Zetian's true intentions.

"No, I want to protect him." Li Bai said again that at this moment, his face became cold and ruthless, and the sword was unstoppable like the flood of the Yellow River, and broke out completely.


Wu Zetian grabbed Li Bai Jian Qi flying several miles away with one hand, and used the imperial qi to smash it all.

"Live to kill."

The light of Daming Palace illuminates the entire Chang'an City, and the overbearing atmosphere dedicated to Saint Emperor Wu Zetian gathers in the sky, and the clouds are overcast. When it reaches its peak, it is released, and it becomes a beam of light that smashes into the direction of Li Bai and Ma Yuan.

This time, although Ma Yuan entered into nothingness, he still felt pain. Because entering the state of nothingness is temporary, Li Bai's moves can put the body shape into nothingness, but only for an instant, you must put the body shape back to reality again, and then return to nothingness.

However, Wu Zetian's life and death were captured, and the beam of light was continuous!

In less than ten minutes, Li Bai vomited blood and immediately moved to a hundred meters away. But when Wu Zetian was locked and the skill was still in neutral, Wu Zetian's beam of light was once again smashed down. The light of Ma Yuan's five stones quickly dimmed under the violent attack, close to colorless, and returned to Ma Yuan's body.

Li Bai's sword momentum has just occupied a large part of Chang'an City, and now it has retracted. The once-incomparable posture is now barely supporting the sword.

Everyone thought Li Bai was defeated. At this time, the thunder clouds in the sky assembled again, ready to launch the final attack.

When Li Bai faced the beam of light fearlessly, a faint blue light appeared in front of Li Bai. Enemies that Wu Zetian didn't notice appeared quietly, taking the trick for Li Bai.

"My dream is cut."

The man said the name of the knife slowly.

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