Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 115: Then you commit suicide!

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After about three quarters of an hour, the deer warrior slowly woke up. After waking up, a spit of blood spurted out. After the spitting of blood, the deer warrior seemed to be more comfortable, but Still suffering from a serious internal injury, you must support someone to walk.

Zhao Min, who was sitting on the side, had a pretty face and cold frost since Lu Wengke was blown out by Zhang Wuji. When she saw Lu Wengke woke up, she said coldly, "Huh, help your brother Go behind!"

Xuan Ming 2nd Elder was entrusted to Ruyang Wangfu, not cultivated by Ruyang Wangfu, Zhao Min was afraid to treat them too much, these two were reckless, in case Zhao Min said a few words about them, And resentment, and then defected from the Ruyang Wangfu, it was the loss of the Ruyang Wangfu, so Zhao Min did not dare to go too far.

When the two of them reached her, Zhao Min looked at Ma Yuan with his fierce little eyes, and then said, "Master Ma, you won, hum, let's go!"

After Zhao Min finished, he got up and left. He didn't want to stay here for a moment. Although he had a slight affection for Ma Yuan, that didn't prevent him from getting angry. Zhao Min was very angry about this matter!

"Miss Zhao, do you know if I can give the next opportunity to talk to me alone? There are still some important things I want to consult with Miss Zhao!" Ma Yuan saw Zhao Min about to leave, but stopped her in a hurry and wanted to talk to Zhao Min Issues.

"Don't talk, let go!" However, Zhao Min was angry and didn't want to talk to Ma Yuan about other things, just let Ma Yuan let go, as if he didn't want to stay in Sanqing Hall for a moment.

"In this way, Miss Zhao, you talk to me, and I promise you something that I can do, as long as it is not for me to kill the innocent, or something that violates morality!" Ma Yuan knew that the previous TV Zhao Min likes to make conditions like Zhang Wuji, but no, Ma Yuan also asked Zhao Min to make conditions. Ma Yuan believed that Zhao Min should have a soft spot for the conditions, and that Zhao Min should not refuse. ,

"One thing, right? Then commit suicide!" Zhao Min said vigorously.

"Impossible, how could I commit suicide? You can't agree? Go ahead and talk to me aside!" Ma Yuan refused. He was kidding. How could he commit suicide? Ma Yuan was very sorry.

"Then, let's go, I want to see what you want to talk to me!" Zhao Min pouted.

Ma Yuan laughed twice, and said, "Go, let's talk outside the hall."

Zhao Min nodded and turned back to his group of people and said, "You are here to stay well, and you are not allowed to come out without my orders!"

Everyone under Zhao Min responded with a rush.

After Ma Yuan took Zhao Min out of Sanqing Hall, he found a place where no one was there, but turned around and looked at Zhao Min.

"Look what to look at, then dig your eyes down." Zhao Min saw Ma Yuan staring at her intently, threatening Ma Yuan.

"Why? I can't talk to you when I talk to you?" Ma Yuan is also a little speechless. Zhao Min's arrogant little character is really very different. Yes, it's delicious!

"You, don't talk nonsense, say something quickly, what are you going to talk to me about?" Zhao Min was also a little sloppy, and Ma Yuan really made sense.

"I helped you kill Battle, I don't know what good I have? I haven't told anyone else!" Ma Yuan killed Battle, and no one really knows, except for a Siming Butterfly, even It was Xin Mudie, and he didn't know what Ma Yuan did to kill Battle. He just thought that Battle had offended Ma Yuan.

"Oh, what's the matter, I didn't force you to do anything, and you're an ingenious Mingjiao leader, would you listen to me as a little woman? I'm afraid Master Ma said no one would believe it!" Ma Yuan said, Zhao Min has his own way of coping, and certainly will not be led by Ma Yuan.

"Oh, then I would like to ask Zhao girl, what did you say before count?" Ma Yuan called Zhao Min out, the most important thing is to ask this question.

"Huh? What? Did I say anything? Why didn't I know it? Master Ma, don't you bully the little girl. The little girl doesn't know what you promised you." Zhao Min was confused and she was confused. If you don't want to simply tunnel Ma Yuan's wish, it must be more difficult for him.

"Oh, yes, then I would like to remind Miss Zhao?" Ma Yuan gritted his teeth. He knew that Zhao Min was confused and didn't want to answer Ma Yuan's question directly, but Ma Yuan had no choice but to Can it remind him.

"No, this girl doesn't want to know. Okay, Master Ma, you've finished asking. I should go back. Goodbye, oh, no, don't see you again!" Zhao Min and Ma Yuan slap haha. I want to fool around, I want to go to Wudang Mountain first.

But Ma Yuan was a little reluctant. He wasted a lot of things and wasted his ten days. Dao Zhaomin wanted to send Ma Yuan without knowing it. How could it be possible.

"I will give you a chance at the end. I don't want to force you to admit something. It will do you no good for me or anything." Ma Yuan was a little angry, but said angrily to Zhao Min.

Zhao Min saw that Ma Yuan threatened her. Although she didn’t want to admit it, she was afraid that Ma Yuan’s head would be hot and she wouldn’t be rude to her. When the **** came, she couldn’t save him. No one in Sanqing Hall was a horse. The original opponent, Zhao Min, can only be weakened.

"Oh, then you say, what is the matter, I have too many things recently, I have been busy and forgot, you talk about it, I can remember it!" Zhao Min still wants Ma Yuan to say it, Wan It's not the thing Zhao Min thought about.

"Aren't you saying that I killed Battle for you, would you give me a chance to pursue you? I'm not asking for it!" Ma Yuan reminded Zhao Min with hate, especially the pursuit and asking for two The word, even said slowly, is to highlight these four words.

"Oh, I remembered it, but I was so impressed, but I seemed to say, think about it, wouldn't it give you a chance?" Zhao Min glanced at Ma Yuan and said so.

After Ma Yuan listened, he thought about it carefully, but it really was the case, but how did it happen, Zhao Min was his lunch plate sooner or later, just eating one day early and playing one day.

"Oh, that seems to be the case, what about your consideration?" Ma Yuan said to Zhao Min. ,, ..

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