Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 162: Rest plan

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When Ma Yuan said this, there were of course a series of plans.

"Any day or two can't be done anyway, but it's better to have a good time."

Ma Yuan smiled and looked at zero.

"Before the seal of Izanami was lifted, the channel between the world and the demon world was basically half closed, and no Hora would appear."

Although it was just a speculation, Ma Yuan believed his conjecture.

Because this inference is not groundless, nor is it an excuse to get out of the waves.

It's real, because of the recent situation.

"So, it's a good time to rest now."


This is a word that zero and Liehua did not expect.

They don't know what rest time is, after all, for them, every day should be tense.

Nervously fighting Hora, nervously looking for Hora's whereabouts.

All this should be the case, without any complaints or any other options.

Even if it is a rest, most of them are just for "supply" for the next battle.

At this time, Ma Yuan said words like rest, like a heresy.

And this heresy is still the most powerful one among them.

Even if zero is unwilling to admit, but Ma Yuan's ability is indeed on his own and Kojima's steel teeth, plus Ma Yuan can also make gold armor by himself, which is no different from open hanging.

Because of this, zero is a bit surprised. If Ma Yuan is still resting and playing on weekdays, where does such a powerful ability come from?

Is it true that what he said was a genius in itself?

Facts have proved that Ma Yuan is indeed a genius.

Whether it is the original holder of his own body or his own powerful attachment to the soul, he is a powerful genius.

This genius can be said to be arbitrarily, and there are certain reasons in itself.

Ma Yuan looked at zero, and his genius may be the height that zero and Liehua cannot match, but the same is the Lord of the Rings and the Lord of the Rings. Ma Yuan feels that the experience of zero and Liehua does not actually need daily Exercise.

It doesn't matter if you take a few days off.

Not to mention.

Liehua said to herself before that her practice has reached a bottleneck stage.

I don't know why, but I can't break through my ability.

This situation is not incomprehensible to Ma Yuan.

But since Liehua has already said everything and hopes he can help, Ma Yuan will not ignore it.

Most of the time, this situation will require a certain amount of time to buffer. Resting for a while and focusing on the duties of the Lord of the Rings may be a good choice.

"Even if it is to help Liehua."

Ma Yuan walked to zero's ear and said.

Lily flower?

Zero froze for a moment.

Looking at Liehua, Zero actually remembered it. Liehua said that this task should have been done by Xiemei, but did not say why he took over.

Now Ma Yuanyi said that zero felt that there might be something that he did not know.

Since it was for Liehua, there was no way for Zero to refuse. As for the reason, Ma Yuan would tell him when Liehua was not there.

After all, the other party is a fierce flower.

If you know that you are bothering Zero and Ma Yuan.

No matter what kind of help, it will not be accepted.

"Then what I have to say is probably dessert."

Zero looked at Ma Yuan and said.

To say that zero is allowed to comment, of course, only desserts and desserts.

"At night, the night view of the amusement park is not bad, but because of the night, they will not open for too long, they will close the park at about ten o'clock."

Even as a Lord of the Rings, when his adoptive father raised himself, Zero still visited some rides.

He was not a warrior who was trained entirely for combat, but a guardian who was trained to protect this world.

Fundamentally, it is not a concept.

So Zero will know some leisure methods about this area, and occasionally go during patrols, but if you want to rest directly, you still haven't done it.

"Eh? Zero, why are you?"

When Ma Yuan proposed to go out to play, Liehua was not quite able to understand this proposal.

And when zero also began to echo Ma Yuan's proposal, Liehua's whole person seemed to be a little dumbfounded.

She was not quite sure what was in front of her.

Why did Zero and Ma Yuan suddenly become interested in amusement, obviously when the enemy was about to strike.

"Relax, patrolling while resting is not a bad situation, is it?"

Zero smiled and stuffed another piece of cake in his mouth.

On weekdays, if you talk about Jiang Shang, when you are tired, buying yourself a cake or a table cake is the happiest thing for zero.

Now there is a sweet candy in front of zero, of course, it will not put it aside.

"Then I will..."

When Ma Yuan saw the two of them, she was able to persuade the two of them, of course, he planned to apply oil on the soles of the feet and drove straight away.

But zero never missed Ma Yuan.

Since it was Ma Yuan’s suggestion, Zero didn’t know how Liehua could help her, so he would not let Ma Yuan leave him for an excuse.

"You went together, too."

zero smiled at Ma Yuan.

At this time, Ma Yuan's missed a bit of Niu Gang Gangya who couldn't smile at all.

It would be nice if the Lord of the Rings were like this.

"That... I want to test the Phoenix."

Ma Yuan said with an awkward smile.

I named my own mount Huang.

Probably also related to its appearance.

Dragon-shaped mount, but it is not a complete dragon.

To describe it with Phoenix, it can't be more precise.

"I know, I won't be able to shop for a long time. I will test with you later."

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