Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 15 Chapter 45: For help

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After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he didn't wait for the lord to answer or speak, but rushed toward the lord.

Seeing this scene, the city lord was horrified, and he stepped back, shouting while returning: "Come on, come on, don't let him come, I just doubled the terms I said, who killed him, rewarded gold for two thousand , Plus official into the lord."

When the officers and soldiers heard it, they were all crazy. Adding officers to the prince, golden two thousand, both of these are necessary things.

After Ma Yuan heard it, he smiled and shouted, "I'll kill you if you are afraid, hum."

After talking, he rushed to the officers and soldiers. When the officers and soldiers saw Ma Yuan rushing over, they cut off with a knife. When Ma Yuan saw it, and waved his sword, the officers and soldiers saw that their knife was broken. Feeling a whirlwind, I didn't even know anything.

The officers and soldiers next to him shouted, "He took a sword that cut iron like mud and blows his hair. Please be careful."

The officers and soldiers were killed by Ma Yuan's sword before they had finished speaking. All the officers and soldiers rushed to the horse's place without fear in their hearts.

However, the house is so big, and Ma Yuan is still blocked at the door. Only three people can come in at a time, and the three people will be killed by Ma Yuan with a sword.

After seeing the report, a general ran to the lord of the city and said, "The lord of the city, he, guards himself at the door. Our people can only go in three at a time, but he can't rush in. He is stuck at the door alone, just like , Once the husband is off, he must find a way to get him out of the room."

The lord of the city thought for a while and then said, "Well, let someone pick up the hammer and break the box."

The general led his life and went to find someone to fetch the hammer. After a while, a group of five or six people began to smash the wall. Ma Yuan listened in the box as if something was wrong.

Looking sideways, the wall on the left has been smashed out of a hole. After listening carefully, there is also a sound on the right. At this time, with a click, Ma Yuan turned to look.

A ladder hit the window sill, Ma Yuan's eyes narrowed, knowing that it was impossible for him to kill so easily. When the officers and men went to get the hammer, Ma Yuan killed almost 200 people, plus before More than 500 people have been killed, and now more than 700 people have been killed.

And the most important thing is, don’t look at Ma Yuan killing more than 700 people, he didn’t spend much internal energy, that is, when he used chopsticks to kill people, he spent some internal energy.

When blocked at the door, Ma Yuan relied entirely on the strength of the body and the sharpness of Tianjian, and now the internal force that Ma Yuan consumed has recovered.

Ma Yuan knew that he could not be relaxed, his eyes narrowed, and secretly said: "Since you want to kill me like this, then let you come to kill, just do not open inside the box, watching me will meet you."

After Ma Yuan thought about it, he lifted his legs and walked to the window. He looked at the officers and soldiers who climbed up. It didn't matter. After a jump, Ma Yuan just jumped down.

I heard someone say, "He jumped down, here."

When the people above heard this, they ran to the window and looked down. They saw that Ma Yuanguo was really underneath. The city master said secretly, "This kid is really a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers."

Ma Yuan was above that he knew that today's things could not be as simple as that, and it could be solved, so he just jumped in and mobilized the people.

After Ma Yuan jumped down, he put his hand into his arms and took out an object. It was the Mingjiao fireworks order. When he pulled the line with his hand, it exploded into the sky. The officers and men saw it in a cup. There was a fire, so I didn't think about it.

This firework is a signal for help dedicated to the leader of the Ming religion. The pattern is the torch of the Ming religion and the cup of the torch. This pattern represents that the leader is experiencing a crisis of life and death.

The Mingjiao ordinary church members and Mingjiao leaders also have this kind of fireworks order. The fireworks of ordinary teachers are Ming, this word is smaller than the leader, that is, the captain level is, teach, this word, and the leader It is, Mingjiao, the word.

Of course, there is another fireworks order in Ma Yuan's arms. That was to convene the crowd. In fact, these were arranged after Ma Yuan became the leader. Above the captain, all held two fireworks orders.

And in a small town three hundred miles away, Yang Xiao and others were accompanying Yang Buchen and Xiao Zhao on the street. Suddenly, a teacher next to him said, "Yang Zuo Shi, look, that Is it the leader’s signal?"

Yang Xiao looked up and instantly looked aside, and shouted: "Look at the map to see where it is, how to teach the Lord to go for a long time, and then he is in danger."

Everyone took out the map, and when they looked at it, one person said, "Yang Zuoshen, that's Yuecheng."

Yang Xiao didn't speak, lowered her head in contemplation, and suddenly, as soon as her eyes lit up, she asked, "Does the Information Hall know how many people in Yuecheng teach me?"

After listening to it, Yijingshan thought about it and said, "There are about thirty people in the intelligence hall in Yuecheng, but they have no fighting power. As for whether there are other people who I teach clearly, I don't know much."

Yang Xiao listened, his face sank, and he even said, "Go back to the station, take out all the pigeons, explain things clearly, let the pigeons fly to each station, and then pass them one by one, telling each station, at Send a letter to Guangmingding, remember, be sure to rush to Yuecheng as quickly as possible."|

Yang Xiao paused and continued: "Also, every station must send out all the people. If you don't have a leader, you don't have my Mingjiao. The leader is not just my benefactor, but also my Mingjiao's benefactor, Guangming Ding. The last host and deputy host don’t have to leave people anymore. Let everyone come down on the top of the light. I’m going to see, who dares to provoke me to Mingjiao, I’m really impatient, this stop My Mingjiao is going to tell the world that my Mingjiao is not so annoying."

After everyone heard it, they led their lives. Even after they ran to the station, Yang Xiao and other people also ran to the station. Yang Xiao ran while thinking, "I don't know if I can make it, Master, you are sympathetic to me. , Even if you encounter misfortune, but the person who works must destroy his nine races, the leader, you must persevere."

Yang Xiao knew that it would be too late to wait for others to rush, and many of the stations were even slower, and it took at least four or five days for the people on the top of the Ming religion to arrive.

However, every effort must be made. After a while, Yang Xiao and others rushed to the station, and when they arrived, they shouted, "Hurry up and prepare the horse."

The guard at the door said, "Envoy Yang Zuo, I and others have also seen the leader's distress signal, and now the horse shop is ready for horses,"

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