Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 107: Vajra fingers

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Of course, Ma Yuan will not come out. He also wants to see how Zhang Wuji solves this matter. Of course, he will not answer Zhao Min.

Instead, he sent a message to Zhang Wuji and said, "Second brother, you are better if you are free. If there is a big brother, if you can solve it, then the big brother will not come out. After all, the big brother and the Zhao Min have a little bit of friendship. The big brother is really true. I don’t know how to face him."

After listening to Zhang Wuji, he would not answer Ma Yuan, because he did not know the sound transmission technique invented by Ma Yuan. He only nodded gently when everyone in Sanqing Hall didn't pay attention.

Zhao Min saw that Ma Yuan hadn't come out for a long time, and didn't answer, so he couldn't help but continue to say: "Ma Yuan, you can't get out, I'll kill them if you don't come out."

Zhao Min waited for a while, and when no one answered, he even said angrily: "A Da A Er A San, you guys, please give me this boy a half death and drag me over."

But Zhang Sanfeng was puzzled at this time. The Mingjiao pretend to be a man in front of him, called Ma Yuan, how come another one? Is it possible that this person is fake?

At this time, Ada, A, A, and A, the three had already rushed up to encircle Zhang Wuji to the regiment, and without a word, the three attacked toward Zhang Wuji.

A Da took the first shot, and then directly punched, and hit the midway, it was a change, suddenly stretched out two fingers, straight inserted like Zhang Wuji's eyes, Zhang Wuji directly put his palm in the middle of his eyes .

It directly broke Ada’s move. At this time, A Er’s attack also came. A Er used the 36-legged Tan legs of the Shaolin School and attacked Zhang Wuji. Zhang Wuji saw that A Er used the Shaolin School’s. effort.

Zhang Wuji directly used Shaolin Temple's dragon claw hand, which broke the Shaolin 36 legs of A Er's Shaolin. Zhang Wuji just wanted to chase after victory, but he faced three people, not one person, other The two of course won't make him happy.

At this time, the attack of Asan also came over. Zhang Wuji had no choice but to back away and escaped the attack of Asan. The three people on the opposite side also gathered together.

The faces of the three people were ugly. The siege of the three people did not take advantage of it. It can be seen that Zhang Wuji’s martial arts are probably not simple. I am afraid that they are no longer under the three of them. Otherwise, the ordinary people in the rivers and lakes can be any of them. One person can hold for a round, let alone the three of them joined forces.

But Ma Yuan thought of one thing at this time, and even whispered to Zhang Wuji, saying, "Second brother, those three people are disciples of King Kong Gate in the Western Region. Among them are the ones I told you before. Black jade intermittent paste, you can grasp it yourself and see if you can succeed."

After listening to Zhang Wuji, his thoughts changed, he did not expect that the black jade intermittent cream was just in front of his eyes, of course, whether the three people in front of him were not necessarily, but they captured the three of them and let them three Take him to the King Kong Gate.

Zhang Wuji even blurted out and said, "Are you a gatekeeper of King Kong Gate?"

After listening to the three, they didn't expect it to be a round. Zhang Wuji recognized the martial arts of the three of them, but the three of them asked themselves not to use the martial arts of the Vajrasattva, but how did Zhang Wuji see it?

Of course, the three will not know that there is one behind Zhang Wuji who can cheat. That is Ma Yuan. They have no secrets here.

At this time Ada said: "How do you see it? The three of us asked ourselves not to use Kung Fu."

Zhang Wuji thought for a while, then blurted out and said, "Yes, the three of you really didn't use the Kung Fu Gate, but the three of you were obviously not from the Shaolin Temple. I have to doubt it."

A Dasui even asked: "But that doesn't mean anything? Can't we be the disciples of Shaolin Temple?"

Zhang Wuji replied, "Impossible, how can the disciples of the lay folks learn the 36-legged Tan legs from Shaolin's Seventy-two Road Peerless Learning? King Kong Gate."

After listening to Ada, he immediately said, "We don't know what Huotong Tuo Tuo, boy, stop talking nonsense."

At this time Zhang Wuji hurriedly said: "Please be slow, I wonder if you can give me the black jade intermittent ointment?"

After listening to Ada, he even said angrily: "Boy, what you think is so good, the black jade intermittent ointment is the secret medicine of this door. How do you know it? Quickly recruit, otherwise don’t blame Lao Tzu. You make you like him." After that, he pointed to Yu Daiyan.

After listening to Zhang Wuji, he said angrily: "Do you not pay?

A stool is a cold voice: "No."

After listening to Zhang Wuji, he even said, "No, hehe, then I will let you have it."

After finishing talking, before the three of Ada’s three hands started, they rushed straight up and attacked the three. Zhang Wuji didn’t keep his hands this time. Fighting, not to mention the fact that there will still be great movements and Tai Chi movements. Playing three people is the same as playing.

After Zhang Wuji rushed up, he directly operated the Jiuyang Divine Power and drove towards the three people. When the three saw Zhang Wuji rushed over, they also shot. How could they be beaten back by Zhang Wuji.

The three looked at each other, and even used the Vajra fingers of the Shaolin Temple to fight towards Zhang Wuji. Zhang Wuji also recognized the Vajra fingers of the Shaolin Temple and responded carefully.

After turning the strength of the three men into the underground, after resisting the master's move, they used the Jiuyang Divine Skill to hit the three men. The three men also waved towards the fist of Zhang Wuji.

A big punch was defeated by Zhang Wuji's vomiting blood. When A Er and A San saw it, they quickly retreated and went to see A Da's injury. At first glance, they knew that A Da was already seriously injured. His face is ugly.

Before the three of them thought that Zhang Wuji was just like them. How could they know that Zhang Wuji actually hid himself, and suddenly he shot up, and directly abandoned them all.

The two of them looked at Ada’s injury, and they knew that Zhang Wuji’s martial arts were superior to the three of them. Even if the three of them just shot together, they were suppressed by Zhang Wuji. The two knew that Zhang Wuji’s martial arts were not theirs. I can resist it. I can't help but look ugly. I just stood in front of Ada and didn't dare to look for Zhang Wuji's fight. The two knew that I couldn't beat Zhang Wuji, and they would definitely not go again. ,, ..

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