Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 113: Contest (middle)

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Zhao Min and the second old Xuan Ming whispered behind him: "Second old man, look at who we send out in the next round. I think Zhang Wuji's martial arts are not low. If we lose another round, I am afraid we can only go down the mountain."

"Sovereign, I think, apart from our two brothers and sisters, I am afraid that none of the remaining people are Zhang Wuji's opponents. Why would we let the two of us shoot?" .

Zhao Min, after thinking carefully, he even said, "That can only be the case, then rely on the second old shot, the second old shot will definitely win triumphantly! As long as we can win the next round, then the second The bureau has no idea."

The martial arts of Xuan Ming's two elders can be said to be exactly the same, and even the internal force is the same. As long as Zhang Wuji loses to one person, it is impossible for both of them to fight. This is still Xuan Ming's two individual shots. Ma Yuan is slightly inferior.

The name of Xuanming's second old man is unknown to everyone in the rivers and lakes, and no one knows it. The name of Xuanming's **** is also the fear of the countless people in the rivers and lakes, but the two are greedy for prosperity and wealth. Ruyang Wangfu is also among the strongest masters.

Xuan Ming's two old men were worshipping under the door of Baidao Taoist from the bottom, learning art from childhood, from young to old, tens of years, never separated, and the two are now 70 years old. , Have no children under the knees, even wives and daughters.

It can be said that Xuan Ming's two elders know each other's intentions more than the twin brothers of a milk sibling, often just a look, an action, and the other person knows what he wants to express.

At this time, Zhang Wuji was almost nursed back, but he slowly stood up and Ma Yuan glanced at Zhang Wuji.

"Second brother, how is it? Doesn't it hinder?" Ma Yuan said, Ma Yuan was also afraid that Zhang Wuji and the eight-armed Excalibur Dongfangbai would be injured.

"Big brother and little brother are all right. Except for consuming some internal strength, there was no injury at that time. The teacher's Tai Chi sword is really amazing. It is really amazing to use the strength to fight and change in the same way!" Zhang Wuji replied Tao, Zhang Wuji was also amazed by the Taiji sword created by Zhang Sanfeng. When he was fighting Dongfangbai just now, Dongfangbai could not touch him at all.

Moreover, the sword of Dongfangbai and his sword were as if they were glued together. They could only follow Zhang Wuji's sword style and use his full strength to struggle. This is because Zhang Wuji has just learned the Tai Chi sword. For the sake of familiarity, otherwise, Dongfangbai is something you don't want to break free.

Ma Yuan heard Zhang Wuji say this, and was relieved in his heart, but still worried about the next competition, they have already won a game, it can be said that they have won a half, as long as they win the next game, then They won.

"Second brother, you have to be very careful next time. You just won one game, and we will win if you win another game. Next, they will definitely send masters out. I think they are only Xuan Ming. If you can do it together, Xuan Ming's two old men will be a threat to you, but if they are single shots, the martial arts will drop by at least one level. The second brother, you should be more careful." Ma Yuan has some Worried about whether Zhang Wuji could beat Xuan Ming's two old men, he was worried and asked.

"Brother, don't worry, I know. I want to use my internal strength today, I am afraid that it is no less than any of them. Hum, just right, I have to take revenge. They fight when I was young. It took me a palm of mysterious mystery, and tortured me for more than ten years. I have to calculate this account with them!" Zhang Wuji said bitterly. That palm of mysterious mysterious palm had been suffering for Zhang Wuji for more than ten years. For more than ten years, it can be said that it was Zhang Wuji's most painful moment. Zhang Wuji never wanted to revenge.

At this moment, Ma Yuan suddenly remembered something, and then said, "Second brother, don't you know Jiuyang Divine Skill, Jiuyang Divine Skill just restrains the two of them, you just have to fight against him At that time, it would be good if I had been running the Jiuyang Divine Skill with all my strength, and it would definitely break the two of them!"

"Brother, younger brother knows, the younger brother will see my younger brother and I will return home!" Zhang Wuji was reminded by Ma Yuan that he was more confident and felt that he would not let Xuan Ming's old man die.

Ma Yuan heard Zhang Wuji say this. Although he was still a little worried, he didn't talk much. When he saw that Lu Zongke had stepped out, Ma Yuan signaled Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji looked at the past and saw that one of the two old Xuan Ming came out, and Zhang Wuji stood in front of the aisle Lu Zongke.

"Boy, you are not well in Mingjiao, do you come out to die? I think you are so young, you really can't bear to start!" said the deer warrior who came out, and he laughed twice after he said that he was afraid of others I don't know if he is ironic about Zhang Wuji.

"Oh, old thief, Hugh is rampant. The two of you hit me with the palm of mysterious mysterious **** when I was young. Today I want to revenge on my palm of that year!" Zhang Wuji rebuked the deer warrior, trying to kill it Dead palm!

But Lu Zongke's face was full of disdain, and said ironically: "Boy, is it up to you? Mao didn't grow up, and he wants to get revenge? You are going back to practice for fifty years, there is still a glimmer of hope, now Let’s just forget it. If you know you, you can quickly confess. I can spare your life. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being so polite. I’m rewarding you with a mysterious palm!”

"Oh, old thief, how about me? I will let you know today, what is called Shibei three days, and if you admit defeat now, maybe I can save your life!" Zhang Wuji It is also ironic to go back, let Lu Zhanke hate secretly gritted his teeth, can't wait to eat its meat and drink its blood.

"Old thief? I think I'm still a lot worse than Zhang Sanfeng. Zhang Sanfeng is really an old thief. He is old but not dead for a thief. He was actually a hundred years old, really..." Lu Zhengke said Here, it is impossible to say anything, because Zhang Wuji interrupted him.

"Shut up, Hugh insults my teacher!" Zhang Wuji couldn't hear it anymore, he interrupted the deer fighter, and after yelling a word, he rushed to the deer fighter, like a hungry wolf preying.

In the moment when Zhang Wuji rushed past, he worked his full strength to play the Jiuyang Divine Skill, striving to defeat the deer warrior at the fastest moment. It is Jiuyang Divine Skill. ,, ..

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