Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 137: Tentative

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Not feeling surprised or puzzled at all, Zhao Min touched Ma Yuan and asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

"Huh? What's going on?" Ma Yuan asked Zhao Min asking his own question, but he asked in confusion.

"Isn't it that she is the Zijin Dragon King, but her age is not as good as the Zijin Dragon King, do you know what's going on?" Zhao Min looked at Ma Yuan and asked.

"Oh, who said I knew? I didn't seem to have said it?" Ma Yuan asked Zhao Min.

"Oh, forget it, it seems you don't know." Zhao Min shook his head in disappointment, just said.

"Who said I don't know, I just asked you, how do you know, I know?" Ma Yuan said.

"Eh, you really know, I just talked about it before I saw you. I thought you knew it, so I asked you a bit. In fact, I didn't report any hope. I didn't expect you to really know." Zhao Min said with some surprise.

"Hey, do you want to know?" Ma Yuan asked. "Think, tell me." Zhao Min nodded, just said.

"No, it's so simple to let you know. It's my fault to see everything." Ma Yuan shook his head and said.

"What did you lose? It just made you move your mouth." Zhao Min pouted, complaining dissatisfiedly.

"Hey, then you can move your mouth." Ma Yuan said with a laugh.

"What's my mouth? I don't know what happened!" Zhao Min asked doubtfully.

"That's simple, just kiss me, and I'll tell you." Ma Yuanhuilian stared at Zhao Min's tempting lips and said.

"Go away, you like to say nothing, don't talk about pulling, I don't want to know yet." Zhao Min said angrily, this person, something is a little bit, is thinking of taking advantage, how can not let Zhao Min Get angry!

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I just said it!" Ma Yuan said angrily when she saw Zhao Min angry.

"Huh, that's about the same." Zhao Min nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with Ma Yuan's attitude today.

"Hey, let me tell you, cough." Ma Yuan cleared his throat, and then continued: "It's not easy? He changed his face. You are so smart, why can't you see it?"

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he did not forget to taunt Zhao Min, but after Zhao Min heard it, he was dumbfounded and did not speak for a long time.

"It's that simple, hum." Zhao Min asked.

"Yeah, it's that simple." Ma Yuan said with a smile.

"Junior, don't chew on your tongue, dare to talk nonsense, believe me or not. I'll kill you with a walking stick?" Ma Yuan, the mother-in-law who Jinhua listened to, talked a little.

"Why don't you let people talk? If you want to try it, then you can try it. My horse wasn't made of mud. Whatever you want, then you just let the horse come, and my horse will continue." Ma Originally, he didn't care about the threat of the mother-in-law Jinhua, but instead she was eager to try it.

However, after listening to her mother-in-law, Jinhua's complexion changed greatly, because he had never heard of Ma Yuan's name during his time in Central Plains, and naturally he had heard of Ma Yuan's deeds. But it is undeniable that Ma Yuan must have been martial arts.

However, it wasn't that that changed his face, but what changed her face was that she couldn't see the depth of Ma Yuan. This was the reason that changed her face.

There are only two possibilities. One possibility is that the martial art of the person in front of her is above her, so that she can't see the depth. The second possibility is that the person in front of him is a person who cannot martial arts. But Ma Yuan must be capable of martial arts, so he might have been posing.

But she is not sure, because there are chances of these two kinds, but he still can't make up his mind if the martial art of the person in front of her is above her. Isn't she asking for fun?

"Oh, junior, then let the old come to try your depth!" Mother-in-law Jinhua's teeth made her mind, she wanted to try the young man in front of her, even if the person in front of him is really a horse It turned out that she had confidence in her martial arts and could withdraw from the whole body, so he did not hesitate to try.

The mother-in-law Jinhua did not wait for Ma Yuan to answer her question. She was walking on Ma Yuan with a walking stick in her hand. Ma Yuan saw her mother-in-law flying and shook her head, so Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min stepped aside. It was standing still, waiting for Grandma Jinhua to come.

When Grandma Jinhua came to Ma Yuan, she stabbed her with a walking stick towards Ma Yuan. Ma Yuan's understatement was a punch on the walking stick. Suddenly, Grandma Jinhua felt a great force came.

The walking stick bounced back instantly, hitting her chest, and the mother-in-law Jinhua stepped back a few steps, and a trace of blood bleed from the corner of her mouth. She could not help but secretly shocked: "The Protestant Protestant of Ming Dynasty is really well-deserved, this martial art, Far above me, let him be farther away."

"How? Zijin Dragon King, is the martial art of my junior junior, is it not in your eyes yet?" Ma Yuan asked with a smile.

"Huh, the leader of Mingjiao, if the real name is well-deserved, it is an old defeat." Mother-in-law Jinhua said nothing.

"What, he is the leader of Mingjiao?" Xie Xun on the side heard the words of mother-in-law Jinhua, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

"Well, I'm the new leader of Mingjiao, what's wrong, Xie Shiwang, is there any problem?" Ma Yuan glanced at Xie Xun and took the words.

When Ma Yuan suddenly saw Zhang Wuji, he was very excited, patted Zhang Wuji's shoulder, and shook his head at Zhang Wuji, indicating that he hadn't recognized him yet.

Zhang Wuji also understood the meaning of Ma Yuan, and slowly put away his excited expression, then looked at Xie Xun calmly.

At this time, Xie Xun suddenly knelt on one knee and shouted: "The four pharaohs of Mingjiao, the golden lion king Xie Xun, see the leader!"

Ma Yuan stepped up two steps, helped Xie Xun up, and then even said: "Xie Shiwang, don't be so polite, you are blind now, you have to go to Zhang Wuji, I'm afraid to see you go to Central Plains How lucky is it."

"Thank you for the care of the leader, but the unscrupulous parents are my brothers who were sworn. The two of them died because of me. The children of the two of them, I must take care of them. If I go to the Central Plains, even if I am Xie Xun , Also have to find my righteous son." The golden lion king said firmly, not at all by Ma Yuan's persuasion. ,, ..

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