Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 129: Other people's stories (Part 2)

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Ma Yuan, like what he said to zero, entered into his room.

Since someone is going to solve the spirit, it is better to let yourself take a look at your own situation.

Ma Yuan knew about Liehua's ability.

Ma Yuan had no doubt about Liehua's ability. When he first saw Liehua, Liehua showed Mayuan his power of the super Lord of the Rings.

This power is respected by Ma Yuan, and it is also a power that Ma Yuan will never insult.

If you just want to seal your spirit, it is not something you can do with a certain ability.

Ma Yuan definitely did not mean to deny the ability of Liehua, but the same Ma Yuan was still a little worried.

Therefore, Ma Yuan displayed the situation diagram of the spirit vein in his room. If there is any change or unexpected, Ma Yuan can immediately know.

If this behavior is to let Liehua know, it is probably to blame yourself.

After all, this kind of distrust of his companions, Ma Yuan never thought that he would do so.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan continued his research on keels and mounts after a short break.

on the other hand.

After Liehua and Yimei went out, Zero took a break according to what they said.

As Liehua said, it is necessary to control the number of people in each appearance to the minimum.

This is definitely a perfect way to deal with the current situation.

As long as it is possible, let a person rest.

No matter what the degree is, no matter how long the rest is, rest as long as it is possible. In this way, no one can guarantee that his mental state is good enough.

Able to meet Izanami with a better side.

Only like this...

Zero knows. This time the opponent is very tricky.

Only in this way can we guarantee our victory.

At this time, Zero rested for about five hours.

If it is an ordinary person, sleeping during the day will result in poor quality, and therefore will cause insufficient sleep.

But for the Lord of the Rings, he has already developed the skills to fall asleep during the day.

They need to rest during the day.

Only active at night.

This rest is not simply sleeping, but sinking your body into a deeper sleep.

But only this time, zero was awake after five hours.

Not murderous, not even any Hora or Dark Knight, but Zero always felt a little uneasy and sat up from the bed.

"Sure enough, I still can't sit still."

Zero laughed at himself and walked out of his room.

Although Liehua has said that it is enough for her and Yimei to protect the spirit during the day, but as a Lord of the Rings, it is really difficult to watch the two girls separate. .

"If it is Izanami, even if it is only night, it will be the time for Hora to walk, but the same..."

Zero said to himself.

"With her talents, it seems not difficult to find a gap for Hora to walk during the day."

When Zero thought so, of course he did the same.

Zero put his clothes on, and of course did not forget his soul steel sword, and walked directly to the tallest building in the city.

The tallest building is actually the tallest building in this piece.

For the correspondence between the map and the spirit vein, zero has been kept in mind.

The only thing to do now is to go to the tallest building in the neighborhood, which is regarded as a messenger and look around.

Even if there is no such sensitivity as the Lord of the Rings Master, but for a Lord of the Rings Knight, it is possible to perceive a Lord of the Rings and other Hora.

Not to mention, zero also has eyes and vision far beyond 5.0.

This is also a qualification that must be possessed as a Lord of the Rings.

At this time, zero is of course the first reaction is to go to the highest place to help Liehua and Yimei to see if something will happen around them.

At this time, as Hura, who is so smart as Izanami, of course, everything will be managed.

Don't let others interfere with your plan.

There is nothing wrong with what zero thinks.

After a while, some Hora approached Liehua and Yimei.

Zero didn't notice this at first.

Those Horas, hidden as deep as Zero thought, were able to sail during the day, and they must have buried all the characteristics of themselves as Horas.

If it weren’t because those close to Yimei really gave people a weird feeling, it would be impossible to find zero.

But Izanami still has something that he didn't expect.

She knew that she would send Hora to protect the Spirit Vessels, so that she could use it next time, but she never thought that since she would want to send Hora to protect the Vein Vessels, then the Lord of the Rings Knight and the Lord of the Rings Might be united. stand up.

As a fighter, they are really excellent, so few people think that a fighter will protect a fighter.

And zero's concern for others is the only thing Izanami did not expect.

This became one of Izanami's deadliest shortcomings.

The most deadly problem comes.

"Two people over there?"

Zero looked at Yimei's side.

In order to be able to move during the day, Hora must be completely attached to the human beings he depends on.

Because of the existence of Izanami, Hora will have wisdom, and Hora with wisdom, of course, will perfectly control the human beings that he is attached to, and this kind of control, under normal circumstances, the Lord of the Rings Knight and the Lord of the Rings Master There is no way to find out.

But to be honest.

Even in the time when Hora was infested at night, the Zero Ring Knights did not have a magic flame, and they still could not find each other.

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