Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 154: Take a short nap

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Ma Yuan could see from Flora's expression just now that Flora really wanted this battle.

She was not joking about it, but seriously talking about this with Ma Yuan.

But Flora wanted to fight this time, not because of other reasons, but because she knew that she was a part of Hora in her mind, and she was crying to make the other party pay the price.

Even if it has become Hora.

Flora's attitude toward Hora did not change in the same way as Yimei's attitude toward Hora, but she hated the existence even more.

It is because she hates Hora, so Ma Yuan will let Flora fight at this time.

If you really come to the link of Izanami.

Probably Flora will have no way to fight.

The object of true hate cannot be solved by himself. This point Ma Yuan just wanted to tear up for Flora.

After all, for Ma Yuan, he can understand this mood.

It was like watching him kill his father and his enemies and not be able to kill him, but also help him count the money.

If it is possible, only a few of the soldiers of Izanami, Ma Yuan can still give Flora.

So what do you do next?

Waking up just now, although it said that a little rest was needed, Ma Yuan could not sleep at this time.

After all, as soon as I wake up, I fall asleep again, and there are fighting sounds outside, how can I feel a little uneasy.

However, since Flora was given to do it, it is not easy to intervene, and can only let Flora vent his resentment.


Ma Yuan thought about it carefully.

It is not that I cannot do anything.

Although the Zero family is not like the Soul Block, but the things are still complete, but they can do something good to eat.

The refrigerator is also stocked with food, probably because zero was originally a relatively homely person. Although it looks like a child, there are some places where it is a little reliable.

Then Ma Yuan looked in the direction of Flora's fight.

Because of the fighting, that direction was not just the house, but the whole house started to shake a little.

This made Ma Yuan start to worry about zero. This is because it is necessary to dismantle zero's home.

Zero's home is actually a spiritual sustenance of zero. If it was not because of the large number of people involved in this incident, probably zero would not return to this mansion.

If Ma Yuan remembered correctly, in the pattern of carrying behind zero, it is not the same as the other Lord of the Rings. Zero is carrying the woman he loves and the grave of his adoptive father.

This kind of grave-like carrying on its own made Ma Yuan a little unable to help him to protect something for him.

At this time, Ma Yuan can help, probably to protect his mansion, will not be destroyed by the battle of Flora and Hora.

You know, Flora is fighting, especially against Hora, basically she will not be merciless, and of course she does not expect her to be a bit light.

When Ma Yuan didn't want Zero to come back, he looked at the ruins with a brutal expression.

Ma Yuan, thinking in this way, took the food taken out of the refrigerator in one hand and prepared to heat it for consumption.

The other hand raised the brush in his hand and pointed to the other party.

The brush draws a beautiful arc in mid-air, and the text emerges from the tip of the brush, and the text spreads throughout the house in a short time, just like a shield, protecting the safety of this house.

Under the protection of Ma Yuan, Zero's house was not shaken at all, and even the sound of fighting disappeared.

Because of Ma Yuan’s technique, Hora couldn’t get close to the inside of the house for half a step, and could only fight Flora outside the house.

Ma Yuan probably can feel the battle between Flora and Hora.

So he walked to the sofa in the living room, fell into the soft sofa comfortably, and put the freshly processed food on the coffee table.

The Hora outside is also difficult to tangle.

Probably one of the Hora around Izanami.

After all, even if it is a sneak attack, now that Ma Yuan’s powerful capabilities are known, if he doesn’t have a strong role, it seems that he can only make the other party laugh.

But what they didn't expect was that Ma Yuan disarmed the soldiers almost one by one at the beginning.

Only Hora, who was originally the main force, was left, still barely panting here.

In a one-on-one matchup, Flora will basically not lose.

After all, compared to the little Izanami of Imei, Flora possesses the power directly from Izanami, and this power is naturally not this kind of cadre who just received some gift of wisdom from Izanami. Ability to touch fingers.

After a while, I wonder if it was because it was too comfortable or too reassuring. Ma Yuan fell asleep on the soft sofa in the living room of Zero.

Although the Zero family can't be compared to the local tyrants of the Yedao family, in some cases, it is still very comfortable, so that Ma Yuan can't resist this temptation.

When Ma Yuan woke up again, the sky was already dimly bright, and he also wore a black Lord of the Rings leather coat. From the top of the family pattern, it was zero.

Zero just sat on a sofa next to him, holding his head in his hands and entering the dream.

Ma Yuan looked out, and probably could see the result of Flora's battle, and the almost destroyed courtyard outside.

But even if the courtyard is destroyed, the surrounding buildings have not avoided being involved.

Ma Yuan's technique is still to protect the mansion of zero, without being hurt by the slightest.

Ma Yuan put Zero's clothes on Zero's body again, and then left Zero's mansion.

Taking advantage of the morning Ma Yuan can still do something.

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