Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 16 Chapter 116: disgust

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After Ma Yuan heard the words of the dragon-shaped Hora, he immediately couldn't help lighting up the dragon-shaped Hora with candles.

This sentence is definitely the last thing Flora wants to hear.

And this word, let a Hora, even in the side of Izanami, can speak out the number one Hora.

This made Flora run away instantly.

The hatred in her eyes even gave out a red flame, even Ma Yuan couldn't help but took a few steps back to avoid being affected.

After Zero and Gengdao Gangya glanced at each other, Zero lifted their armor call, but let the tooth wolf face the small dragon-shaped Hora alone, and walked to Ma Yuan.

For Flora and Ma Yuan, zero will be more familiar than Kojima Gangya.

And Liehua also began to approach the Yeyao Steel Teeth, turning his main task into an auxiliary to the Yejima Steel Teeth.

Immediately after zero approached Ma Yuan, he supported Ma Yuan who was backing away urgently. If zero is not there, Ma Yuan might not realize that there is a wall behind him.

"It's too early for you to wear armor."

This is the first sentence zero said to Ma Yuan.

But zero is also looking at Flora at this time. For Flora's situation, zero has not seen it.

Because fighting with Kojima Gangya for so long, Zero has basically encountered a lot of things, even if he is a hora pass.

But only this time, zero never encountered it.

Hora would think that he was the Lord of the Rings for the first time, even if the other party could not be Hora in the strict sense, but a more subtle existence is also very rare.

Zero only saw a swordsman who swallowed Hora at a certain time, simply existed in this world to seek an opponent, and after defeating the swordsman, the Hora connected to the swordsman's body, zero also Put it together.

But this situation is rare now.

The armor on Flora's body can no longer be called the Lord of the Rings armor. Even Flora himself can't be regarded as the Lord of the Rings or even humans.

But for the Zero Ring Knights, Flora's existence itself is still related to the Lord of the Rings and the Lord of the Rings.

Sure enough, as long as the dragon is involved, the whole thing cannot be said simply.

Ma Yuan looked at zero, and zero didn't speak. He was terrified.

The only thing I can know is that if Ma Yuan is now wearing the Lord of the Rings armor, it is likely to lead to heart destruction.

It's just that Ma Yuan didn't care about it at all. He responded calmly with zero.

"It's okay. In this situation in Flora, I'm afraid it will speed up the fighting this time."


If Flora is gone, even the dragon in front of you is not good.

Even if he didn't know his connection with Izanami, nor did he know that he was the successor of Izanami, but Flora knew her identity and what she wanted from the beginning.

She wants peace.

Want to kill all Hora.

So at this time, Flora had only one emotion in her eyes, that was disgust and deep hatred.

Zero heard Ma Yuan's words, but felt that there was no problem. After all, according to the current situation, when Flora was running away, the dragon-shaped Hora of the other party was also very anxious.

"Then I will believe you once."

zero said.

Although this is said, for zero, it is not just this time.

next time. next time.

No matter how many times, zero will trust Ma Yuan.

This is the friendship between their comrades-in-arms, zero will definitely not violate.

Ma Yuan looked at zero and nodded.

Then the two of them rushed towards the dragon-shaped Hora again.

When Flora released her anger and hatred just now, Zero and Ma Yuan were indeed a little surprised, but it was only limited to this, and it could only be limited to this.

When zero attacked again, he did not put on his own ring armor.

He attacked directly.

The black cloak on his body can almost absorb all the damage.

This is the secret weapon of the Lord of the Rings, the robe that will absorb the damage, and the cloak that can hide his soul steel sword.

All of these are inherent equipment of the Lord of the Rings.

So Zero will think about not wearing armor directly with Ma Yuan to fight.

As long as there is no direct fatal injury, the Lord of the Rings cloak can protect yourself. You must know that these things on your body are not vegetarian.

I don't know when it started, something passed down from generations to generations was probably made by the Lord of the Rings.

Not to mention.

Unlike Ma Yuan, just now Zero and Kojima Gangya have already equipped their own armor in order to fight these small dragon-shaped Hora, and only half of it has been left long ago.

In order to protect his situation, zero is of course the first reaction is to choose not to wear too much armor.

And zero, which has extensive practical combat experience, certainly won't cause injuries because of not wearing armor.

Ma Yuan and Zero rushed towards the dragon-shaped Hora.

Flora had begun to breathe some heat outside, turning anger into a situation like this, and Ma Yuan saw it for the first time.

Although it can be understood that this happened, for Ma Yuan, it was indeed the first time I saw it.

Ma Yuan looked at zero and nodded.

Zero first summoned his armor, and then summoned silver teeth to Ma Yuan.

To summon the Demon Mount, you must summon armor.

But after summoning the mount, Zero immediately returned his armor, and then Ma Yuan waved the brush in his hand, leaving silver teeth in this world.

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