Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 54: Send a bright top

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The city owner was also in a dilemma. He didn't know how to choose, and he would send his wife, children, and mothers to the light, and he might die.

The city owner didn't know what to do, but asked Ma Yuan, "I want to go home and discuss with my wife and mother. I wonder if I can?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shook his head, and then said, "I think you shouldn't have to go back and ask, what difference does it make if you go back and ask, if your wife, children and mother know that they don't go to Guangmingding, then you Are you going to die? Do you feel that they might not go to the light summit? If you don’t tell them, you will die. They won’t go to the light summit. After all, if you don’t tell them the truth, you will only die. , And my Mingjiao is a demon in the eyes of the world, but in the eyes of my Mingjiao, it is much better than selling life to the emperor."

Ma Yuan paused and continued: "And the women and children of my Mingjiao were actually arranged by us. In fact, it may not be the Guangming Ding, or it may be the small village. After all, the Guangming Ding is not necessarily safe, and I The wives, children, and mothers of the Ming sect all voluntarily let us settle down. After all, the people of the Ming sect fight hard outside, but to give the family a safe link, we do not want to know that we are dead. Kill, and they all asked us to help them."

After hearing this, the city master fell into contemplation. After a while, he asked, "Can I see them?"

Ma Yuan nodded and said, "Of course, we are just protecting your family, not under house arrest. Of course, if you do something that is not conducive to my Mingjiao, then it may not necessarily be house arrest. Now."

After hearing this, the city master nodded and said, "Well, I can send them to the top of the light, but I don't know where I am going?"

After Ma Yuan heard it, he didn't speak, but thought for a while, then even said, "You still stay here as a city master, after all, I don't want to confront the court now."

After hearing this, the host nodded and said, "Well, I don't know what I want to do?"

Ma Yuansui even said, "You are just as good as before. I will contact you when I need you. It's just that you can resolve the matter with the court yourself. I believe you have been a city owner for so many years. It’s not in vain, you should be able to explain some things clearly."

After hearing this, the city master nodded and said, "That's good."

Ma Yuan nodded, and then even said, "Go and arrange your brothers, see how to explain to them, remember, don't expose you to join Mingjiao."

After hearing this, the city master nodded and said, "Well, Master, I will go first."

Ma Yuan nodded, and when the City Lord saw it, he bowed and slowly retreated to arrange for his officers and men to go.

When Ma Yuan saw the city master gone, he was not only thinking about it. In fact, my original intention was to kill you, but my Mingjiao did not want to face the court now. My Mingjiao still needs a little time, and Mongolia is now staring at the Song Dynasty. Even if my Mingjiao didn't help Da Song, it wouldn't be able to consume Da Song's national power, so it would only be cheaper for you.

Ma Yuansui even said to Yang Xiao, "Yang Zuoshen, please take a look at the team and see how long you can hide before this matter spreads. Try to hide as much time as possible to teach me." Brother some time."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao asked doubtfully: "Master, what are we doing to hide some of the world? Isn't this a solution? And my Mingjiao brothers shouldn't let them come over."

After Ma Yuan heard it, he shook his head, and then said, "It's not that simple. Since Yi Xuan Pavilion dare to provoke me to Mingjiao, then you have to be prepared to crush the bones, and you can also use Yi Xuan Pavilion. For stepping stones, let the court and the rivers and lakes look at the strength of my Mingjiao and let them know that not everyone can cause me."

Yang Xiao nodded, and took the lead. After a moment, Yang Xiao came back and said to Ma Yuan: "Master, we estimate that we can still hide about two hours. I don't know if it will be within time? "

After listening to it, Ma Yuan thought for a while and then said, "No, it's too late. You first lead the uninjured brother, go to the headquarters of Yixuan Pavilion, and surround them with their headquarters. In the mountains, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. You should surround yourself first. Don’t attack. After tomorrow, I will wait for the Mingjiao people to arrive.

After listening, Yang Xiao nodded and turned around to leave. Ma Yuan suddenly shouted, "Yang Zuo, wait a minute."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao turned around and asked, "What's wrong, Master, is there anything else to explain?"

Ma Yuan nodded and said, "Well, I'm afraid that the master of the Yixuan Pavilion will hear the news and run away. All of you will go. Even if the master of the Pavilion's martial arts skills is too high, it will be no match for you. , I’m afraid that the master of the Yixuan Pavilion has some secret ways to escape, so you work hard and send someone in that mountain to guard every place. Before the guard, search the mountain side to see if you can find it. What is the secret road exit and the like, and here is left me and some injured brothers here, wait for the brothers who come to aid, I will lead them to attack Yixuan Pavilion."

After listening to it, Yang Xiao nodded and asked, "Master, do you have anything else to order? If not, I'll take someone first."

Ma Yuan thought about it, and there was nothing to explain, because he knew that what he could think of, Yang Xiao generally can also think, after all, there was no priest in Mingjiao before, and it was still as long as 18 years. Mingjiao is supported by Yang Xiao, so he doesn't need to worry about that, and everything is handed over to Yang Xiao, and he can rest assured.

Ma Yuansui even said: "No, you go, pay attention to your own safety, don't be attacked by Yi Xuange at night, don't be careless."

After listening, Yang Xiao nodded and clenched his fists, but then retreated.

More than 50,000 people including Yang Xiao followed the horses towards the mountains where Yi Xuan Pavilion was located. After more than two hours, Yang Xiao and others arrived at the foot of the mountains.

Just before Yang Xiao and others arrived at the foot of the mountain, three quarters before, the proprietor of Yixuan Pavilion also received a message. ,, ..

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