Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 122: Runaway

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After losing his own "heart", the dragon-shaped Hora fell to the ground like a broken kite.

The dragon-shaped Hola falling to the ground has no anger at all, and the bones of the whole body have begun to darken, as if this Hola had no vitality from the beginning.

Liehua looked at the bone.

As a Lord of the Rings, Liehua can clearly know the meaning of this bone.

This is the bone of Hora.

It is not easy to get Hora’s bones. Most Hora will not die after being solved by the Lord of the Rings, but will be similar to being sealed.

All weapons against Hora are extracted and forged from Hora's bones.

In other words, Hora's bones have been an excellent weapon from the beginning, but this weapon is not easy to obtain.


At least an excellent weapon material.

It is now possible to obtain such a body of Hora. If you take it to the Presbyterian Church, and then distribute it to various excellent Lord of the Rings, it will probably produce a lot of weapons that can allow humans to fight Hora. Just go to a new level.

But now is not the time to mourn this bone.

Liehua knew that at this time, it was Ma Yuan who should really be cared.

Ma Yuan held the dragon's heart and core in his hand, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

That's right, he stuffed it in.

It's as if it was just a food.

It's like it's just something you should eat.

Even Ma Yuan didn't know why he did this.

But this core is still beating after the dragon-shaped Hora died, as if exuding some kind of power, some kind of magic.

So Ma Yuan did it subconsciously.

"He must be stopped."

zero yelled.

If it is simply to solve this dragon-shaped hora with the help of heart destruction, then Ma Yuan has already done it.

But from the experience of zero, Ma Yuan has lost all his consciousness at this time, and even has become a kind of demon creature.

This made Zero start to wonder.

Generally speaking, even the Lord of the Rings is not like this even if the heart is destroyed.

Then, the first question came, to make gold armor, you must have Hora's bones.

As a genius Lord of the Rings, a genius Lord of the Rings only has brain power, where did you get these skeletons from?

And did he really get the bones of Hora?

Zero suddenly realized that the armor itself had problems at the beginning.

If it weren’t Hora’s bones, mixed with things that could be related to the Lord of the Rings, Zero’s only reaction was a dragon.

The animal nature of the dragon, and the habits of the dragon, basically do not remain in their bones.

But this kind of feeling, which is almost to swallow the enemy, is like a rage, but almost every dragon will have it.

Like Flora.

Zero this time did not look at his partner Kojima Gangya, but at Flora.

If it is related to the dragon, you can only rely on Flora.

To know Flora and Rose, this relationship can already show the dragon's anger and variants to the fullest.

Zero knows when to ask someone.

Only in this way can Ma Yuan's runaway be guaranteed, and Ma Yuan's heart-breaking will not be completely uncontrollable.


The heartless Ma Yuan shouted at the sky.

When he roared, Ma Yuan felt a little strange.

He didn't know what he was doing.

Yes, even Ma Yuan didn't know what he was doing, but suddenly wanted to do it, and then he did it. Immediately after Ma Yuan could feel, he seemed to feel a powerful force.

That is the power that comes out of the core that you eat. This core can definitely make you more powerful.


More powerful.

Ma Yuan is not a human being who only needs strength, but if he wants to solve Izanami, he can only become stronger.

"Hey, Ma Yuan, you calm down."

zero yelled at Ma Yuan.

Keng Dao Gangya has pulled out the long sword in his hand, and he looks at Ma Yuan as if he is ready to attack.

Almost no one can transcend the heart.

As long as you become the Lord of the Rings, you will encounter Hora, and you will encounter a series of tragedies caused by Yin self and Hora. Then the body will be dark.

For the Lord of the Rings, under normal circumstances, these darkness is just something they know, but it is just some sudden thoughts or other existence.

It cannot be called the existence of everything related to itself.

It's just some afterimages that don't need to be mentioned at all.

But in the case of heart destruction, all afterimages will be exposed, and even expanded by hundreds of thousands of times, and after this expansion, these afterimages will show what the Lord of the Ring Knight wants most.

This is how the Dark Knight appeared.

Now Ma Yuan is also facing what he wants, a residual image of his heart.

"Are you going to attack me?"

Ma Yuan looked at the Kangdao Gangya.

Kojima Gangya is obviously ready to fight himself.

And for Ma Yuan.

Perhaps the least acceptable one is that someone took out a long sword in front of himself, as if he were a monster, and wanted to fight against himself.

"If you can't wake up."

Yedao Gangya answered without question.


Zero immediately stopped his partner.

After all, people who were born and died together, of course, zero would not hope that Ma Yuan would fight against Yedao Gangya because of this matter, let alone, Yejima Gangya is also his companion and his best friend.

"Isn't he still able to speak?"

It is absolutely impossible for people during the heart-breaking period to have their own consciousness. It is even more impossible to say something like Ma Yuan.

Now Ma Yuan spoke, let Zero feel that there is such a little hope, and then Zero quickly hurried to prevent the mood of Naoshima Gangya wanting to attack.

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