Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 192: New form

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If it's in a special film.

Generally, when the protagonist is deflated, a new form will appear.

But the current situation is somewhat different.

To say that it is deflated, zero is still a little bit different from Kojima Gangya, but if it can't be beaten, it really is.

Yes, they can't beat Izanami.

Even if they have prepared everything in accordance with Ma Yuan's requirements, they have no way to say that they have full confidence in defeating Izanami.

It is because of this, when Ma Yuan dragged Izanami, Zero and Kajima Steel Teeth also took a step back, and added some magic of the Lord of the Rings beside Liehua and Ximi.

With the addition of these spells, the armor of Zero and Nishima Steel Fang has changed.

As if it were a water-and-ink painting with ink added, the body also became stronger and more complex.

Immediately from the form of full-body armor to the form of heavy armor.

It is impossible for Ma Yuan to say something that he does not envy.

He also wanted this form very much, after all, the man would not be attracted by this kind of metallic light, heavy body armor?

Anyway, Ma would be attracted.

When he first came into this world, when he saw the armor of the Lord of the Rings, Ma Yuan was already attracted.

Knives, guns, swords, plus armor.

And the fire light generated when metal and metal collide, this is definitely a man's romance.

And Ma Yuan is now in this romance.

"We are here to support."

Zero said to Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan nodded and backed away to Lihua and Xiemei's side.

Since it is the strengthening of Zero and Kajima Steel Teeth, the next one should be yourself.

It must be yourself.

Otherwise, it would be too bad.

Ma Yuan thought so, and then stayed beside Xie Mei and Lie Hua.

How do you know that when you saw this golden armor of Ma Yuan, Xie Mei was surprised.

"Is this really what you did?"

Xie Mei asked.

"I still ask why this is the case. Ma Yuan is a genius Lord of the Rings. He also made this armor for several years. It took a lot of effort to exercise and the like before he could make the second gold armor. ."

Liehua certainly gave Ma Yuan a high enough rating.

"I know, the craft of this armor is really different from the tooth wolf."

Emi said with a sigh.

At first, she didn’t really care about the question of whether Ma Yuan’s armor was made by Ma Yuan, but simply because of the difference in craftsmanship, it is very likely that when the buff bonus is added, the required spell The requirements will be slightly different.

Seeing Xie Mei saying this, Liehua shut up immediately.

Obviously he was a trusted predecessor, but he just said something he didn't believe. This is still a bit of self-blame for Liehua.

Seeing Liehua not speaking, Xie Mei's brush began to wave.

Then the text flew out of Xie Mei's pen.

That is flying out complex text.

Ma Yuan has never seen this kind of writing, but it is not a strange thing. After all, according to Afu's words, although the former Ma Yuan was said to be a genius Lord of the Rings.

But this genius is a genius on his brain knowledge.

In many places, such as non-brain knowledge and inventions and creations, he will not be able to use what he has invented because of his lack of ability and soul strength.

This is probably the sadness of a genius.

When God opens a window, he also closes a door.

Until Ma Yuan was attached to the body of the current Ma Yuan and crossed into this world, "Ma Yuan" was able to fulfill all his wishes and all his long-cherished wishes.

If it had been Ma's original study from the beginning, it was impossible for Ma Yuan to use these spells and these words that Ma Yuan didn't know about, or even better than Xie Mei's.

But in all of his own memories now, the use of the Lord of the Rings mage's spells is derived from the foundation of the previous Ma Yuan.

So if there is any unknown spelling, it is normal.

Ma Yuanren buffed his armor with Xie Mei and Lie Hua, and of course, his eyes did not forget to stare at Zero and Gengdao Gangfang.

Of course, as a leader, you must always pay attention to the situation of your companions.

At this time, Kojima Gangya and Zero were probably able to control the situation.

Although it is impossible to suppress Izanami, it can still be done if it is only stalemate.

"Zero, you two cooperate with elves!"

Ma Yuan shouted at zero.

Now it is not simply that they are fighting.

The elves in alliance with them are also a good fighting force.

In this fighting power of the elves, Zero and Kojima Steelfang should be able to get more powerful power.

But they did not get more powerful.

One of the biggest reasons is that they did not use the power of elves at all!

The sprite did form a certain aura at the moment of its appearance. It surrounded the site and turned the site into a place where infinite armor could be dressed.

But this is only part of the power of the elves.

The real power of the elves should be able to strengthen these people's abilities.

However, I am accustomed to fighting alone with Zero and Kojima Steel Teeth. I did not use the power of the elves, but simply used the elves to allow them to wear armor for a longer time. That's it.

After Ma Yuan reminded him, Zero realized that he was now in the elven's field.

In addition to not seeing the figures of the elves, their abilities should also be strengthened.

and many more?

Can't see the figure of the elf? !

Is it really?

Zero looked around, and immediately noticed that there were three elves beside him.

They seem to want to help zero, but they have been rejected.

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