Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 150: Far from enough

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The name of Yimei is similar to that of Yixanamei, but it is a kind of "fate".

In fact, there is nothing between them.

If I had to say something wrong, it was also after Imi died that Ping Yang met Izanami and then asked Izanami for help. Izanami gave a part of Imei’s body, which led to Imei and Iraq Xie Namei has such a bit of trouble.

If there is anything wrong with it.

For Yimei, she had a little doubt when she accepted a part of Yixnamei in her body, and she and Yixanamei had a little fate.

This fate is a fate that has been determined since birth, without much explanation.

They may not have any communication at all in the beginning of life, but on a certain day, at a certain point, their life will converge to a little.

It was at this time that Yimei found the intersection between them.

As a Lord of the Rings, at least as a former Lord of the Rings, Yimei should hate Izanami, at least with an attitude of hatred.

After all, this is Hora.

It was Hora who killed countless people.

Even Hora who almost gave human society destruction.

But at this time, this Hora helped her, and she did not repel too much.

After accepting this, Yimei also accepted the power of Izanami, even if she did not have the full ability to release the power of Izanami, but Ma Yuan called her "Little Izanami" , But very specific.

She does have some power of Izanami.

Not only that, when using it, Yimei can even add its own characteristics as a human, and use Hora’s ability to play it in an open way.

"This one?!"

Ma Yuan froze.

Hora has no way to take Soul Steel.

Especially the specially made gold soul steel.

For Hora, it should be like a sword, and for humans, it should be like an unbearable weight.

For Yimei, neither is.

It is not a sharp weapon, nor is it something that you cannot lift it up.

"Ma Yuan, she is now not only a human, but also Hora!"

After accepting Liehua's help, zero got rid of his shackles and said to Ma Yuan.

Yes, the opponent is not just a human, but Hora.

So it's so tricky.

"damn it."

Ma Yuan scolded and threw out his shuriken.

Since the opponent is tricky, you can only work harder.

"Zero you and Liehua back away."

Ma Yuan shouted.

"Are you crazy!"

Zero just planned to come to Ma Yuan to help, but what he did not expect was that Ma Yuan actually asked him to retreat?

This troublesome Hora, there is no way to solve a Lord of the Ring Knight.

Therefore, zero intends to help Ma Yuan, but Ma Yuan rejected zero's help before zero started.

"Are you crazy? I will let you back down and you back down!"

Ma Yuan said to zero.

I do this for zero.

After all, at this time, Ma Yuan's purpose is to solve the other party.

If you go all out, you must bet on all your soul powers and maximize your spells and attacks.

If this is the case.

Then zero and fierce flowers will definitely be affected.

Zero and Liehua did not reflect this at all, and Afu sensed what Ma Yuan wanted to do from the fluctuations in Ma Yuan's body.

Afu quickly flew to Zero's side and pulled Zero away, and the same Liehua also realized Afu's consciousness.

"Let's support later."

Liehua said so.

But even if it is said that it can be supported by the rear, it should be the fierce flower of the Lord of the Rings.

And Ma Yuan didn't even care about whether zero and Liehua backed off.

After Afu left her side, Ma Yuan knew what Afu probably wanted to do, and gave everything to Afu.

And he directly raised the golden sword in his hand and chopped it directly towards the other party.

Ma Yuan's attack was stopped again by Yimei.

His attack did not hack.

And it is a perfect confrontation with Yimei. No one of the two parties can attack the other party, and there is no way to go further.

But the next second.

Yimei felt some fluctuations on Ma Yuan.

This fluctuation was transmitted from his sword.

At this moment, Yimei knew what the other party probably did.

That is to directly use the magic of the Lord of the Rings Master, the Devil Soul Steel Sword as a carrier, and the words as a development, directly attack with a strong attack towards Yimei.

It was not a sharp attack, but a blunt attack like a shield.

Yimei, like carrying the weight of an entire earth, collapsed downward.

This weight does not start with the spell, but is transmitted from Ma Yuan.

His energy can make Yimei fall directly to the ground.

Because of this, Yimei knew that she had to leave Ma Yuan's side.

Otherwise, it would not be a confrontation between two people, but oneself completely suppressed by Ma Yuan.

If it is a sharp attack, then he can still dodge.

But now it is not the same. This blunt attack leaves Yimei with nowhere to go.

On the other side, Ma Yuan's shuriken once again attacked Yimei.

Ma Yuan did not intend to overwhelm Imei with his blunt attack, but intended to use a shuriken to solve Imei.

At this time, Liehua also found a gap.

She wields the brush in her hand and adds various buffs to Ma Yuan's shuriken, making Ma Yuan's shuriken more powerful.

With zero behind, he has only one idea.

He knows the power of Yimei and the story of Yimei and Pingyang, so he feels that even if the attack power is strengthened, just a few shurikens, it should be impossible to kill a horaized, legendary Lord of the Rings Master. of.

zero wants to step forward to help.

So he stepped forward and tried to get close to Ma Yuan.

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