Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 195: Umahara visits

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Because of these two reasons, Ma Yuan said that although he was not the main user of this script, nor was it the script of their family, he even saw it for the first time.

However, Ma Yuan's use of characters is more smooth than that of Lihua and Xiemei.

"This person is the most powerful Lord of the Rings Master and Lord of the Rings I have ever seen."

Liehua said so.

Generally speaking, people with double training of mage and knight will take one of them as their main occupation.

In other words, there is no possibility that both the mage and the knight are very proficient.

All masters are masters or knights.

If Lihua said that Ma Yuan was the most powerful Lord of the Rings he had ever seen, or just the Lord of the Rings, Xiemei could still understand.

After all, one's energy is basically only able to achieve a special situation for one thing.

But Ma Yuan is not like this, Ma Yuan can do two things, at the same time corresponding to the Lord of the Ring Master and Lord of the Ring Knight to achieve the effect of specialization.

This is absolutely unprecedented in history, and it is unique.

"That's kind of... exciting."

Xie Mei looked at Ma Yuan and said.

As a warrior, being able to encounter such a powerful existence is indeed an exciting thing.

This kind of excitement can make Xiemei look at Ma Yuan with impulse, and it can prove that the entire existence of Ma Yuan is the same as the existence of the target.

Can make people look forward to, make people yearn for.

"I am back."

Ma Yuan walked between Zero and Gengdao Gangya and said.

At this time, Izanami, because of Ma Yuan's proposal, with the mutual assistance and help of zero and Kojima Steel Fang and the elves, there is a tendency to retreat.

The surprise on Yixianmei's face means she never imagined

I actually planted in human hands.

With or without the help of elves, it is just three human beings in front of me.

The three humans are enough to restrain themselves.

No, not three.

Before the original arrival of the horse, the only two knights dealing with Izanami were zero and Kojima Gangya.

As the gold knight, Kirishima Gangya really should be concerned, and the silver tooth knight who is the same as the golden age is indeed a role that cannot be underestimated.

But even so.

In the eyes of Izanami, these people should not achieve this result even with the power of elves.

Are you too weak?

Izanami suddenly started thinking about this issue.

The answer is of course no.

Even if he didn't lift the seal with full strength, as for the existence of Izanami, he can definitely not be described by the word "weak".

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan raised his long knife.

While Ma Yuan raised his long knife in his hand, Ma Yuan's other hand also directly raised his writing brush.

The words on the writing brush converge towards his long knife.

Immediately his own long knife was like an item that had been replaced, and it was covered with a huge axe as huge as Izanami.

The axe was chopped directly towards Izanami, and at the moment of hacking, the entire axe was thrown away, leaving Ma Yuan's long sword and flying towards Izanami.

Izanami quickly crossed her hands in front of her and intercepted the axe.

After the axe was intercepted by Izanami, Izanami stepped back a few steps.

Izanami, which has been immobile for a long time, does not have any kinetic Izanami even if it carries out a joint attack with Zero and Kojima Gangya.

At this moment, Ma Yuan moved towards Izanami once again.

This time Ma Yuan moved very fast.

It was as if he wanted to attack Izanami further before throwing this axe out.

The elf flew beside Ma Yuan.

Immediately, Ma Yuan could feel a warm current in his body, which improved his ability to the extreme.

Not just because of elves.

Just because of the buff in her body, Ma Yuan can let her axe hack in the face of Izanami, and at the same time, let her feel the pressure and attack power equivalent to her body attack.

And now with the power of the elves, Ma Yuan felt like a tiger with wings added, light and fit, and flew towards the front.

Of course, Zero and Kojima Gangya did not show weakness.

Before they had been strengthened by the Lord of the Rings, and the power of the elves could only barely have a little advantage, probably due to the confrontation with Izanami.

But Ma Yuan is different.

Ma Yuan is just a simple reinforcement, you can suppress the other side.

If you know that this "strengthening" is even done by Ma Yuan himself, I'm afraid it will make Zero and Kojima Gangya frightened.

There is no way for two senior Lord of the Rings to correspond to one Lord of the Rings?

Also the Lord of the Rings?

I dare not think about it.

However, compared to this point, they are more concerned about the zero and Majima's instructions given by Ma Yuan when he rushed towards this Izanami.

That is the instruction of attack.

This is the best time to attack.

At this time offensive, Izanami definitely did not have too much power to fight back.

After all, her hand is directly at the axe corresponding to Ma Yuan!

At this time, of course, there is no way to empty hands to correspond to zero and Kashima steel teeth.

So at this time, the attack on Izanami will become more convenient.

Ma Yuan smiled and summoned Huang and jumped directly onto Huang.

This is their own ability.

Ma Yuan looked at the huge Hora in front of him.

His ability can make this Hora nowhere to escape, and even suppress it.

When Ma Yuan was so proud, two other hands attacked a group of people.

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