Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 66: turn up

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Half an hour later, Ma Yuan looked at the courtyard in front of him and saw a team of soldiers, patrolling the courtyard constantly. Ma Yuan stood on the spot and observed for a moment, seeing this team of soldiers, there was no gap Patrol.

Ma Yuan also shook his head and sighed: "Since there is no chance, go find the courtyard first."

Two quarters later, Ma Yuan stood outside another powerful guarding courtyard and looked at the courtyard in front of him.

Seeing the courtyard guard before the picture, the guard force of the courtyard was a little worse, and Ma Yuan thought about it.

I just felt afraid of this courtyard. It was that Battle's courtyard.

Ma Yuan stood and looked at the same place, and saw that the guards in this courtyard were powerful, and the soldiers patrolling one after another, Ma Yuan also knew, I am afraid there is no chance to enter.

I'm afraid I can only break through. Ma Yuan took out the towel he had left in his arms and covered his face.

Ma Yuan was blindfolded directly, pulled out the knife he had taken from Er Gouzi, and after a wave.

Ma Yuan rushed out directly, and the soldiers around him also heard the sound of the waves, and the soldiers all shouted: "There are assassins, come soon, there are assassins."

A team of soldiers, immediately afterwards, drew out the long sword in their hands, and after a wave of sound.

All the soldiers rushed to Ma Yuan. When Ma Yuan saw it, he rushed in front of the team.

With a long knife, one knife per person, a moment of effort, it was to kill all the soldiers of this team of more than ten people.

At this moment, the soldiers around heard the shouting and arrived. At the sight of Ma Yuan, when so many people arrived, they immediately said nothing.

Directly killing the past, a quarter of an hour later, Ma Yuan looked at the body in front of him and smiled contemptuously.

Gently shook his head, the guards of the Prime Minister's House were really not very good. The team of 100 people had been beheaded by themselves.

And for such a long time, the guards in the prime minister's government hadn't come yet. Ma Yuan shook his head and walked into the courtyard.

At that time, there were also a team of soldiers in the courtyard. More than ten people saw Ma Yuan coming in, all of them were facing the enemy. When Ma Yuan took a step forward, more than ten people took a step back.

After a few steps, the soldiers retreated to the door of the room in the courtyard, and the Battle in the room heard the sound and opened the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a group of soldiers clinging to the door of his room. Every one of them was like a big enemy. They pulled out the blades of their hands. When Battle saw it, he looked in front of the soldiers.

Seeing a person wearing a guard costume, covered with a black face scarf, and a long knife in his hand was reflected by the moonlight, only felt a chill.

At the sight of Battle, he said with a high-spirited voice: "Who are you? Who sent you to kill me?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, she was also a little puzzled. Isn't this Battle afraid? Ma Yuanyang raised the sword in his hand.

Han Sheng said: "As long as you know, I'm the one who came to kill you. As for who wants to kill you, go to **** and ask."

After listening, Battle immediately said, "Just you? Want to kill me? I don't know what to do."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he immediately said, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

After Battle heard, Haha smiled, and then said, "I'm afraid of you? What are you doing?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shook his head, and then even said, "You don't know yet. The guards outside your courtyard were all beheaded by me."

After listening, Bartle smiled contemptuously and then said, "Although I don't know how you came in my courtyard, but you said you killed a hundred soldiers outside our courtyard, are you kidding me? Do you feel me? Will you believe it?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled, and even said, "Do you believe it? Then you can ask them."

Battle pointed at the soldier and asked, "Is he saying it true? You answered truthfully!"

When the soldier saw Battle, he asked himself, and even said, "Master, what he said is true. All the soldiers we were outside were killed by him."

After Battle, he was not so calm. After all, there were hundreds of soldiers outside his courtyard.

And after he heard the sound, he just put on a dress, Ma Yuan killed all the hundreds of soldiers,

He also knows that I am afraid that the ten soldiers in front of him will be killed by Ma Yuan in a blink of an eye.

Battle did not know what to do, but could only shout loudly: "Come on, come on, someone will assassinate Master Ben."

Battle’s voice was no less than a thunder in this silent night. The guards of the Prime Minister’s House had heard the voice of “Assassin” in the courtyard of Battle before.

The escorts in the prime minister's palace came to the Battle's courtyard. When they heard Battle's call for help, the guards were so impatient that they accelerated their pace and rushed towards the Battle's courtyard. But after Battle shouted this sentence, he hurried into the room,

After closing the door, he said: "Hurry up to block him, as long as you can block him, afterwards, Master Ben, there are rewards."

After listening to more than ten soldiers, they glanced at each other, but they did not step forward, they were going to kill Ma Yuan, but they were only tightly ironing the door of the room, and they dared not step forward, although they said they were selling their lives for the prime minister’s office. of,

But they did not want to die, and they did not run in this mortal situation, they were already loyal.

And Ma Yuan also knew that after hearing Battle’s shouting, he could not rub it. After rubbing, I am afraid that things might change. After the many guards of the Prime Minister’s House came, although he said he could get away,

But Battle may not be able to kill, but if Battle does not die, then the woman he scheduled is not his, but Battle's.

And he doesn’t want to waste this opportunity today, otherwise the guard force will be even greater by then, he doesn’t have so much time, all wasted here,

So today is bound to kill him, Ma Yuan is also grinning at this time, and his smile, in the eyes of more than a dozen soldiers, is like a devil’s smile, and Ma Yuan follows,

Striding toward the front of more than ten soldiers, and more than ten soldiers saw Ma Yuan rushing up, they also knew that they could not sit still, so they rushed to Ma Yuan one after another,

One person rushed in front of Ma Yuan, slashed towards Ma Yuan's neck, and Ma Yuan hid backwards, then he hid a knife, and then he took a knife. ,, ..

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